Into the Night
Verified User
Get rid of the damn guns.
Get rid of the damn guns.
Incorrect. You cannot understand the 2nd amendment. Or, it seems nearly anything else.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Seriously, you and I both know that ain't happening. The worst case scenario for our resident gunners is the re-instatement of the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994,. Even then, the little paranoids will have legal access to more guns and rifles than they could shake a stick at.
No it's a new era,being dominated by the rise of women, it won't be long till they become dominant in Congress!And guns will be the first victim of a feminist Congress!
...and you're well known for your love of pink sword fights.
Did you report it?How is the hell does this meme pass through all the "rules"?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Um, NO? As it stands, there are strict requirements in most states to have a conceal carry permit. Open carry is essentially rare in the America...and given the rash of mass shootings and gangs that can't shoot straight, its a damned good thing for both.
The OP was pure BS, as I previously proved. Silly for anyone to try and defend or build on it.
Strict requirements ? All I did was demonstrate common sense gun safety and ask..
All YOU did was just regurgitate a bunch of failed LaPierre style NRA talking points wrapped in your supposition and conjecture. You did this is as some sort of defense of the OP, which is indefensible. Nothing I referred to is inaccurate.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Um, NO? As it stands, there are strict requirements in most states to have a conceal carry permit. Open carry is essentially rare in the America...and given the rash of mass shootings and gangs that can't shoot straight, its a damned good thing for both.
The OP was pure BS, as I previously proved. Silly for anyone to try and defend or build on it.
You are BS. 30 states allow unlicensed open carry.
don't talk about things you know nothing about
We have to do a better job of screening the idiots out of the pack. So, it pretty much comes down to licensing sellers and owners. If I had my way, each state would adapt licensing and Title for every weapon in the state.
Back in the early 1900's it was determined that Automobiles were also deadly in the wrong hands and were a danger of being stolen. The states worked together to create a licensing system for ownership and sales, and a Title system mandatory for every automobile in their state.
I am not sure where we would all be without it! Can you even imagine?
Did you report it?
Why wouldn’t it pass the rules? Which rule, specifically, do you want to see me banned for?
For years I've proposed in conversations like these that we treat guns like we do cars.....FOR EVERY STATE you have to be a certain age, be issued an owners license, pass owner education tests, have the weapon licensed to you, officially transfer ownership during any sales and have license and ownership registered when you move to another state. This would be added to something similar to the 1994 AWB.
This raises all types of hell with gun "purest" who think they have a Constitutional right to buy a gun(s) without any accountability to any law enforcement agency, carry it when and where ever they please and sell it without any transaction records. That you have an increase in gang violence, "iron pipelines" and mass shootings doesn't seem to phase these folks....thus resulting in nonsense like the OP here.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
All YOU did was just regurgitate a bunch of failed LaPierre style NRA talking points wrapped in your supposition and conjecture. You did this is as some sort of defense of the OP, which is indefensible. Nothing I referred to is inaccurate.
No. I told you what I personally had to do by way of "strict requirements" to get my CCP.
You seem to be attempting to have me saying things I did not say or imply.
Its not my fault you laid out a false presumption but that's common for gun grabbers.
Originally Posted by Celticguy View Post
Pols only ban guns for fear of them being used against themselves.
This is exactly the reason they were constitutionally protected in the first place.
That's also why they are more concerned about rifles than handguns despite the fact that Giffords and Reagan were shot with handguns. Rifles allow one to be much farther away from your target and harder for the protective services to defend against.
I would prefer everyone be required to conceal or open carry. Good reason to be polite.
Why would it be “porn”? Slurs against another poster on JPP???? Please say it ain’t so!Nope.....not aimed at me. I guess this doesn't count as "porn" or a slur against another poster.
To me, it's just sick. But, as they say, there's no accounting for taste.
Why would it be “porn”? Slurs against another poster on JPP???? Please say it ain’t so!
Why is it sick, Liberal? Is it because I made it or because you are defending poor little Fredo?
We’ll have to agree to disagree on that point, liberal since, despite all the comments and memes on JPP, this is the first time I’ve seen you so upset over one. Wassup?Dutch, I'm not into bickering just for the sake of it...
Well, if every adult 18 something had to do 3 or 4 months of military training (think bootcamp +) that would pretty much do the trick. It'd easily weed out 90% of the 'problem children' in terms of guns. If you didn't satisfactorily complete that training, no gun for you! That would meet the "militia" and "well regulated" parts of the 2nd Amendment-- you go military basic training and were determined to not be a criminal, idiot, or simpleton.
You then get an ID card to prove you were trained, and the government will pay you annually a small amount to buy ammunition to go and practice at a range with. Go with friends, take the family. If you do good shooting you get a plaque or other reward, maybe some cash...
Government force? yeah, like the left shoving things down your throat. Your terms are heavily slanted. You have people on their own turn in their guns. Other nations have done it successfully.
It's called eminent domain and is perfectly legal. The US government, assuming that they had some legal means to confiscate everyone's firearms would have to compensate them for the loss. That would run into the trillions of dollars and make taking everyone's guns impossible on cost alone.