Do you still support America's genocide in the Middle East?

I have to admit that you finally were able to come to a logical conclusion and yes, I am embarassed that you are such a dumbfuck.

Please try to prove me incorrect.

Don't have to. In this one thread alone, you have proven yourself;
incapable of debate

If you had anything intelligent to say, you would have said it by now.
How boring it must be in your home.
Don't have to. In this one thread alone, you have proven yourself;
incapable of debate

If you had anything intelligent to say, you would have said it by now.
How boring it must be in your home.

And yet you are such a dumbfuck that you want to assign the word genocide to the war in Iraq.
How lonely your home must be.
You denying genocide is no different than an alcholic denying a drinking problem. It is expected. What is sad is that you can't offer any evidence to support your claim.
What is our intent in Iraq? Why are we there?

Goddammit... why don't you go ask Obama why we're still there? He promised he would end the war and bring the troops home when he was running for president, that's why half of you fucktards voted for him... so why the fuck aren't you people camped out wherever he goes, with Cyndi Shehan blubbering into the cameras? Why has the entire liberal left completely shut up about Iraq... except to continue pretending Bush is still president and can do something about it? Your guy, who said he would END THE WAR got elected... HE LIED TO YOU! And you have the fucking audacity to ask US why we're there? FUCK YOU! Go ask your LYING President!
Goddammit... why don't you go ask Obama why we're still there? He promised he would end the war and bring the troops home when he was running for president, that's why half of you fucktards voted for him... so why the fuck aren't you people camped out wherever he goes, with Cyndi Shehan blubbering into the cameras? Why has the entire liberal left completely shut up about Iraq... except to continue pretending Bush is still president and can do something about it? Your guy, who said he would END THE WAR got elected... HE LIED TO YOU! And you have the fucking audacity to ask US why we're there? FUCK YOU! Go ask your LYING President!

America is leaving Iraq that is a fact.
Goddammit... why don't you go ask Obama why we're still there? He promised he would end the war and bring the troops home when he was running for president, that's why half of you fucktards voted for him... so why the fuck aren't you people camped out wherever he goes, with Cyndi Shehan blubbering into the cameras? Why has the entire liberal left completely shut up about Iraq... except to continue pretending Bush is still president and can do something about it? Your guy, who said he would END THE WAR got elected... HE LIED TO YOU! And you have the fucking audacity to ask US why we're there? FUCK YOU! Go ask your LYING President!

Sorry, my relationship with President Obama ended when he refused to pursue wrongdoings by the Bush administration.
If he did then most of congress did including lots of democrates.

While I agree that most in congress (including democrats) are criminals to one degree or another, Bush alone is responsible for his own actions.

He admitted to authorising torture in his OWN book, he is a known war criminal, as is Cheney and Rumsfeld.

no, I don't mean made up liberal bullshit....for real, where are there a million dead....the war began 94 months order for there to be one million dead we would have to have seen casualties at the rate of 10,600 per month for each of the 94 months......even Al Jazeera states that the casualty rate at the peak of the fighting was under 2000 a month.......and there were many months when the rate was under a hundred......where are they hiding all the missing bodies?......

your link says that iraqbodycount "provides the most reliable, frequently updated database of deaths in Iraq".....

yet Iraqbodycount states the casualties total around 100,000, not one million.....

you need to stop throwing silly claims around as if they were real.....
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Sorry, my relationship with President Obama ended when he refused to pursue wrongdoings by the Bush administration.

Well you're pissed off at the wrong people then. It's not Bush's fault Obama didn't 'pursue wrongdoings' is it? It's not the right-wing's fault, is it? Who's fucking fault would you say it is? I would say, just a logical guess... it might be the man in charge, who you undoubtedly voted for and supported.

So you need to carry this vitriol and angst to President Obama, and stop spewing it here at people who don't have any control over the situation. What difference does it make if every fucking right-winger on this site agrees with you 100% and admits Iraq was a mistake? Is that what you are after? Is that what this is all about to you? It's not really about soldiers dying or the people of Iraq dying, it's about the right not giving you a hand job and making you feel like you are smart?

Let me clue you pathetically dumb ass in on something... Right now, in Iraq, there are about 26 million people who emphatically disagree with your assessment of the situation, and would tell you they are FAR better off now, than before Saddam was ousted. Democracy (which your minions said would never work there) HAS worked there for almost 7 years. Not only that, but Iraq is no longer a hotbed of radical Islamic terrorism, as it was under Saddam. There are no more alQaeda training camps, the 'insurgency' which was mostly radical Islamics, is all but gone, and the Iraqi security forces have been handling the remnants for over 6 months now, without ANY help from our forces. You are just an ignorant hick who listens to too much left-wing conspiracy garbage, and has probably never learned a lick of world history. Totally fucking CLUELESS!
WHY THE FUCK ARE WE IN IRAQ! Give me one good reason. I don't think you can or you already would have.
Because protecting the oil of the Persian gulf from foreign (non Western European) influence has been a matter of national policy since the 60s.

Game, set, match.