The reality of what the Scriptures say about supporting Government and being a Christian? It has nothing to do with money....but the responsibility of all those professing to be Christians.
1st... The Apostle Paul (a hand picked Apostle, appointed by the Christ) made it known that ALL GOVERNMENTS, pagan or not...exist by the authority of God.....and all Christians are commanded to be subject to those common laws of the land,
"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities (so much for those fake Christians that claim Trump is not their president). For there is no authority except from God, and THE AUTHORITIES THAT EXIST ARE APPOINTED BY GOD. Therefore WHOEVER resists (breaks the law of the land...etc.,) the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment upon themselves." -- Romans 13:1-2
In fact during the time of Christ upon earth and shortly after there were several examples of Christians actually working in government positions of authority. Example "Zacchaeus" was a tax collector (Luke: 19-2), even when he repented of his sinful life there is no evidence that he quit his job after he became a Christian (Luke 19:8-10). There are other examples of individual Christians serving in Caesar's government, "All saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household." -- Phil. 4:22
Not to mention the very first gentile covert to become a Christian was a Roman Commander, a soldier in Caesar's Army....Cornelius (Acts 10). Another example of a so called Pagan being called to serve the Lord ....the Ethiopian eunuch who severed the queen of Ethiopia directly as a tax collector...and came to Jerusalem to worship the Lord (Acts 8:27).
But...back to content of the Word of God and how a Christian is to obey the government appointed over him/her. Its clear that Christians are not forbidden to serve in a government position. Then the Apostle has a warning against anyone that does not obey that government, "For he (government authority as per the context) is GOD'S MINISTER UNTO YOU FOR GOOD. But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain (a reference to having God's authority to administer the DEATH PENALTY when required).....FOR HE IS GOD'S MINISTER, AND AVENGER TO EXECUTE WRATH ON HIM WHO PRACTICES EVIL." -- Romans 13:4
Why does God allow the government to seek revenge in order to defend even Christians against evil? Because the Christian is indeed forbidden to seek revenge and take the law into his own hands (there is a difference between revenge and self defense)....Vengeance belongs to God...not the Christian (Romans 12:19)
This revelation proves that God allows the death penalty...for God is the one that instigated the penalty of death for those who engaged in acts of evil against his fellow particularly the spilling of innocent blood (Genesis 9:5-6)
The direct words of Christ as revealed in the scripture proves that ALL GOVERNMENTS exist by the authority of God. "Then Pilate said to Him (Jesus)....Are you speaking to me? Do you know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You? Jesus answered, You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given to you from above. Therefore the one that delivered Me has the greater sin. (referring to His innocence)" -- John 19: 10-11.
The question then is the fact of those attempting to accuse the President of something that has not happened. Just when did Mr. Trump demand of those who supported him to Send Money to this woman? Document it. If not.....this thread contains nothing but ignorance to the truth found in the actual text of the Word of God...and Gossip instigated by those attempting to reject the authority of the duly elected and appointed Government authority known as President Donald J. Trump.