Do you want to know what Small hands spiritual adviser wants from you good Christians

The reality of what the Scriptures say about supporting Government and being a Christian? It has nothing to do with money....but the responsibility of all those professing to be Christians.

1st... The Apostle Paul (a hand picked Apostle, appointed by the Christ) made it known that ALL GOVERNMENTS, pagan or not...exist by the authority of God.....and all Christians are commanded to be subject to those common laws of the land,

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities (so much for those fake Christians that claim Trump is not their president). For there is no authority except from God, and THE AUTHORITIES THAT EXIST ARE APPOINTED BY GOD. Therefore WHOEVER resists (breaks the law of the land...etc.,) the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment upon themselves." -- Romans 13:1-2

In fact during the time of Christ upon earth and shortly after there were several examples of Christians actually working in government positions of authority. Example "Zacchaeus" was a tax collector (Luke: 19-2), even when he repented of his sinful life there is no evidence that he quit his job after he became a Christian (Luke 19:8-10). There are other examples of individual Christians serving in Caesar's government, "All saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household." -- Phil. 4:22

Not to mention the very first gentile covert to become a Christian was a Roman Commander, a soldier in Caesar's Army....Cornelius (Acts 10). Another example of a so called Pagan being called to serve the Lord ....the Ethiopian eunuch who severed the queen of Ethiopia directly as a tax collector...and came to Jerusalem to worship the Lord (Acts 8:27).

But...back to content of the Word of God and how a Christian is to obey the government appointed over him/her. Its clear that Christians are not forbidden to serve in a government position. Then the Apostle has a warning against anyone that does not obey that government, "For he (government authority as per the context) is GOD'S MINISTER UNTO YOU FOR GOOD. But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain (a reference to having God's authority to administer the DEATH PENALTY when required).....FOR HE IS GOD'S MINISTER, AND AVENGER TO EXECUTE WRATH ON HIM WHO PRACTICES EVIL." -- Romans 13:4

Why does God allow the government to seek revenge in order to defend even Christians against evil? Because the Christian is indeed forbidden to seek revenge and take the law into his own hands (there is a difference between revenge and self defense)....Vengeance belongs to God...not the Christian (Romans 12:19)

This revelation proves that God allows the death penalty...for God is the one that instigated the penalty of death for those who engaged in acts of evil against his fellow particularly the spilling of innocent blood (Genesis 9:5-6)

The direct words of Christ as revealed in the scripture proves that ALL GOVERNMENTS exist by the authority of God. "Then Pilate said to Him (Jesus)....Are you speaking to me? Do you know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You? Jesus answered, You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given to you from above. Therefore the one that delivered Me has the greater sin. (referring to His innocence)" -- John 19: 10-11.

The question then is the fact of those attempting to accuse the President of something that has not happened. Just when did Mr. Trump demand of those who supported him to Send Money to this woman? Document it. If not.....this thread contains nothing but ignorance to the truth found in the actual text of the Word of God...and Gossip instigated by those attempting to reject the authority of the duly elected and appointed Government authority known as President Donald J. Trump. ;)

Personally what YOU THINK means nothing.....for one must worship in spirit and truth. In relation to Truth...there is only one truth when it comes to Christian Doctrine...the WORD OF GOD. You are supposed to be "sanctified in the word of Truth...God's word." -- John 17:17

Its not WHAT YOU THINK that makes you free...its TRUTH John 8:31-32

No one can know the truth without studying the ENTIRE WORD OF can't "cherry pick" from scripture and be made must consider ALL THE WORD OF GOD (Ps. 119:160). A half truth can be twisted into a whole lie.

I have thatowlwoman beast lover on ignore but I have 2cent to "share' about the post you respond to: 1. that ain't the KJV and it seems foreign to me, 2. leftist/ liberals always seem to fail to consider the context of scripture, especially the contexts of Christ's testimonies. this is great error which leads to self reformer, antichrist, moralizer, and in this forum; socialistic heresy. as it was, so it is with us all. I do entreat for the understanding to be opened for every soul which earnestly seeks Christ and does not dishonestly apply the word of truth for carnal , political and self serving advancement. Lord have mercy.

You know I could show you mansions of preachers all day that would shock you, don't you. Saying your preacher is different, proves nothing. First, justy you saying so. But if true, that does not mean there are not lots and lots of preachers who don't get rich. Religions blow the money of the brethren by the ton. and They build temples to themselves.

To be fair, I believe that most ministers are honest and sincere people who truly believe what they preach and teach. I don't believe that they are in it for the money. We were Lutheran growing up. Even though our pastor had a small salary and the use of the home next to our church rent-free, they were apparently still pretty poor, especially given the area where we lived. My mom used to quietly collect clothes, toys, checks, food items and such from the other church ladies that they would leave in the church fellowship hall with the pastor's family's names on them, anonymously. Of course that was back in the 60s before mega churches were a thing. Even so, I think that most ministers are honest folks. My daughters' cousin is a Christian minister in a very poor community in Brazil. His father's church had to raise enough $ for airline tickets for them to come home to the funeral when his dad passed away a couple years ago.
Want bigotry and greed, go to a southern church. Show me a preacher with 2 suits and I will show you a hypocrite. If they presume to teach about god, they should live what they preach. They do not. They call the church members a flock, because they fleece them.

does not your northern catholic whore tenfold ? T E N F O L D. southern msr are daughters of the northern [catholic] mistress to the beast. this is drunkenness and fornication.
You know I could show you mansions of preachers all day that would shock you, don't you. Saying your preacher is different, proves nothing. First, justy you saying so. But if true, that does not mean there are not lots and lots of preachers who don't get rich. Religions blow the money of the brethren by the ton. and They build temples to themselves.

Showing me those mansions proves nothing other than what I've already said about some misusing their position and God's word for their own benefit.

Since I know mine and you don't, are you going to tell me you think you know more about him than I do? Typical of a religion hater. Find 1 in 1 million that misuses something and applies it to all of them not because it's true but because he hates religion.

Your link shows a Mormon temple. If it means anything, I consider the Mormons a cult. It's not because of what they build but for what they preach that isn't in line with the word of God.
Who the fuck is "Barry Soetoro", you fake Xtian?

Talk about no shame. Isn't lying forbidden by your god?
"Thou shalt not bear false witness."

Who is Barry? Exactly, dumb as dirt...but that don't stop you from voting your ignorance into power. ;) As the scriptures declare...cherry picking scriptures in order to charge others with a sin is priceless when you have a beam in your own eye. Study the word and you might comprehend exactly what is meant by "judge not less you judge righteously". You are as "FAKE" as they get. Should I send money to "your" address....just PM me your account and ss numbers and we will get right...err...left on that. :laugh:

And you are attempting to "chastise" dropping the "F" bomb....and you are feigning outrage over the words "SHITHOLE"....FUNNY AS THE HELL YOU ARE GOING TO.... The typical leftist. That's why I am I have stated on many occasion, I simply love winding a liberal up by calling them the liar they are and proving it via their own words.
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Here we go again. Having your ass handed to you not enough. Got your parroted shopping list ready, as you don't have the brains God gave a little goose?

Its a simple thing to use Objective evidence to prove one thing in the Bible to be false....if you are correct, but what you present is ad hominem BS. Proceed provethe Scriptures wrong. Prove through the scientific method or history actual any projected truth in the Holy Scriptures to be demonstrably false. What you get is subjective conjecture and speculation with no evidence proven via history or real science that uses the method of Objective, Reproducible and consistency to prove FACTS. Just like you do not know who "Barry" most assuredly do not comprehend Truth as derived via Prima Facie evidences. :)

What I enjoy most is someone that self professes not to believe in God....yet attempts to use the word of God...something they call a LIE to prove someone is lying. Priceless. You prove someone is lying via using a source that is self professed by you as being false, a lie? Now that's liberal logic for you. Why don't you get the liar Flynn....who is going to testify against the president on your side? I am sure he is not going to lie again....THIS TIME. Priceless liberal logic.

Here's a simple question...answer it via use of the scientific method. What Caused the creation of the world. What is the cause of the effect known as the physical universe. Don't attempt to say.....THE BIG BANG....where did the energy come from that caused the BIG BANG? Don't say the universe came from nothing. Why? Its a logical conclusion that when you start with nothing (-0-) you end with nothing (-0-).

And don't even attempt to ask where did God come from...who created the Spirit known as God? God was never created...He is eternal...unlike the physical universe.

Hurry up.....go to the web and "parrot" your shopping list of supposed scriptural contradictions. All of which have been debunked previously....just ask a few of the dwebs on this site.
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Who is Barry? Exactly, dumb as dirt...but that don't stop you from voting your ignorance into power. ;) As the scriptures declare...cherry picking scriptures in order to charge others with a sin is priceless when you have a beam in your own eye. Study the word and you might comprehend exactly what is meant by "judge not less you judge righteously". You are as "FAKE" as they get. Should I send money to "your" address....just PM me your account and ss numbers and we will get right...err...left on that. :laugh:

And you are attempting to "chastise" dropping the "F" bomb....and you are feigning outrage over the words "SHITHOLE"....FUNNY AS THE HELL YOU ARE GOING TO.... The typical leftist. That's why I am I have stated on many occasion, I simply love winding a liberal up by calling them the liar they are and proving it via their own words.

Sure, send me all your money. I can guarantee you that it would go to help the very ppl you Fake Xtians most despise -- the poor, the disenfranchised, the strangers in a strange land, the minorities, the sick, the dying. You know -- all those children of God that Christ loved, healed, and eventually died for.

To be fair, I believe that most ministers are honest and sincere people who truly believe what they preach and teach. I don't believe that they are in it for the money. We were Lutheran growing up. Even though our pastor had a small salary and the use of the home next to our church rent-free, they were apparently still pretty poor, especially given the area where we lived. My mom used to quietly collect clothes, toys, checks, food items and such from the other church ladies that they would leave in the church fellowship hall with the pastor's family's names on them, anonymously. Of course that was back in the 60s before mega churches were a thing. Even so, I think that most ministers are honest folks. My daughters' cousin is a Christian minister in a very poor community in Brazil. His father's church had to raise enough $ for airline tickets for them to come home to the funeral when his dad passed away a couple years ago.

God's Word is free, but somebody has to put in the lights and plumbing.
To be fair, I believe that most ministers are honest and sincere people who truly believe what they preach and teach. I don't believe that they are in it for the money. We were Lutheran growing up. Even though our pastor had a small salary and the use of the home next to our church rent-free, they were apparently still pretty poor, especially given the area where we lived. My mom used to quietly collect clothes, toys, checks, food items and such from the other church ladies that they would leave in the church fellowship hall with the pastor's family's names on them, anonymously. Of course that was back in the 60s before mega churches were a thing. Even so, I think that most ministers are honest folks. My daughters' cousin is a Christian minister in a very poor community in Brazil. His father's church had to raise enough $ for airline tickets for them to come home to the funeral when his dad passed away a couple years ago.
I agree, the majority of ministers I have met are genuinely sincere and kind people who do good works with their religion. Our poster leaningright is a minister who I think is an example of a genuinely good man, although a bit misguided on Trump ;)
Here we go again. Having your ass handed to you not enough. Got your parroted shopping list ready, as you don't have the brains God gave a little goose?

Its a simple thing to use Objective evidence to prove one thing in the Bible to be false....if you are correct, but what you present is ad hominem BS. Proceed provethe Scriptures wrong. Prove through the scientific method or history actual any projected truth in the Holy Scriptures to be demonstrably false. What you get is subjective conjecture and speculation with no evidence proven via history or real science that uses the method of Objective, Reproducible and consistency to prove FACTS. Just like you do not know who "Barry" most assuredly do not comprehend Truth as derived via Prima Facie evidences. :)

What I enjoy most is someone that self professes not to believe in God....yet attempts to use the word of God...something they call a LIE to prove someone is lying. Priceless. You prove someone is lying via using a source that is self professed by you as being false, a lie? Now that's liberal logic for you. Why don't you get the liar Flynn....who is going to testify against the president on your side? I am sure he is not going to lie again....THIS TIME. Priceless liberal logic.

Here's a simple question...answer it via use of the scientific method. What Caused the creation of the world. What is the cause of the effect known as the physical universe. Don't attempt to say.....THE BIG BANG....where did the energy come from that caused the BIG BANG? Don't say the universe came from nothing. Why? Its a logical conclusion that when you start with nothing (-0-) you end with nothing (-0-).

And don't even attempt to ask where did God come from...who created the Spirit known as God? God was never created...He is eternal...unlike the physical universe.

Hurry up.....go to the web and "parrot" your shopping list of supposed scriptural contradictions. All of which have been debunked previously....just ask a few of the dwebs on this site.

You’re a fucking demented idiot, Ralphie. Using the Bible to prove the validity of the Bible is thevery definition of circular argument.

“He is eternal”
How do you know?
“The Bible says so”
How do you know the Bible iscorrect?
“He said so”

(return to top)

Stay off the hooch, Thumper. And get back on your Alzheimer’s meds.
God's Word is free, but somebody has to put in the lights and plumbing.

Of course. I don't think that many begrudge a minister, rabbi, iman, etc. from accepting a salary and/or a home as well in return for their service. What most of us don't care for, on the other hand, are those mega-church charlatans fleecing their flocks -- and us taxpayers as well -- with their tax-free millions in donations, multi-million homes with an accompanying lavish lifestyle.
I agree, the majority of ministers I have met are genuinely sincere and kind people who do good works with their religion. Our poster leaningright is a minister who I think is an example of a genuinely good man, although a bit misguided on Trump ;)

Maybe we can save him! lol

I didn't know that he was a minister; he's one of the few remaining cons here I don't have on the Wall of Ignoring.
Prima Facie evidences. Beats the hell out of the circular reasoning behind your Darwinian Cultist reasoning based upon the magic of the Universe creating itself from nothing. If not....explain where the Cause of the effect known as the Physical Universe came from. I shall be awaiting your objective evidence derived via the scientific method since you are the one claiming to be working with SCIENCE. Prove it.

You can''ve had your ass handed to you so many times previously when you attempt to argue against the Scriptures when you parrot information from other idiots because you are not intelligent enough to articulate your own position. The archives are filled with your ass fact so many times you run when ever I post. Your ass must be healing a little. :laugh:
Prima Facie evidences. Beats the hell out of the circular reasoning behind your Darwinian Cultist reasoning based upon the magic of the Universe creating itself from nothing. If not....explain where the Cause of the effect known as the Physical Universe came from. I shall be awaiting your objective evidence derived via the scientific method since you are the one claiming to be working with SCIENCE. Prove it.

You can''ve had your ass handed to you so many times previously when you attempt to argue against the Scriptures when you parrot information from other idiots because you are not intelligent enough to articulate your own position. The archives are filled with your ass fact so many times you run when ever I post. Your ass must be healing a little. :laugh:

How very Christian of you. I'm convinced. Convinced, that is, that your faith isn't the right one for me or anyone else with a conscience, empathy, compassion, intelligence, and a heart that desires to know the divine.
The reality of what the Scriptures say about supporting Government and being a Christian? It has nothing to do with money....but the responsibility of all those professing to be Christians.

1st... The Apostle Paul (a hand picked Apostle, appointed by the Christ) made it known that ALL GOVERNMENTS, pagan or not...exist by the authority of God.....and all Christians are commanded to be subject to those common laws of the land,

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities (so much for those fake Christians that claim Trump is not their president). For there is no authority except from God, and THE AUTHORITIES THAT EXIST ARE APPOINTED BY GOD. Therefore WHOEVER resists (breaks the law of the land...etc.,) the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment upon themselves." -- Romans 13:1-2

In fact during the time of Christ upon earth and shortly after there were several examples of Christians actually working in government positions of authority. Example "Zacchaeus" was a tax collector (Luke: 19-2), even when he repented of his sinful life there is no evidence that he quit his job after he became a Christian (Luke 19:8-10). There are other examples of individual Christians serving in Caesar's government, "All saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household." -- Phil. 4:22

Not to mention the very first gentile covert to become a Christian was a Roman Commander, a soldier in Caesar's Army....Cornelius (Acts 10). Another example of a so called Pagan being called to serve the Lord ....the Ethiopian eunuch who severed the queen of Ethiopia directly as a tax collector...and came to Jerusalem to worship the Lord (Acts 8:27).

But...back to content of the Word of God and how a Christian is to obey the government appointed over him/her. Its clear that Christians are not forbidden to serve in a government position. Then the Apostle has a warning against anyone that does not obey that government, "For he (government authority as per the context) is GOD'S MINISTER UNTO YOU FOR GOOD. But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain (a reference to having God's authority to administer the DEATH PENALTY when required).....FOR HE IS GOD'S MINISTER, AND AVENGER TO EXECUTE WRATH ON HIM WHO PRACTICES EVIL." -- Romans 13:4

Why does God allow the government to seek revenge in order to defend even Christians against evil? Because the Christian is indeed forbidden to seek revenge and take the law into his own hands (there is a difference between revenge and self defense)....Vengeance belongs to God...not the Christian (Romans 12:19)

This revelation proves that God allows the death penalty...for God is the one that instigated the penalty of death for those who engaged in acts of evil against his fellow particularly the spilling of innocent blood (Genesis 9:5-6)

The direct words of Christ as revealed in the scripture proves that ALL GOVERNMENTS exist by the authority of God. "Then Pilate said to Him (Jesus)....Are you speaking to me? Do you know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You? Jesus answered, You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given to you from above. Therefore the one that delivered Me has the greater sin. (referring to His innocence)" -- John 19: 10-11.

The question then is the fact of those attempting to accuse the President of something that has not happened. Just when did Mr. Trump demand of those who supported him to Send Money to this woman? Document it. If not.....this thread contains nothing but ignorance to the truth found in the actual text of the Word of God...and Gossip instigated by those attempting to reject the authority of the duly elected and appointed Government authority known as President Donald J. Trump. ;)
Funny , what a pile of crap, my government tells me to kill someone , I won't nor should I, as a Christian. This pretend Christian Minister who is a advisor to scum bag himself, isn't the end of the story but just a small part of the story but it is very significant part, showing you, the nuts and the goofball he has surrounded himself with , because they will do what ever he wants. This man is the lowest level of mankind and is this countries biggest threat by far. If you say that all those things listed in the bible are telling you to honor your government and do as they tell you to do, then the bible wrong but they don't mean what you want them to, hell I have more common sense then that . I would have never done what the Nazi party told me to do. as a example. and I would never do what your scum bag president told me to do, for the same reason, because I'm a Christian and he is a pagan.