You are a Christian and claim the Bible is wrong and you are right in judgment because of your political ideology? I see......

Said the blind man.
What? Can't comprehend simple English? The book, chapter and verses were presented.....they read the same for both you and I. As I said, it does not matter what "you" or "I" Think, as the scriptures are not for private interpretation, the prophets of God who recorded the revelations from God have preformed that task.
This is not to say there are not many interpretations today......but its the duty of the Christian to search the scriptures in order to determine the correct interpretation, as the scriptures never contradict other sections of scripture....from Genesis to Revelation.
To get a correct interpretation that is not private interpretation..i.e, (a simple opinion with no objective scriptural information to back it up) must go to the source and find every place in scripture where God has addressed the subject matter at hand. You must consider, "....the whole council of God." -- Acts 20:17 on any given subject matter. These passages must be studied IN CONTEXT of the whole passage.
Even in the days of Christ and the Apostles there were some FALSE INTERPRETATIONS, some because people could not understand a certain revelation and some because of outright lies and falsehoods, If these interpretations come from man and are found to contradict the written revelation of God (the Bible)...they must be rejected as not being true doctrine.
Even Paul and Peter were conflicted concerning physical circumcision....Peter taught (as admitted not by divine inspiration that everyone must be physically circumcised in order to become a Christian, just as the Old Law taught)....but Paul (professing to work by divine inspiration on the subject declared that the new method of circumcision was not physical but a spiritual circumcision of the heart not the flesh, and the flesh was cut from your heart..i.e., circumcised when you arose from baptism).
Thus, Peter stood corrected when he was confronted by Paul (Gal. 5:2-4, Eph. 2:11-18)n (Gal. 2:7-10) From thereafter Peter taught to those of the circumcised, who were originally Jews and converted to Christianity...and Paul taught to the gentile, those who were never physically circumcised.
Your Opinion is "moot" when compared to the Word of God when considering Christian Doctrine. All Christian Doctrine comes from one source and has come from one source since the completed New Testament Covenant was recorded by the Saints of the 1st century.
If this is not true...enlighten us, just how does anyone come to accept Christianity as a personal faith...IF FIRST HE/SHE HAS NOT NOT HEARD THE WORD OF GOD? What? Are you born a Christian with an innate Magical faith?
Simply prove that ONE thing that was presented is not contained in the Holy Scriptures.....those were not my WORDS that were presented but the actual content of the Holy Scriptures and to pretend that they are somehow my personal opinion ignores the reality of the one can read a verbatim text and interpret it different without adding or taking away words from the context of the script and that is expressly forbidden as per the actual instructions of how to rightly divide the word of private interpretation is forbidden. (2 Peter 1:19-21
Its not my problem that you are charged by God if you willfully disobey the laws of the land....its YOUR PROBLEM and as I have no dog in the hunt FOR YOUR SOUL. You are to work out your own salvation....or not. Do as you will...ignore the Holy Scriptures at your own peril, you have FREE WILL. I simply presented the TRUTH as it was written. I do not profess to be the author of one word in the Holy Scriptures I simply present them by Book, Chapter and Verse. If you ignore the source of all Christian faith...the Holy Bible, that's your choice. If you profess to be a Christian and declare the scriptures wrong...then you are a FAKE CHRISTIAN as the words written therein are to judge all peoples. You have no choice, its not your decision. You can live your life as you will but you, just like everyone that came before you...that life is limited, as your were born to die.
There is no PRIVATE INTERPRETATION of scripture. Point one in order to prove the argument that all Christian Doctrine has one source and one source only, the Holy Scriptures. 1. "So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." -- Romans 10:17. Logically speaking just where does the Word of God exist? The same place it has existed over the past 2000 years in the Holy Bible, it don't exist in the mind of man, no one magically Talks to God, as God has no respect of person, thus to communicate with God one must go to the only source available...if you want to comprehend what God has revealed on the subject of Christianity....the Christian Bible..i.e., the New Testament. Again...anyone that tells you that God speaks directly to him/her and that revelation contradicts the actual content of the Word of God.....that person is LYING or has mental health issues...or both.
2. And just as I have done, one must prove what the Bible actually has to say on any topic addressed and claimed to be Christian in nature....the only method to objectively prove that is to present Book, Chapter and reads the same for all parties involved. The Christian is instructed to prove the doctrine he is professing by doing just that.....showing the source of that professed doctrine in the revealed word of God that was presented to the prophets of God, who have been proven to be Prophets of God via the use of Signs and Wonders made possible by God to confirm that a true prophet was speaking. A Christian is to speak in relation to Christian doctrine via speaking the "oracles" (Laws/record) of God -- 1 Peter 4:11 While giving thanks for everything to the Lord -- Col. 3:17
Show me today, ONE TRUE PROPHET OF GOD that proves he/she is speaking to God via some other method than reading the backing up what they are saying by signs and wonders (miracles) cannot because there are no modern day miracles (to prove new information from God) as the need has ceased when The entire Word of God was completed in the 1st century by the saints. -- Jude 3. Which (the saints of the 1st century)have given us (the people of the world) everything needed pertaining to salvation and godliness.