Do your duty and say no to Socialism

The Great Depression

Guess which party sat there and let it happen

Guess which party had to fix it?
The conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Done right as our economy was crashing in 2008

Guess who and what made it nessesary?
Hello goat,

6 corporate bailouts in 35 years as the middle class is depleted proves there is no government of and for the people. Crony capitalism is in direct conflict with democracy.

That just means we have issues we have to deal with.

Not that we abandon the American Dream.

This is a DIY country.

If something is not working for us, we have the power to fix it within the system.
Hello goat,

That just means we have issues we have to deal with.

Not that we abandon the American Dream.

This is a DIY country.

If something is not working for us, we have the power to fix it within the system.

If we can keep it

I believe we still have that power

And we will

As long as this Republican Party is NEVER allowed the power to deregulate anything

It’s a party that has outlived its decency and needs to die


2008 crash


shifting regulations to fit the current conditions and desired national outcome is a GREAT tool

Deregulation for deregulation’s sake is a disaster

The republicans keep proving that

Time we learn that lesson

A big problem is that when Democrats want to hold corporate feet to the fire, Republicans always take the side of the corporations. That's why we didn't get a better healthcare law. Democrats had to fight big pharma, big insurance AND REPUBLICANS, all at the same time. It's a wonder they pulled it off. It would have been better, but Republicans tried to take advantage when Ted Kennedy died, so we had to go with what we had. Sad. It should have been better. It could have been if Republicans had at least tried. But no, they were bent on seeing Democrats fail.

Kinda funny. Since the trump virus crashed the market, The Fed has been buying billions in corporate bonds during a time when corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash.

Can't have the market getting upset.

I don't hear much about Socialism from corporations lately
The 1987 Treasury securities market bailout
The 1989 S&L bailout
The 2000 dotcom bailout
The 2008 Wall Street Bailout
The 2020 zombie corporations bailout
The upcoming systemic collapse bailout

Corporate socialism at work.
All true

The pandemic

Bless the republicans little hearts

They DIDNT cause this with deregulation

They just cheated a con man into office who tried to pretend it was a joke

Then lots of Americans died who didn’t need to die

Great record the Republican Party has
True. But only Republicans are in denial about it.

The republicans use deregulation to give industry everything they want

Then the shit always hits the fan

Let’s just not let them deregulate shit

Which means giving them no power
A big problem is that when Democrats want to hold corporate feet to the fire, Republicans always take the side of the corporations. That's why we didn't get a better healthcare law. Democrats had to fight big pharma, big insurance AND REPUBLICANS, all at the same time. It's a wonder they pulled it off. It would have been better, but Republicans tried to take advantage when Ted Kennedy died, so we had to go with what we had. Sad. It should have been better. It could have been if Republicans had at least tried. But no, they were bent on seeing Democrats fail.


They get rich doing it

It’s a profit deal for the industries and there own bank accounts


The party is evil and drags their voters along with talk of “welfare gueens in Cadillacs” and other racists memes

Time for this house built of shit to die and a decent party emerges to take its place

It’s happened before in this nation
Honestly, there was no need for many of them, including current Fed policy.

That can be debated

But now it’s pretty much moot

If we prevent the next one by killing the creator of these messes we just may never have to do it again huh
Since the NRSC is so opposed to socialism, I guess we should stop paying GOP lawmakers since that seems to be part of their definition of socialism.
Kinda funny. Since the trump virus crashed the market, The Fed has been buying billions in corporate bonds during a time when corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash.

Can't have the market getting upset.

I don't hear much about Socialism from corporations lately

Oh they always shut up at the right time

Time we killed their Republican Party so it can’t screw us again

Facts is all it will take

Pointing out to EVERYONE their complete failure to help America and it’s people