Hello goat,
Every topic you start shows that you are already at war with dissidents. You want everyone to be in servitude to the corporate authoritarian state. You believe that you are represented by government so you vote for the status quo. You refuse to open your eyes to the despair of the marginalized. Things will only get worse with the upcoming economic collapse. Revolt will happen in our lifetime. How many times have we had this conversation? I feel like a broken record.
The problem with this approach is instead of talking about politics, it is an attempt to make it all about me. News flash: I am not the subject. My personal life or views have an infinitesimally small effect on national and international politics. What I believe really doesn't matter very much. I know that.
My approach to these discussions is that we are talking about big things. Bigger than any of the participants in the discussion. We are simply people, citizens, part of a very large collective, part of a nation, part of planet Earth.
We, as individuals, have our own views; but what we think about things is a drop in the bucket, a very large bucket, used to fill an even larger sea of politics.
We are each entitled to our own views, but whatever our views are, the impact of them on the national scene is very small.
There are no wars going on in the traditional sense. I'm not at war with anyone. I like to debate national politics. What there is, are some very mixed up extremists who have misguided impressions that life in the USA is horrible, getting worse, needs to be dealt with by force, impacted by other races, immigrants, corporate masters, whatever. These people have been connected by modern media and have amplified their own views by repeating nonsense and egging one another on.
There is a reason all these people in the USA who have armed themselves to the teeth, convinced there is a coming revolution which will happen when others finally 'see' what they do, have not seen their fears realized. Instead of fighting in the streets, they are relegated to fighting with ideas on the internet. The reason is that they are disgruntled extremists, a very small minority, on the fringe, and most other people are really pretty happy with their lives. Most people are certainly happy enough that they don't want to risk what they have and enter into a state of violent anarchy.
The result is all these extremists are very frustrated because the things they believe are not actually happening. They try to egg one another on. They try to tell themselves 'it' is coming, but 'it' never happens. Day after day, they prepare for the worst, but at the end of every day 'it' doesn't happen. They know if they 'jump the gun' and go out and try to physically start something, they will be shot down by police and their life will be over. Or maybe they will live and simply be arrested and sent to prison; and the life of freedom that they have known will be over.
So on and on, every day, they keep waiting for 'it.'
Meanwhile, life is passing them by.
Other people are working jobs, earning their money, buying their houses, marrying, finding happiness, raising their families, creating memories, taking pictures, having good times with friends, having recreation, telling stories, enjoying the best of life. They don't care about 'it,' and they don't want 'it.'
'It' is not going to happen. Anyone who is immersed in prepping for 'it' would do themselves a huge favor if they would seek counseling, a friend, another life. A happier life. There is a world of happiness waiting out there. Extremists need to step outside their bubble and go find it. That would be the best thing they could do for themselves. Dial up their lives. Change things up a bit. Get into different interests. Make new friends. That can be done, and those who pursue that will find that to be extremely rewarding. They could save themselves an ugly end while they still have a chance to go that way.