Do your duty and say no to Socialism

Being a denizen of the streets, if we're being honest, was never my goal.

But I do know this.
The streets don't matter.
The streets don't call the shots.

And when the streets get annoying enough,
the streets get swept.
Young folk occupy the streets
The streets will be shut down
The supply chain is in trouble
Keep your eyes open and learn
We'll just have our own Tiananmen Square.
The CCP is a lot more stable than western oligarchs. China is preparing a future for new generations instead of paying lip service to it. There's no comparison between China's infrastructure and the US. China spends its money moving into the 21st century while the US bankrupted the treasury on wars.

The elites refuse to take responsibility for this colossal failure. You'd rather fence off the people's house and look down your nose at the marginalized.
The CCP is a lot more stable than western oligarchs. China is preparing a future for new generations instead of paying lip service to it. There's no comparison between China's infrastructure and the US. China spends its money moving into the 21st century while the US bankrupted the treasury on wars.

The elites refuse to take responsibility for this colossal failure. You'd rather fence off the people's house and look down your nose at the marginalized.

i don't believe that you're accurately defining the "elite."
I believe that you're attributing the attitudes of Joe Sixpack dolts in Middle America to the sophisticated coastal elite,
just because of an innate dislike for elitism.

That's my opinion. You will clearly disagree.

Meanwhile the CCP is the Community College of Philadelphia.
China is the PRC. Throw stones from a more secure position.
The right labels anything that helps the masses as socialism. The fact is the huge majority goes to the top. The powerful are looting us and ruling us. Our tax money is in the pockets of the top 1 percent and corporations that pay little or none. The label works so well on the guys who claim to be Joe sixpack. They are actually Joe Dumbfuck.
i don't believe that you're accurately defining the "elite."
I believe that you're attributing the attitudes of Joe Sixpack dolts in Middle America to the sophisticated coastal elite,
just because of an innate dislike for elitism.

That's my opinion. You will clearly disagree.

Meanwhile the CCP is the Community College of Philadelphia.
China is the PRC. Throw stones from a more secure position.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) makes all the decisions for China. The Chinese elite of the Qing Dynasty fled to Taiwan during the Chinese Revolution of 1911. Japan stole most of that wealth in WWII but they used it to built schools and factories (infrastructure) throughout Asia. Taiwan became a giant US military base for the opium war with Vietnam. Vietnam was about the CIA control of opium.

All the Ivy League schools on the US east coast got their wealth from the opium trade with China in the 18th and 19th centuries. All the big name families in Massachusetts got rich from bringing Chinese opium here to the US. Alcohol and tobacco allowed for new wealth but if you read the history of old wealth on the east coast of the US (the elite of the elite) came from opium.
Are you against public education? Against the idea of the United States producing well educated voters?

No not at all. Your complex question--which by the way is meaningless drivel--aside, the question isn't about public education, but rather its effectiveness. Public education has progressively gotten worse. That decline really accelerated under the Carter administration when the Department of Education was formed. The more government that's involved in education, the worse education becomes.

Thus, the best thing we could do today is abolish in its entirety the Department of Education, eliminate all federal funding of education, and return this responsibility to the states. Less bureaucracy would work wonders to making education work better.
The second thing we need to do is get rid of "fair and equal" in education outcomes. That is, go back to a merit based set of outcomes based on rigorous standards. If you can't do the coursework at grade level you get left behind. Work harder. That's what the top nations in education outcomes do. In the US, public education has become daycare with teachers giving out minimal lessons in mostly stupid stuff.
Everybody gets a Basic Start at readin', ritin', and rithmetic.

And there are many that graduate high school who can't

Read a tape measure
Balance a check book
Read a restaurant menu
Pass the DMV driver's test except by sheer luck and random chance
Write a coherent paragraph with complete sentences...
And there are many that graduate high school who can't

Read a tape measure
Balance a check book
Read a restaurant menu
Pass the DMV driver's test except by sheer luck and random chance
Write a coherent paragraph with complete sentences...

How many is many? Show statistics.
How many is many? Show statistics.

According to a recent study conducted by the U.S. Department of Education, 32 million of American adults are illiterate, 21 percent read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates are functionally illiterate, which means they can’t read well enough to manage daily living and perform tasks required by many jobs. and perform tasks required by many jobs.

The Golden State (California) has a lot to offer if you like surfing the waves or spotting celebrities, but it falls short when it comes to reading. Bakersfield earned the title of the least literate city in the U.S. in 2013, with only about 20% of residents calling themselves college graduates.

Call it one-in-five high school graduates are functionally illiterate. That's pretty awful.

​“Horrendous” is a word James Stigler uses to describe how little math many U.S. students learn in middle schools and high schools. He should know; Stigler, a UCLA professor of developmental and cognitive psychology, has been studying how much math and science students have been learning since the late 1970s.

Based on placement tests, a staggering 60 percent of U.S. students who enter community colleges are not qualified to take a college mathematics course, even though they have graduated high school, Stigler said.

The national average math proficiency is 47% (2021). Math proficiency of school are compared within their own state only.

I guess students this bad always have the alternative to get a liberal arts degree then go to law school... :awesome:
And there are many that graduate high school who can't

Read a tape measure
Balance a check book
Read a restaurant menu
Pass the DMV driver's test except by sheer luck and random chance
Write a coherent paragraph with complete sentences...

Yes. Well, some are luckier than others in the random Genetic DNA 'Roll of the Dice' outcomes.
I just watched Tucker and Glenn Greenwald talking about the Revolution...what a treat.....these two straight, one gay.....they get it.
Yes. Well, some are luckier than others in the random Genetic DNA 'Roll of the Dice' outcomes.

Right now, it seems almost impossible to find somebody that's sane, intelligent, and wise at the same time.
Maybe all that chlorinated water really was a communist conspiracy to compromise our precious bodily fluids.
Sly bastards. Surprised that they're not still around.
Right now, it seems almost impossible to find somebody that's sane, intelligent, and wise at the same time.
Maybe all that chlorinated water really was a communist conspiracy to compromise our precious bodily fluids.
Sly bastards. Surprised that they're not still around.

I thought it was the 'fluoridation' of the Water Supply?

"The water fluoridation controversy arises from political, moral, ethical, economic, and health considerations regarding the fluoridation of public water supplies."

--->"Conspiracy theories involving fluoridation are common, and include claims that fluoridation was motivated by protecting the U.S. atomic bomb program from litigation, that (as famously parodied in the film Dr. Strangelove, where a deranged U.S. Air Force general claimed that it would "sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids") it is part of a Communist or New World Order plot to take over the world, that it was pioneered by a German chemical company to make people submissive to those in power, ..."