Do your duty and say no to Socialism

'vince is on my ass again.

I can't read what she said, but I must have done something.

My ignore list is so swollen that I can read much fewer than half the posts, now.
You don't even have to be that deplorable--I love that word--thanks, Hillary-- to get on it.
The Trumpanzees should have started their civil war while they still held the Executive Branch and the Military.
They won't get it done with their brain dead militia types.

I don't see why we even need a civil war.
Red and Blue should part ways by mutual consent and we'll all be better off.

It the idiot Trumpanzees think that they can get it all with a civil war,
then they haven't spent much time in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, et al.
Buy a suit and a pair of shoes, visit civilization, and see how many people are there.
You're not even trying to communicate with me. I have a lot to say about your elitist view of the world. History shows that people grow tired of oppression. The world is a tinderbox that you choose to ignore.
You're not even trying to communicate with me. I have a lot to say about your elitist view of the world. History shows that people grow tired of oppression. The world is a tinderbox that you choose to ignore.

Sorry. I'll try harder.

I DO have an elitist view because populism is such an excruciating dystopia,
the majority of our species being so fucking stupid.
Hello evince,

I also have a personal rule that I do not talk about specific people I have placed on Ignore. That would not be respectful.

I realize that these posts we make, these discussions we have, might be around for a long long time. Who knows how long this website will continue to operate?

We are not just having discussions here. We are creating a searchable record that could be here for years.

I figure if I don't want to be held to account for something I said years ago, I had better maintain high standards for whatever I say when I click that "Post Quick Reply" button.

I often write things that I simply do not post, or that I later go and delete or change.

Saying something about somebody who has no chance to respond to me? Not my style.

I want to feel good about what I put on record. I want to be proud to stand behind everything I say.

You never know when somebody will bring it back up years later.

your compulsive support for fascism and tyranny has been duly noted.
Good policy PT

If I believed they were actual humans I might do the same

In real life I behave more like your example here

But I am fully aware that all this is recorded history

Lots of history that’s recorded is never viewed by human eyes again

But very well might be after many many years

I will be cracking some researcher up far in the future

And showing how we ended evil in this time while chuckling away

Humor in the face of death type thing

You are one awesome poster and human

you're utterly humorless tho.
You're not even trying to communicate with me. I have a lot to say about your elitist view of the world. History shows that people grow tired of oppression. The world is a tinderbox that you choose to ignore.

Doom and gloom

It’s because the republicans keep DEREGULATING INDUSTRIES


that is just another word for regulation and oversight

Democratic members keep regulating and upping corporate policing

Then the republicans get in power and DEREGULATE EVERY THING THEY CAN

the history clearly shows that set of facts

you for banker bailouts?
Sorry. I'll try harder.

I DO have an elitist view because populism is such an excruciating dystopia,
the majority of our species being so fucking stupid.
Elitists led us to our imperialist dystopia. Socialism is a unification of class, gender, and race. People need to have a say in their jobs being outsourced and how many carcinogens are released into the environment. What will happen if zoomers refuse to show up for the next war of choice?
Elitists led us to our imperialist dystopia. Socialism is a unification of class, gender, and race. People need to have a say in their jobs being outsourced and how many carcinogens are released into the environment. What will happen if zoomers refuse to show up for the next war of choice?

This is ONLY possible when significant restraints are put on free enterprise.

There is no incentive for anything but short term revenue maximization in the absence of sufficient socialism.

I don't understand how libertarians think, or sometimes, if they even do at all.

They seek the most counterproductive means possible to the goals that they may share with more enlightened people.
This is ONLY possible when significant restraints are put on free enterprise.

There is no incentive for anything but short term revenue maximization in the absence of sufficient socialism.

I don't understand how libertarians think, or sometimes, if they even do at all.

They seek the most counterproductive means possible to the goals that they may share with more enlightened people.
Six Wall Street bailouts in 30 years, along with 7 invasion/occupations of plunder is class warfare and counterproductive to enlightenment. Worker owned production is the incentive. Zoomers are refusing to return to work, so what makes you think they will show up for the next imperialist war?
Six Wall Street bailouts in 30 years, along with 7 invasion/occupations of plunder is class warfare and counterproductive to enlightenment. Worker owned production is the incentive. Zoomers are refusing to return to work, so what makes you think they will show up for the next imperialist war?

Why do you incorrectly assume my enthusiasm for yet another imperialist war? You criticize me for socialist leanings when yours are at least as great as mine.
Your inconsistency is failing to recognize the necessity of a measure of statism with socialism, and to recognize that the people have a voice in statism that they don't have in the corporate oligarchy.
Why do you incorrectly assume my enthusiasm for yet another imperialist war? You criticize me for socialist leanings when yours are at least as great as mine.
Your inconsistency is failing to recognize the necessity of a measure of statism with socialism, and to recognize that the people have a voice in statism that they don't have in the corporate oligarchy.
I'm simply pointing out that elitists have gotten us to where we are today--on the verge of economic, political, and social breakdown. If working people had more say in our life, the US would still be manufacturing instead of becoming a police state.

The last time we talked, you defended the mandatory door to door search for the Boston Marathon bomber. You don't mind giving up my 4th amendment rights for your imagined safety. Elitists want militarized police and mass surveillance. Zoomers are fighting back.
I'm simply pointing out that elitists have gotten us to where we are today--on the verge of economic, political, and social breakdown. If working people had more say in our life, the US would still be manufacturing instead of becoming a police state.

The last time we talked, you defended the mandatory door to door search for the Boston Marathon bomber. You don't mind giving up my 4th amendment rights for your imagined safety. Elitists want militarized police and mass surveillance. Zoomers are fighting back.

Door to door searches don't invalidate the constitution.
Emergency open warrants, totally constitution compliant, were available if needed.
Everybody just said "Please come in," however, because two birthingpersonfuckers fucked up Boston, and that simply doesn't fly in Boston.

The birthingpersonfuckers didn't get away with it, for what it's worth.

One has presumably already fucked his 72 virgins in paradise, while the other is in a miserable fucking cage.
Door to door searches don't invalidate the constitution.
Emergency open warrants, totally constitution compliant, were available if needed.
Everybody just said "Please come in," however, because two birthingpersonfuckers fucked up Boston, and that simply doesn't fly in Boston.

The birthingpersonfuckers didn't get away with it, for what it's worth.

One has presumably already fucked his 72 virgins in paradise, while the other is in a miserable fucking cage.
There's no such thing as an emergency open warrant. The constitution is a scam. We don't have any rights. Government can do whatever they want and there's nothing we can do about it. The Texas abortion law should prove to you that the courts are bought and paid for. The ACLU is worthless. It's all for show.

Young folk are onto the scam and are tired of it. History tells us that revolt happens quick. Anything can trigger it. We the people have to support young folk, they're fighting for their survival. We should be in agreement on many things but you're stuck in your elitist bubble world. You don't understand the streets.
You don't understand the streets.

Being a denizen of the streets, if we're being honest, was never my goal.

But I do know this.
The streets don't matter.
The streets don't call the shots.

And when the streets get annoying enough,
the streets get swept.