Doctor demonstrating how ineffective masks are in stopping vape smoke!

On what surface? Metal, I think it's about 4 days.

There a tool and like any other they have specific uses and performance criteria. I designed, trained and implemented many a respiratory protection program and the level of protection and the type of contaminant you are providing protection for determines your selection.

I’ve implemented respiratory protection from particle mask to self contained and supplied breathing apparatus.

The whole intent of selecting a particle masks is to protect for particles of a specific size or larger. The main purpose of surgical mask is to protect from air born fluid aerosol particle.

They are effective and work well within those limitations. They are not designed as a barrier medium for viruses. Most particles mask and respirators are not.

What they can do efficiently is create a barrier to airborn aerosol particulates that do carry viruses.

It’s not an absolute form of protection but is quite effective for its intended purpose and the peer reviewed literature in public health and industrial hygiene support this.

Which is why there’s so much uninformed nonsense in these threads in regards to the use of face masks. They are certainly not an absolute fix but used appropriately can and do lower transmission rates. Which is a very good thing.

I am perfectly well aware of the reasoning behind wearing them. However you have conspicuously avoided answering my question as to why the Dutch, Danish and Swedes don't wear masks except on crowded public transport and maybe not even then. Fauci used to be against mask wearing for the very good reason that people constantly fiddle with and adjust masks resulting in spreading the virus to the mouth, face and eyes. Social distancing and hand cleaning are far more effective, masks has a very limited use on crowded public transport.
I am perfectly well aware of the reasoning behind wearing them. However you have conspicuously avoided answering my question as to why the Dutch, Danish and Swedes don't wear masks except on crowded public transport and maybe not even then. Fauci used to be against mask wearing for the very good reason that people constantly fiddle with and adjust masks resulting in spreading the virus to the mouth, face and eyes. Social distancing and hand cleaning are far more effective, masks has a very limited use on crowded public transport.
Or any crowded public area. With proper distancing you’re ok with out a particle mask.