Doctor demonstrating how ineffective masks are in stopping vape smoke!

Ah you're playing a childish game?

This is what you said: "He seems to think that viruses can only be transmitted via droplets, that viruses are forever-bound to droplets, and that droplets do not evaporate.

He also thinks that "his mask protects you and your mask protects him", as if viruses CAN enter through pores from the outside-in, but CANNOT exit through pores from the inside-out, even though one is discussing the VERY SAME PORES..."
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He's gonna throw Droplets at you just like he did to me...pretending that all COVID is entrapped in phlegm.

The problem there is, those droplets fall quickly. Some cloth masks actually help to aerosolize those droplets causing the 'rona to become airborne, so people wearing cheap Chinese paper masks can inhale the virus. Combine that with all of the face touching, and dirty mask wearing, and mask mandates not only don't do shit, they cause harm.
