Doctor demonstrating how ineffective masks are in stopping vape smoke!

Yep. Minored in physics at Liberty University. And some Classical Mechanics and Relativity. Mainly CS/Math. I studied Tensor Calculus later afterwards.

0.12 microns, the size of a Covid virus, is 120 nanometers, whilst the molecular size of oxygen is 0.3 of a nanometer, you do the maths!
That is gas, not phlegm liquids that viruses travel through. :laugh: You really aren't a friend to science. By this thinking you better not let anyone fart in your direction or you'll catch all those fecal germs. If it came from an animal you'd really be screwed.:laugh:
That is gas, not phlegm liquids that viruses travel through. :laugh: You really aren't a friend to science. By this thinking you better not let anyone fart in your direction or you'll catch all those fecal germs. If it came from an animal you'd really be screwed.:laugh:

Let's do an experiment. Cover your ass with a yuge mask and light your own fart and see what happens.
Let's do an experiment. Cover your ass with a yuge mask and light your own fart and see what happens.

Wouldn't just getting dressed work?


He's gonna throw Droplets at you just like he did to me...pretending that all COVID is entrapped in phlegm.

Yup. He seems to think that viruses can only be transmitted via droplets, that viruses are forever-bound to droplets, and that droplets do not evaporate.

He also thinks that "his mask protects you and your mask protects him", as if viruses CAN enter through pores from the outside-in, but CANNOT exit through pores from the inside-out, even though one is discussing the VERY SAME PORES...

As you can tell, people like him are a special kind of stupid...
That is gas, not phlegm liquids that viruses travel through. :laugh: You really aren't a friend to science. By this thinking you better not let anyone fart in your direction or you'll catch all those fecal germs. If it came from an animal you'd really be screwed.:laugh:

... containing aerosols with a diameter of ~250nm-450nm, a bit larger than the diameter of COVID-19 (~100nm, give or take) ...

The masks that you see everyone wearing around are rated for particles of size 3,000+nm ....

Viruses are not forever-bound to a droplet (and aren't always bound to a droplet), genius...
... containing aerosols with a diameter of ~250nm-450nm, a bit larger than the diameter of COVID-19 (~100nm, give or take) ...

The masks that you see everyone wearing around are rated for particles of size 3,000+nm ....

Viruses are not forever-bound to a droplet (and aren't always bound to a droplet), genius...

A mask will always be better than no mask because it intercepts mucus and droplets. It won't intercept all of what comes out of your face, but it will intercept a lot.
Yup. He seems to think that viruses can only be transmitted via droplets, that viruses are forever-bound to droplets, and that droplets do not evaporate.

He also thinks that "his mask protects you and your mask protects him", as if viruses CAN enter through pores from the outside-in, but CANNOT exit through pores from the inside-out, even though one is discussing the VERY SAME PORES...

As you can tell, people like him are a special kind of stupid...

I never claimed such things.

You can do better than that. Your thread on driving while black was good and we had a good discussion. So I know you can do better.