Doctor demonstrating how ineffective masks are in stopping vape smoke!

You keep focusing on droplets. You do realize that droplets are not the problem?

I know they're not the problem. The problem is nobody could answer my question as to how long coronavirus can survive airborne without droplets

Why is that?
On what surface? Metal, I think it's about 4 days.

Yes, depends on surfaces. 3-4 days with droplets. Without droplets, who the hell knows? No proof of it.

But that's exactly why they recommend disinfection.

No. They drop. That's why they call them droplets.

Okay aerosolized coronavirus. As to droplets, of course they land on surfaces. That's why we have disinfectants. Why is it that they always tell us to cover our mouths while we cough or sneeze? Then they tell us to wash our hands?
Okay aerosolized coronavirus. As to droplets, of course they land on surfaces. That's why we have disinfectants. Why is it that they always tell us to cover our mouths while we cough or sneeze? Then they tell us to wash our hands?

Ever think about your eyes? Or your clothes?
And this is what I meant by arguing both sides of the issue.

Grendel approves.

LOL. I think you do understand.

Here's a thought experiment.

Anti-maskers (their term, not mine) like to use a colander as an example in their argument. I'll borrow that example.

Can you breath in one (inhale and exhale oxygen) with ease? Yes. Can you blow a smoke out of it? Yes

Now fill a spray bottle with water and spray on it. What happens?
I know they're not the problem. The problem is nobody could answer my question as to how long coronavirus can survive airborne without droplets

Why is that?

Without a bodily medium they are like fish out of water and won't survive. Viruses don't even exit the fluid mediums they just dry up. Big reason hydrogen peroxide is good at handling disinfecting. It breaks up the structure to bodily fluids. If you are close enough to a person and unprotected, viruses can be shed and survive long enough in the small amounts of moisture when you breath and talk to infect you. Keeping distance and that stuff will disipate and fall away before reaching you. That's how I got sick for the first time in a decade despite my OCD riturals.