Doctor demonstrating how ineffective masks are in stopping vape smoke!

You posted that picture with no context, no link, and no explanation.
It's obviously a box of standard earloop facemasks providing a legal disclaimer so they don't get sued.

Instead of directly stating that such facemasks are completely worthless wrt viruses, other brands choose instead to simply state that they are not to be used in any medical setting.


I don't know what else I can tell you. The context is a box of standard facemasks ... and COVID (120 nanometers) being much smaller than 3+ micron hole size of facemasks.


The rest is math ... and that water still evaporates.
...deleted 'PolitiFact' holy link...
You cannot use PolitiFact (or any "fact checker") as a reference with me. PolitiFact, like Wikipedia, is too often incomplete, misleading, or just plain wrong...

In this case, they are just plain wrong. They are taking a photo which clearly shows a mask box's warning label (for masks that people are commonly wearing around) which explicitly states that those masks will NOT provide any protection against viruses, yet they are still trying to claim that masks somehow provide protection against viruses.
They don't use masks in Holland, Sweden or Denmark except maybe on crowded public transport.

View attachment 17217
There a tool and like any other they have specific uses and performance criteria. I designed, trained and implemented many a respiratory protection program and the level of protection and the type of contaminant you are providing protection for determines your selection.

I’ve implemented respiratory protection from particle mask to self contained and supplied breathing apparatus.

The whole intent of selecting a particle masks is to protect for particles of a specific size or larger. The main purpose of surgical mask is to protect from air born fluid aerosol particle.

They are effective and work well within those limitations. They are not designed as a barrier medium for viruses. Most particles mask and respirators are not.

What they can do efficiently is create a barrier to airborn aerosol particulates that do carry viruses.

It’s not an absolute form of protection but is quite effective for its intended purpose and the peer reviewed literature in public health and industrial hygiene support this.

Which is why there’s so much uninformed nonsense in these threads in regards to the use of face masks. They are certainly not an absolute fix but used appropriately can and do lower transmission rates. Which is a very good thing.
You cannot use PolitiFact (or any "fact checker") as a reference with me. PolitiFact, like Wikipedia, is too often incomplete, misleading, or just plain wrong...

In this case, they are just plain wrong. They are taking a photo which clearly shows a mask box's warning label (for masks that people are commonly wearing around) which explicitly states that those masks will NOT provide any protection against viruses, yet they are still trying to claim that masks somehow provide protection against viruses.

Um are you aware that they said that the label is legitimate? That is if you even read the article.
Um are you aware that they said that the label is legitimate? That is if you even read the article.
Yes, and unlike you, I actually read through the article... They are simply denying the meaning of words because they don't like what is being said. Laughable, which is why I do not accept PolitiFact as a source.
Yes, and unlike you, I actually read through the article... They are simply denying the meaning of words because they don't like what is being said. They are trying to claim that someone who said that "the Earth is warming" ACTUALLY said that the Earth is cooling, but that you just "misinterpreted" the words that were said... Laughable, which is why I do not accept PolitiFact as a source.
