DOE releases 1 million barrels from Northeast Reserve in attempt to bring down gas prices

You've never ever been enthusiastic about oil production decrying both fracking and offshore oil drilling. You're truly hypocritical who if he were honest would admit that.
When do you think you might call out Truth Rejector for his lies about crude oil production during Biden's presidency?
So then oil companies can build more rigs. They can produce more seismic survey units.

Why do they need to when you claim that we are producing all the oil we need and more?

The point of this debate is this; why, if we are producing all the oil we need, does Biden need to dip into the SOR in a desperate effort to lower poil prices for political purposes?

Care to answer that, or will you continue to flail and bloviate like an uneducated halfwit?

As for the USA becoming a net exporter of oil: Crude oil exports of about 4.06 million b/d accounted for 40% of total U.S. gross petroleum exports. The resulting total net petroleum imports (imports minus exports) were about -1.64 million b/d, which means that the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 1.64 million b/d in 2023.

So then why does Biden dip into the SOR in a desperate effort to lower poil prices for political purposes?
Not bragging, simply reporting the facts.

You obviously don't want to discuss those facts, so you resort to the infantile name calling.

Yet you continue to avoid facts. If we are so flush with oil, why are prices so high and Biden dipping into the SOR in a desperate failed effort to affect prices for purely political purposes?
Links were everywhere on JPP last year. I won't do your homework, go find the info yourself.

So you're making bullshit up as usual. Thanks for clarifying that.

He does it just to piss off whiny, hypocritical GOP shills like you.
And its clear his strategy worked.

So, you're desperately avoiding the topic and my question because you know you're lying your dumb ass off and defending the indefensible. Good to know. :palm:
Yet you continue to avoid facts. If we are so flush with oil, why are prices so high and Biden dipping into the SOR in a desperate failed effort to affect prices for purely political purposes?
Oil production HAS improved, but not because of Biden. It was despite him. A federal court nullified Biden's executive order banning drilling for oil. Unfortunately, it wasn't a complete nullification. There are still areas where Biden's ban is in force. As a result, oil prices are still high.

There is also the effect of the devaluation of the dollar since Biden was installed (currently 34%, according to the Federal Reserve).
Oil production HAS improved, but not because of Biden. It was despite him. A federal court nullified Biden's executive order banning drilling for oil. Unfortunately, it wasn't a complete nullification. There are still areas where Biden's ban is in force. As a result, oil prices are still high.

There is also the effect of the devaluation of the dollar since Biden was installed (currently 34%, according to the Federal Reserve).

Which begs the question I keep asking, If we are so flush with oil, why are prices so high and Biden dipping into the SOR in a desperate failed effort to affect prices for purely political purposes?
Which begs the question I keep asking, If we are so flush with oil, why are prices so high and Biden dipping into the SOR in a desperate failed effort to affect prices for purely political purposes?
I never said we were flush with oil. I'm only saying it HAS improved somewhat since part of Biden's executive order was nullified by the court.

Prices remain high mostly due to taxes and the devaluation of the dollar (high inflation).
I never said we were flush with oil. I'm only saying it HAS improved somewhat since part of Biden's executive order was nullified by the court.
Prices remain high mostly due to taxes and the devaluation of the dollar (high inflation).
The point: Our friends on the left insist we are flush with oil but cannot explain why Biden would feel compelled to release oil on the cheap to China in a desperate effort to lower prices.
BIDEN signed the executive order, Wally. Not Trump. You cannot blame Trump for Biden's problems.
trump was the one that allowed oil prices to go negative, almost destroying our entire oil industry. Biden is the one who has been rebuilding it from that horrible disaster.
Did you forget Biden's executive order that illegally banned drilling for oil?
Once again, you are quoting from the Big Ass Book of Things That Did Not Happen. Drilling is at record high levels, so has not been banned.

What Biden has done is sell futures to support the future price of oil for drillers. Drillers reduce development massively with any drop in price, and then do not increase it by as much with increases in price. This means that unstable markets reduce development by far more than you would think. Biden has finessed higher development.
trump was the one that allowed oil prices to go negative, almost destroying our entire oil industry.
That was DEMOCRATS, dude, when you destroyed the economy with the Covid Hoax. You can't blame the problems of DEMOCRATS on Trump.
Biden is the one who has been rebuilding it from that horrible disaster.
Biden has not been rebuilding anything. He tried to ban drilling.

Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change​

On his first day in office last week, Biden had the United States re-enter the Paris accord. He also cancelled the permit for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Biden is expected to sign additional executive orders to dismantle the Trump administration’s climate policy reversals.
Biden’s climate plan includes goals to transition from fossil fuels to clean energy, cut emissions from electric power to zero by 2035 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Biden is the sole reason our energy prices have skyrocketed.

That was DEMOCRATS, dude, when you destroyed the economy with the Covid Hoax. You can't blame the problems of DEMOCRATS on Trump.

Biden has not been rebuilding anything. He tried to ban drilling.
Covid (The Chinese Disease) was orchestrated by Fauci and team Biden to oust President Trump, and it was successful by killing off thousands of older voters and destroying the world's economies.
Covid (The Chinese Disease) was orchestrated by Fauci and team Biden to oust President Trump, and it was successful by killing off thousands of older voters and destroying the world's economies.
Covid does not kill.
They DID use the Covid Hoax and fear mongering to destroy economies.
That was DEMOCRATS, dude, when you destroyed the economy with the Covid Hoax. You can't blame the problems of DEMOCRATS on Trump.

Biden has not been rebuilding anything. He tried to ban drilling.
It was trump. Only the white house can legally coordinate oil production, and trump was in the white house. It was the biggest market failure in history, and 100% on trump.

Biden did not ban all drilling. That is another fantasy of yours.
It was trump. Only the white house can legally coordinate oil production, and trump was in the white house. It was the biggest market failure in history, and 100% on trump.

Biden did not ban all drilling. That is another fantasy of yours.
The White House does not coordinate oil production. The government does not have authority to coordinate oil production. Biden attempted to ban all drilling. His executive orders are public record. It is no fantasy.

His executive order was partially nullified by a federal court.