The remora of JPP
Again, you don't get it. The example you used in the OP wouldn't bother me in the least.
Wait a minute.... you actually think my OP was directed at people like you?
Again, you don't get it. The example you used in the OP wouldn't bother me in the least.
"This" problem? Who knows. Other problems? Most certainly. While "The Lord of the Flies" is fiction, what happened in New Orleans and other disaster areas when civil order collapsed is real...and why authors like William Golding have fact to base their fiction upon.
Children need "brainwashing" to civilize them. The form that behavior takes depends upon the culture in which they are raised. Consider watching "The Cult of the Suicide Bomber" free on Tubi.com for a negative example of brainwashing children. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0817498/
What our culture needs is more tolerance. Forcing people to hug each other is not teaching tolerance. It teaches bullying.
That's disgusting.
There's training and there's brainwashing. Learn the difference.
Hint: One damages.
I'm a behaviorist. Buy a vowel.
Was it some kind of evil eye gesture?
I was raised as a Lutheran by devout parents; never once heard anything about homosexuality, hate, or any of that from our pastor.
Was it some kind of evil eye gesture?
I was raised as a Lutheran by devout parents; never once heard anything about homosexuality, hate, or any of that from our pastor.
They are now working gay couples into virtually every series on t.v.. My GF and I laugh whenever two guys are making out during a show. I don't care about their sexuality, but watching dudes kiss romantically kind of makes us laugh. In an 'eeewww' kind of way.
But...there's someone for everyone. Some people like skinny/heavy mates, and if you like the former you don't understand the attraction to the latter.
We don't judge, but it's still a little odd right now.
I know right? It's a toxic sewer that just keeps on flowing and flowing with no sign of stopping.
I have a very, very few authors who are my favorites who understood/understand the essence nature of evil and horror. Stephen King is one of them. He understands the essence of evil. He can sense, smell, taste, hear and touch it. It's revolting and he wrote about it anyway cause yeah.
It wasn't anything nefarious. It was just a normal gay guys riding a bike together. Let me see if I can find that gay commercial.
I meant the gesture that you said the preacher made.
That's one of the best descriptions of King's writing I've ever heard.
Not sure what statement I made you were referring to but yeah Jerry Falwell made a weird movement and behavior right in front of everyone and every one laughed hard, including my Mom!
[Edit] Oh yeah the gestures he made yeah. Let me know if I am right on the target.
What movement did he make? That's what I was referring to.
Was it some kind of evil eye gesture?
I was raised as a Lutheran by devout parents; never once heard anything about homosexuality, hate, or any of that from our pastor.
Was it some kind of evil eye gesture?
I was raised as a Lutheran by devout parents; never once heard anything about homosexuality, hate, or any of that from our pastor.