The remora of JPP
The only thing I'd likely rage about is my wasting an hour and a half watching something which has zero effect on me...
So you don't care about child abuse.
Got it.
You are a vile person.
The only thing I'd likely rage about is my wasting an hour and a half watching something which has zero effect on me...
Although I'm far from innocent of doing it myself, this thread had wandered off course.
Do explicit public demonstration of gay affection make us feel uncomfortable?
I'm somewhat curious about how many of us feel.
They DO make me feel a little uncomfortable, but I don't believe that any of us have the right to feel totally comfortable all of the time.
So you don't care about child abuse.
Got it.
You are a vile person.
Fuck you.
Of course I care about it, you idiot fuck. Are you so stupid that you gauge someone's concern only by whether they watch a 90 minute video?
I think you're just trying to play a sympathy wild card...
Yes. Seriously. The thread is about gay actorsSeriously??
No you do not care about it. YOU mocked my child abuse throughout my thread.
YOU dismissed actual examples of child abuse.
You outed yourself as at least being indifferent to child abuse.
See you just proved my point again!
Yes. Seriously. The thread is about gay actors
Still waiting on the top 20 movies site that has mostly gay movies. Hawkeye?
Um, no I didn't, you stupid fuck, becaue you never claimed you had been abused...
I never dismissed actual examples of child abuse.
Child abuse is an alien concept to me.
If you're seriously asking about who said "abuse", then you need to reread this thread.
It's all Lefty's been whining about...
Cannot help you with your reading comprehension issue.
Yes you did. You dismissed a documentary I linked.
Clearly. At least you're honest to admit it.
Yeah, my reading comprehension gets a bit sketchy when some pinhead expects me to comprehend what isn't there...
Dismissing a video isn't dismissing child abuse, you brain dead dipshit...
Dismissing evidence of child abuse is dismissing it.
No, it's not, dipshit.
Perhaps your life is so sad that you can sit in front of the computer for an hour and a half and watch 84 minute videos on topics that will never affect your life, but I don't.
That doesn't mean I'm dismissing child abuse. Clearly, you apparently just have more free time on your hands.
Guess that's what happens when you have no friends...
Wow. You are really sad.
I feel sorry for you.
Yeah, I've got friends and don't spend my life on the internet.
How sad...
I do not spend my life on the internet.
I am a documentaries and movies buff. I guess you think those critics have sad lives and no friends.
I don't know what to tell you except to tell you that I hope you get help.
Your life has to be tough and miserable.