Does America want fascism?

Supreme Court decision seems to make Trump above the law and answering only to god.
we have been using drones to kill American citizens. why is no president in jail for murder? oh yeah - they have always had immunity for official acts

you idiots don't understand anything - you don't even understand how you are supporting a dementia patient

so seriously, do sit down, stfu, and let the adults clean up your mess......AGAIN
Congress should ignore them.
Is that the Congress that has invited accused genocidal war criminal, Netanyahu , to address it ? don't think so. The US is lacking an honest and trustworthy authoritative institution. Because people VOTE for these bums doesn't make them clean.
I think MAGAts do thinking it will work to their advantage, not knowing the history of fascism.

First they came for the undocumented workers, then they came for the LGBTQ community, then they came for the non Christians, then they come for…
That is of course the ironic part. These policies will be a disaster for the economy, and the biggest blow will be dealt to the Trump demographic. If Trump wins I am seriously considering liquidating all of my positions in the market. Because at some point Trump policies will cause a major crash. We are turning over the economy to a bunch of 12 year olds who think that ‘drill baby, drill is a sophisticated economic policy. And the MAGA crowd will find out how much Trump cares about them. Which is not at all. And at that point it will be too late. I think we are heading there. And every day that goes by without Biden out there proving he can do the job, it becomes more likely.
That is of course the ironic part. These policies will be a disaster for the economy, and the biggest blow will be dealt to the Trump demographic. If Trump wins I am seriously considering liquidating all of my positions in the market. Because at some point Trump policies will cause a major crash. We are turning over the economy to a bunch of 12 year olds who think that ‘drill baby, drill is a sophisticated economic policy. And the MAGA crowd will find out how much Trump cares about them. Which is not at all. And at that point it will be too late. I think we are heading there. And every day that goes by without Biden out there proving he can do the job, it becomes more likely.
Scary times!
we have been using drones to kill American citizens. why is no president in jail for murder?
American citizens are not immune to making war on the USA. If a President goes over the line, he can go to prison for murder, but if he does not, he will not.

Cops kill American citizens all the time. If it is not murder, they do not go to prison.
That is of course the ironic part. These policies will be a disaster for the economy, and the biggest blow will be dealt to the Trump demographic. If Trump wins I am seriously considering liquidating all of my positions in the market. Because at some point Trump policies will cause a major crash. We are turning over the economy to a bunch of 12 year olds who think that ‘drill baby, drill is a sophisticated economic policy. And the MAGA crowd will find out how much Trump cares about them. Which is not at all. And at that point it will be too late. I think we are heading there. And every day that goes by without Biden out there proving he can do the job, it becomes more likely.
Where were you?? The crash already occurred! It was caused by Democrats!
It was treason, and rebellion.
Trump has committed no treason.
Biden has committed four acts of treason so far:

* Giving weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* Inviting invasion of the United States.
* Calling for civil war against citizens of the United States.
* Espionage.
Trump has committed no treason.
trump is old as dirt... But only figuratively speaking. he was not involved in the Civil War.

Interesting side fact, if trump is elected in November, and if he serves a full term, he would be born closer to the Civil War than to leaving office. he will have been alive for more than half the time between the Civil War and leaving office.

Biden has committed four acts of treason so far:

* Giving weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* Inviting invasion of the United States.
* Calling for civil war against citizens of the United States.
* Espionage.
Reality is not your strong point is it?

trump abandoned weapons in both Afghanistan and Yemen, does that make him a traitor?