Does America want fascism?

Does America want fascism?​

It seems to be clear that the MAGA morons of America DO WANT FASCISM.

Hey, don't be too hard on them. They are a rather stupid lot and probably do not even realize the dangers that fascism presents for them and the rest of us.

BUT...they do seem to want fascism...and want it very dearly.

:lolup: Doesn't know what Fascism is....this is where we....

I think MAGAts do thinking it will work to their advantage, not knowing the history of fascism.

First they came for the undocumented workers, then they came for the LGBTQ community, then they came for the non Christians, then they come for…

:lolup: Another leftist moron who doesn't know what Fascism means..

I repeat;

Do you really think that anybody claiming that the science of paleoclimatology does not exist- or that Sweden is not to the east of the UK - could be an authority on anything at all ?
Here's something actually informative for you;
'The word "echolalia" is derived from the Greek ἠχώ (ēchō), meaning "echo" or "to repeat",[4] and λαλιά (laliá) meaning "speech" or "talk"[5] (of onomatopoeic origin, from the verb λαλέω (laléo), meaning "to talk").

ITNsoil is a simple-minded parrot.

Do you really think that anybody claiming that the science of paleoclimatology does not exist-
moon, no religion is science. Nonetheless, all people who hold religious beliefs firmly believe that their religious beliefs are true, and that their faiths represent objective truth. Your Climate religion goes one step further and dogmatically refers to itself as "science.".

At some point, you're going to have to come to grips with your own bastardization of the language and realize that there is no science of the Climate faith, and that you don't even know what science is. Please feel free to ask me how I know that you don't know what science is.

Look, I'm an atheist. I don't have any religion. The Christians on JPP know that I don't believe in Christianity, but I'll gladly discuss it with them ... and if any try to tell me that the window on the ark was somehow greater than one cubit, I promptly put them in their place. Similarly, the warmizombies and the climate lemmings know that I do not worship their religion or hold their Climate beliefs, but that I'll gladly discuss any of it with them.

The problem with your religion is that, while dogmatically insisting its adherents believe it to be "settled science", is nonetheless based entirely upon egregious physics violations (as indicated in my signature). As such, your religion can only resonate with the scientifically illiterate. If you were to pay a bit closer attention to Into the Night, you'd have a better perspective on your own dogma.
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I think MAGAts do thinking it will work to their advantage, not knowing the history of fascism.
Are you specifically and intentionally speaking about nobody (my current assumption) or are you going to identify these people of whom you speak who profess that fascism is what will make America great again?