Does America want fascism?

both categories are not grammar.
Capitalization is part of grammar. Punctuation is part of grammar. You can't get away from your inability to read or write or understand English that way!
that's the point.
You are not making a point. You really should learn English.
in not being grammar, they are similar.
They are both part of grammar, Black. Redefinition fallacy.
No, it isn't. A civil war is among two or more factions in the same nation. The War of Secession was between two different nations, and was not a civil war, despite what some idiot high school teacher told you.
A war of secession is when the people on one country want to become two countries, and therefore is a civil war. Night is wasting our time again.
A war of secession is when the people on one country want to become two countries, and therefore is a civil war. Night is wasting our time again.
That war was between two different nations, Walt. The secession already took place with more States threatening to leave the Union and join the Confederate States of America.

They were two separate nations. The Confederate States of America is NOT the United States of America and never was.

You and Black certainly don't.

Israel is a theocracy, organized as an oligarchy. Capitalism, fascism, and communism all exist in Israel, just like they do in every nation.
HAMAS is a theocracy, also organized as an oligarchy. Capitalism, fascism, and communism all exist in Palestine.

Trump is not a Democrat. He is a capitalist.

Biden is a socialist and supports fascism and communism. He always has.

Fascism has no 'left' or 'right'. It simply exists. Trump does not support it. Trump is a capitalist. Biden supports it, and most Democrats do. There are also a fair number of Republicans that do as well.

Fascism isn't up for vote. It simply exists.
Stfu, moron.
and corporations view governments as simply something to be coopted or destroy
False. Do you view governments as simply something to be coopted or destroyed?

pesky things like civil rights or property rights.
Is that how you view the civil rights of others?

the kelo decision and citizens united decisions launched the United States into a new era of modern fascism.
This presumes that everything is fascism. You understand how rational adults might disagree with your underlying premise.

open borders and rampant immigration both are in play because they favor corporations.
Do open borders and rampant immigration favor you? If not, they don't favor corporations for the same reason.

globalism is internationalist fascism,
This presumes that everything is fascism. You understand how rational adults might disagree with your underlying premise.