Does America want fascism?


The second largest, most robust economy on the planet is the economy of CHINA.
China is collapsing. It's money velocity is almost nil. It's government is trying to spend it's way out of it's own financial difficulties with grand projects, including whole cities that no one lives in. People that have any ability to do so are exporting their wealth any way they can, despite harsh penalties from the government for doing so if they get caught.

China's future is returning to revolution after revolution.
It is, and remains, a socialistic system...
Capitalism, fascism, and communism all exist in China. The government (of course) supports fascism and communism and even slavery. China's current form of government is oligarchy, and all the tyranny that does with it.
that was smart enough to incorporate some capitalistic ideas...just as we incorporated some socialistic ideas into our capitalism.
Capitalism is not socialism. Redefinition fallacy.
If we were smart (I am not accusing us of being smart) we would borrow a few more ideas from socialism...and would improve our own economy.
Capitalism is the only economic system that creates wealth. Socialism does not create wealth, but is based on theft of wealth.
Globalism is a philosophy that views "countries" and "international borders" as mere mental constructs that factor into the world's single global market.

Capitalism is not a form of economics; it is economics. Karl Marx simply HATED economics and created a slur for it, i.e. "capitalism," ... with "capital" being the dehumanizing supplanter of humanity. Open up an economics textbook and you will looking directly at capitalism. It's not an ideology; it's a collection of models, all based on the supply-demand curve, that incorporate human nature (microeconomics) ... which Marxists must deny or the slur doesn't make any sense.
and corporations view governments as simply something to be coopted or destroy so that nothing interferes with their profits. pesky things like civil rights or property rights.

the kelo decision and citizens united decisions launched the United States into a new era of modern fascism.

open borders and rampant immigration both are in play because they favor corporations.

globalism is internationalist fascism, in practice and reality.
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Damn you're the ignorant and stupid one. Moron.
  1. Globalization refers to integrating economies, cultures, and politics globally, while capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of resources and profit generation.
  2. Globalization encourages interdependence among countries, but capitalism focuses on competition and individualism.
  3. Globalization can lead to exchanging of ideas, technologies, and resources, while capitalism emphasizes wealth accumulation and economic growth.
Okay, let's examine this 'globalism' that you have attempted to define:

1. You seem to be attempting to describe a World Government, and describing fascism and communism based on that government manipulating and owning markets. To that, who IS this 'World Government'?
2. A World Government attempting to subjugate all other governments under it. What else is new? The only trouble is, other governments wouldn't stand to be subjugated that way.
3. Capitalism can and does lead to exchanging of ideas, technologies, and resources freely. It is the only system that can create wealth, and so is the only system capable of economic growth. SOCIALISM emphasizes accumulation of wealth by stealing it. Capitalism emphasized accumulation of wealth by CREATING it.

Therefore, I submit that your use of the term 'globalization', as you have defined it, creates a paradox.
Others have never defined it, and to them it's just a meaningless buzzword.

Capitalism is capitalism, whether it stays domestic, or whether it involves international trade. Capitalism IS the free market, and no government of any kind is required to implement it.
Globalism is a philosophy that views "countries" and "international borders" as mere mental constructs that factor into the world's single global market.

Capitalism is not a form of economics; it is economics. Karl Marx simply HATED economics and created a slur for it, i.e. "capitalism," ... with "capital" being the dehumanizing supplanter of humanity. Open up an economics textbook and you will looking directly at capitalism. It's not an ideology; it's a collection of models, all based on the supply-demand curve, that incorporate human nature (microeconomics) ... which Marxists must deny or the slur doesn't make any sense.
A fair argument. I like your view that capitalism is really the only form of economics, and that socialism is not economics, only theft.
A fair argument. I like your view that capitalism is really the only form of economics, and that socialism is not economics, only theft.
this discounts the very idea of a goverment or judiciary that regulates the interactions between individuals and or corporations.

does capitalism include counterfeit currency as a reasonable facilitator of trade?