Does America want fascism?

Did you ever read Marx?
:lolup: Says he's read Marx...
Globalism is not a form of economics... One could be Socialist and Globalist, Fascist and Globalist, Capitalist and Globalist... Each of those things could be true without regard to the different economic systems involved. The Globalist who is socialist would be one that would want socialism adopted everywhere, the Fascist Globalist would want the fascistic economic system adopted everywhere (governments controlling, but not owning, the means of production), the Capitalist would want everywhere to adopt capitalist practices...

Globalism is not in itself an economic system.


Trump won’t promise to accept results​

Trump, who egged on the Jan. 6 insurrection, was asked three times whether he would accept the results of the election after court challenges are exhausted. He refused to give an unqualified answer.
Biden should have taken my advice for debate.

Just say, "You are convicted felon."
Then add, 91 felon indictments. Two impeachments.
no. it's a form of capitalism that's fascist, elitist and destructive of nations and humanity itself.

a real race to the bottom supply side piece of dipshittery and retardation.

how is it smart to send all the jobs away?
Damn, you are ignorant. Globalism is capitalism on a worldwide scale. It is very smart to make your products abroad if it increases profits. That is capitalism. American industrialists moved manufacturing abroad to get cheaper labor and less environmental regulation.
Damn, you are ignorant. Globalism is capitalism on a worldwide scale. It is very smart to make your products abroad if it increases profits. That is capitalism. American industrialists moved manufacturing abroad to get cheaper labor and less environmental regulation.
its not smart if you lose all jobs and production capacity.

corporate profits are no the only concern a society has.
Too many do.

We are in the worst crisis since the Civil War.
The United States has never had a civil war, but Democrats certainly are calling for one!
Globalism is just capitalism.

If you folk scared of Marxism would actually read Marx, you'd know that is what he was warning against.
I have read the works of Karl Marx, and he is describing what Democrats are doing today.
Capitalism is not fascism. Redefinition fallacy.
Capitalism is not elitist or destructive.
it can be both, but is not always.

you destroy capitalism when you refuse to call out fascism and crony capitalism.

libertarians are dumbfucks who pretend fascism is free markets, usually because they're in the military, and it's just a blind spot that makes their lives a whole lot easier.
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Does America want fascism?​

Americans appear not to understand what fascism is- otherwise they would object to their taxes being handed to fascist Israel along with unimaginable sums in weaponry and support.
Trump is a fascist, of course- and half of America voted for him. The other half voted for Biden- who wasn't so much a fascist at the time but supports fascism now.
Now, with a choice of either left or right fascism Americans will still take part in the sick pantomime of quad-annual elections. Maybe they don't want fascism- but they will vote for it anyway.