Does America want fascism?

Indeed, it is not.

I would add that the control of goods and services is Socialism, a failed system wherever it has been implemented,

The second largest, most robust economy on the planet is the economy of CHINA. It is, and remains, a socialistic system...that was smart enough to incorporate some capitalistic ideas...just as we incorporated some socialistic ideas into our capitalism.

If we were smart (I am not accusing us of being smart) we would borrow a few more ideas from socialism...and would improve our own economy.
Damn, you are ignorant. Globalism is capitalism on a worldwide scale. It is very smart to make your products abroad if it increases profits. That is capitalism. American industrialists moved manufacturing abroad to get cheaper labor and less environmental regulation.
Damn you're the ignorant and stupid one. Moron.
  1. Globalization refers to integrating economies, cultures, and politics globally, while capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of resources and profit generation.
  2. Globalization encourages interdependence among countries, but capitalism focuses on competition and individualism.
  3. Globalization can lead to exchanging of ideas, technologies, and resources, while capitalism emphasizes wealth accumulation and economic growth.

Does America want fascism?​

Americans appear not to understand what fascism is- otherwise they would object to their taxes being handed to fascist Israel along with unimaginable sums in weaponry and support.
Trump is a fascist, of course- and half of America voted for him. The other half voted for Biden- who wasn't so much a fascist at the time but supports fascism now.
Now, with a choice of either left or right fascism Americans will still take part in the sick pantomime of quad-annual elections. Maybe they don't want fascism- but they will vote for it anyway.


The second largest, most robust economy on the planet is the economy of CHINA. It is, and remains, a socialistic system...that was smart enough to incorporate some capitalistic ideas...just as we incorporated some socialistic ideas into our capitalism.

If we were smart (I am not accusing us of being smart) we would borrow a few more ideas from socialism...and would improve our own economy.

Yeah, China is awesome.....
it can be both, but is not always.
Corporations are not fascism. They are never fascism. Redefinition fallacy. You cannot redefine a word some of the time when it's convenient for you.
you destroy capitalism when you refuse to call out fascism and crony capitalism.
Capitalism cannot be destroyed. There is no such thing as 'crony capitalism'. I do call out fascism where I see it, moron.
libertarians are dumbfucks who pretend fascism is free markets, usually because they're in the military, and it's just a blind spot that makes their lives a whole lot easier.
Why do you keep bringing up the Libertarian party??? So you hate 'em. That's YOUR beef, and YOUR problem.
Fascism is not free markets. Redefinition fallacy.
The military is not a form of economy. Redefinition fallacy.

You are still having trouble reading and understanding English.

Does America want fascism?​

Americans appear not to understand what fascism is-
You and Black certainly don't.
otherwise they would object to their taxes being handed to fascist Israel along with unimaginable sums in weaponry and support.
Israel is a theocracy, organized as an oligarchy. Capitalism, fascism, and communism all exist in Israel, just like they do in every nation.
HAMAS is a theocracy, also organized as an oligarchy. Capitalism, fascism, and communism all exist in Palestine.
Trump is a fascist, of course-
Trump is not a Democrat. He is a capitalist.
and half of America voted for him. The other half voted for Biden- who wasn't so much a fascist at the time but supports fascism now.
Biden is a socialist and supports fascism and communism. He always has.
Now, with a choice of either left or right fascism
Fascism has no 'left' or 'right'. It simply exists. Trump does not support it. Trump is a capitalist. Biden supports it, and most Democrats do. There are also a fair number of Republicans that do as well.
Americans will still take part in the sick pantomime of quad-annual elections. Maybe they don't want fascism- but they will vote for it anyway.
Fascism isn't up for vote. It simply exists.
How is globalism different from capitalism?
Globalism is not a form of economics...
Globalism is a philosophy that views "countries" and "international borders" as mere mental constructs that factor into the world's single global market.

Capitalism is not a form of economics; it is economics. Karl Marx simply HATED economics and created a slur for it, i.e. "capitalism," ... with "capital" being the dehumanizing supplanter of humanity. Open up an economics textbook and you will looking directly at capitalism. It's not an ideology; it's a collection of models, all based on the supply-demand curve, that incorporate human nature (microeconomics) ... which Marxists must deny or the slur doesn't make any sense.