Does America want fascism?

trump is old as dirt... But only figuratively speaking. he was not involved in the Civil War.
There has never been a civil war in the United States.
The so-called 'Civil War' was not a civil war. It was a war between two nations.

Trump is not as old as dirt.
Interesting side fact, if trump is elected in November, and if he serves a full term, he would be born closer to the Civil War than to leaving office. he will have been alive for more than half the time between the Civil War and leaving office.
Reality is not your strong point is it?
Buzzword fallacy. Learn what 'reality' is and how it's defined.
trump abandoned weapons in both Afghanistan and Yemen, does that make him a traitor?
He did neither, and Trump has committed no act of treason. Even if he did, that is not an act of treason.

Biden so far has committed four acts of treason.

You cannot blame Biden's problems on Trump.