APP - Does anyone belive we should keep healthcare as it is?


Well-known member
We currently have one of the worst and expensive healthcare systems in the world.

I know plenty of people who go to Canada for healthcare. Many other nations have a much better system.

Regardless of your position on Obama's plan...

Does anyone belive we should keep the system how it currently is?
Bullshit statistics
How many of our leaders fly to other countries for operations.
It needs tweeking not overhaul.
Medicare/caid pay cents on the dollar and the balance gets shifted to people who pay just like car insurance. Expand that and you kill the private options.
Also shorter patents for drug companies means way less new drugs.

I'm out
Bullshit statistics
How many of our leaders fly to other countries for operations.
It needs tweeking not overhaul.
Medicare/caid pay cents on the dollar and the balance gets shifted to people who pay just like car insurance. Expand that and you kill the private options.
Also shorter patents for drug companies means way less new drugs.

I'm out

I undersatand you do not like the proposed plan, but do you really want to keep it the same?

Sure here in the US if you are rich, you can get top notch health care. If you are poor or even middle class... not so much.

Leaders of other nations are rich, usually...
how is that our Health care all of sudden became BROKEN just in time for the Hugo Obama to fly in here and FIX IT..

yes there are some things that need to be done to bring our costs down, but we have some of the best health care in the world, that is why a lot of people come here for treatments they can't get in their countries..

the Hugo and Democrats are such a snaky keep hammering this kind of RETORIC..
Ive spent months trying to get someone to perform surgery on a client who had no money. The poor guy had medicaid, but noone in town would perform the operation. He was in severe pain, eventually I settled his case for about 10% of its value and he paid out of his pocket for the operation.

Had this guy not had a claim, he would have been SOL and in pain unable to work the rest of his life.
how is that our Health care all of sudden became BROKEN just in time for the Hugo Obama to fly in here and FIX IT..

yes there are some things that need to be done to bring our costs down, but we have some of the best health care in the world, that is why a lot of people come here for treatments they can't get in their countries..

the Hugo and Democrats are such a snaky keep hammering this kind of RETORIC..

Its been broken for years and years and continues to get worse. We finally have someone who is willing to pay attention to the problem instead of ignor it!
Ive spent months trying to get someone to perform surgery on a client who had no money. The poor guy had medicaid, but noone in town would perform the operation. He was in severe pain, eventually I settled his case for about 10% of its value and he paid out of his pocket for the operation.

Had this guy not had a claim, he would have been SOL and in pain unable to work the rest of his life.

I know about Medicaid, my mom just passed away on it...but all the Democrats plan would do, is turn everyone onto one giant Medicaid program that forces everyone to be in it..

you need to open your eyes, and really look into what this bill is all about..
there are other plans out there to bring down the cost of our health care, TORT reform for starters, but isn't even mentioned in the Hugos bill, you ever wonder WHY?
I know about Medicaid, my mom just passed away on it...but all the Democrats plan would do, is turn everyone onto one giant Medicaid program that forces everyone to be in it..

you need to open your eyes, and really look into what this bill is all about..

Again, in this thread, I am not debating the propsed plan, I am first trying to establish that the current system is broken.
I know about Medicaid, my mom just passed away on it...but all the Democrats plan would do, is turn everyone onto one giant Medicaid program that forces everyone to be in it..

you need to open your eyes, and really look into what this bill is all about..
there are other plans out there to bring down the cost of our health care, TORT reform for starters, but isn't even mentioned in the Hugos bill, you ever wonder WHY?

Sorry to hear about your mother. How long ago did you loose her?
Again, in this thread, I am not debating the propsed plan, I am first trying to establish that the current system is broken.

OK, no it's not broken...needs some tweaks to bring the cost down and there are other plans to make this happen..
how is that our Health care all of sudden became BROKEN just in time for the Hugo Obama to fly in here and FIX IT..

yes there are some things that need to be done to bring our costs down, but we have some of the best health care in the world, that is why a lot of people come here for treatments they can't get in their countries..

the Hugo and Democrats are such a snaky keep hammering this kind of RETORIC..

Please. Our system's been broken for decades and Hillary attempted a fix something like 16 years ago, but was shot down by the RW hacks.
Please. Our system's been broken for decades and Hillary attempted a fix something like 16 years ago, but was shot down by the RW hacks.

wrong, the American people back then also Rejected Socialized health care as they are now....get it straight..
The Bush administration had 8 years to propose some sort of fix... Nuthing!
Man, I love revisionism.

They had only 4 where they had control of the congress and he spent them trying to get illegal immigrants citizenship and revise Social security. Both of which will need to be done.

Do I wish they had the foresight to put in place a solid health care plan where the government wasn't the centralized player? Yeah, I do. But that doesn't make this plan any better, nor does pretending he had 8 years of congressional control.
Man, I love revisionism.

They had only 4 where they had control of the congress and he spent them trying to get illegal immigrants citizenship and revise Social security. Both of which will need to be done.

Do I wish they had the foresight to put in place a solid health care plan where the government wasn't the centralized player? Yeah, I do. But that doesn't make this plan any better, nor does pretending he had 8 years of congressional control.

I never said he had 8 years of congressional control, but even without congressional controll he could have proposed something...!

Just because you are working on Social Security and Illegal Immigration, (two things he did not get done) does not mean you cant work on healthcare.
I never said he had 8 years of congressional control, but even without congressional controll he could have proposed something...!

Just because you are working on Social Security and Illegal Immigration, (two things he did not get done) does not mean you cant work on healthcare.

Your revisionism notwithstanding (yes your attempt to say they had 8 years of control was still noted), Bush is not all republicans and he was often short sighted politically. This does not mean that this idea suddenly becomes good, or that R ideas were not proposed to attack the costs of health care.

The reality is that big stuff like this is done one at a time. Had SS passed they would have moved on to the next on their agenda, when it failed they did anyway and tried to pass the immigration reform. Had that also passed they would have moved on to the next thing, but they kept putting that one forward.

Obama talks about revising immigration as well, but I do notice that he, like everybody else, is doing one large thing at a time.
We currently have one of the worst and expensive healthcare systems in the world.

I know plenty of people who go to Canada for healthcare. Many other nations have a much better system.

Regardless of your position on Obama's plan...

Does anyone belive we should keep the system how it currently is?

not if we come up with something better.....I would not be in favor of doing something worse, simply because it's change....