APP - Does anyone belive we should keep healthcare as it is?

3. Getting rid of 'pre-existing conditions' disqualifier

That's a no-go. What's to prevent someone from not having insurance until they get sick? That's like buying homeowner's insurance while your house is burning.
Yet you said Hillarycare was "like this". It isn't. And health care isn't "broken" it is simply expensive.

Uh, no I didn't. I said "something like 16 years ago", meaning about 16 years.

"Please. Our system's been broken for decades and Hillary attempted a fix something like 16 years ago, but was shot down by the RW hacks."

Maybe you don't think it's broken but you don't speak for everyone.
Uh, no I didn't. I said "something like 16 years ago", meaning about 16 years.

"Please. Our system's been broken for decades and Hillary attempted a fix something like 16 years ago, but was shot down by the RW hacks."

Maybe you don't think it's broken but you don't speak for everyone.

Particularly those who pay for their own and have experienced the system as it really is in it's full force.
When I got my ass beat earlier this year my hospital bills came out close to $100K. I currently owe thousands. If the government wants to come and say Mr. Cawacko you are off the hook it's all "free" well God Bless Obama.
When I got my ass beat earlier this year my hospital bills came out close to $100K. I currently owe thousands. If the government wants to come and say Mr. Cawacko you are off the hook it's all "free" well God Bless Obama.

I understand, breast cancer and a new hip aren't a financial walk in the park either. If they had acted 15 years ago, how many thousands of people would have been saved from devastation while UHC alone paid out a $billion+ to execs?
I would try to figure any way possible to leave those holding the bills holding the bag, maybe the Dr. being the exception. Every time I think it's over, they bill me for something they forgot. I disputed $5 Tylenols and $$ blood pressure pills, which I never took and they dropped it. If you're on a co-pay ask for a copy of the insurance co. bill and payment, you may get it, you may not, but they will listen to you more attentively from that point on. I also got a signed advance estimate and confronted them when the bill to me was more than twice the estimate. I'm sure you've already learned some ins and outs that I haven't yet. Good Luck, I wish you well.
I understand, breast cancer and a new hip aren't a financial walk in the park either. If they had acted 15 years ago, how many thousands of people would have been saved from devastation while UHC alone paid out a $billion+ to execs?
I would try to figure any way possible to leave those holding the bills holding the bag, maybe the Dr. being the exception. Every time I think it's over, they bill me for something they forgot. I disputed $5 Tylenols and $$ blood pressure pills, which I never took and they dropped it. If you're on a co-pay ask for a copy of the insurance co. bill and payment, you may get it, you may not, but they will listen to you more attentively from that point on. I also got a signed advance estimate and confronted them when the bill to me was more than twice the estimate. I'm sure you've already learned some ins and outs that I haven't yet. Good Luck, I wish you well.

Thanks belme. I will try some of your recommendations.
Jarod, there are some 'reforms' I think we'd all like to see, that fall far short of going the route of Medicaid/Medicare. I don't know about everyone else's experiences with Medicare, but I know my parents had a 'supplemental' insurance coverage that set them back over $8k per year and that was a few years back. Even then, some meds weren't covered.

Reforms/changes that I think should be addressed:

1. Tort reforms
2. Portability from job to job
3. Getting rid of 'pre-existing conditions' disqualifier
4. Allow people to buy a menu of coverages

This is what the Republicans want.
When I got my ass beat earlier this year my hospital bills came out close to $100K. I currently owe thousands. If the government wants to come and say Mr. Cawacko you are off the hook it's all "free" well God Bless Obama.

How did you get u'rr ass beat?
When I got my ass beat earlier this year my hospital bills came out close to $100K. I currently owe thousands. If the government wants to come and say Mr. Cawacko you are off the hook it's all "free" well God Bless Obama.
I hear ya but what would be nice is the cost control aspect of health reform. Not just availability for the uninsured. I don't know the extent of your injuries but $100,000 seems excessive. Another example of where cost control would be affective for me. My employer switched from a standard 80/20 plan to a HSA due to the ever increasing costs and an HSA plan isn't as good of coverage as the 80/20. Shortly after that happened my wife had a bicycling accident where she we knocked out in a fall. She had a slight concusion and some road rash but the hospital bill was $10,000. Because my company switched from an 80/20 plan to an HSA (which a lot of companies are doing), I ended up paying $6,000 of that bill instead of $2,000 that I would have owed under the 80/20 plan.

My point here is not just about the lousy coverage of the HSA plan. The fact that it cost $10,000 for getting your bell rung and a slight case of road rash is just insane!
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When I got my ass beat earlier this year my hospital bills came out close to $100K. I currently owe thousands. If the government wants to come and say Mr. Cawacko you are off the hook it's all "free" well God Bless Obama.
This is a typical Liberal mentality- 'what's free for me is what I be'.
How did you get u'rr ass beat?

Was leaving a club in downtown LA after a going away party for two co-workers moving back to London and was walking a block to get a cab and on the way four guys got out of a car and beat my *ss. The bad news is I was really drunk so I don't know if that prevented me from running and possibly escaping. The good news is I was really drunk so the beating wasn't painful at all and I don't really remember it. I ended up with a fractured face and cracked jaw.

I didn't know these people. Think I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time or they thought I was someone else.
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Was leaving a club in downtown LA after a going away party for two co-workers moving back to London and was walking a block to get a cab and on the way four guys got out of a car and beat my *ss. The bad news is I was really drunk so I don't know if that prevented me from running and possibly escaping. The good news is I was really drunk so the beating wasn't painful at all and I don't really remember it. I ended up with a fractured face and cracked jaw.

I didn't know these people. Think I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time or they thought I was someone else.
I had something similiar happen to me in 2000. I was at a restraunt in Dayton, OH ( I call it the capital of Kentucky cause of all the hillbillies that live there.). I had just finished eating and given the last of my cash to the waitress as a tip. I went out back to the parking lot to leave and was pulling out when I saw a young man sitting on the fender of his car. It looked like he had a flat and I got stupid and pulled up and asked if he needed a hand. The little asshole pullled a pistol on me and asked me for my wallet. I'm like "Oh Shit" when I handed him the wallet cause there was no cash in it. He started pistol whiping me and I kept telling him to take my plastic and even told him the pin #. He then wanted to get out of my car and get into his car to go to an ATM. I got out of my car and just hauled ass. I was a bloody mess from some facial cuts but I did get away. Freaken cops were total assholes about the situation too.

Glad you back to hitting on all cylinders. I hope no permannet damage was done?
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Maybe you should buy insurance after you got your ass beat to have someone else pay to get it fixed?

"Someone else" like society at large? The society that failed to prevent the beating in the first place? Why should you be responsible for the bill for healthcare for something that was nothing of your doing?
I had something similiar happen to me in 2000. I was leaving a bar in Lima, Ohio and was jumped by 5 punks. Fortunately for me, I was not drunk, the punks were Larry, Curly, Moe and their two cousins and I was still a USCF racer and was in tip top shape. I told the punk leading them when they followed me out that I wasn't afraid of any one who smoked that wasn't carrying a gun. He didn't believe me. 10 minutes later 2 of them got scared an ran off the other 3 were panting and I wasn't. Then the cops showed up and the dumb asses ran (that saved my ass from going to jail. The cops just thought it was a bar fight until the ran off. Then they understood I was being jumped.) while I stood there. I had some facial cuts that I had to get sewed up but the cops nabbed three of the guys and I got my revenge in court. I got all my medical expenses paid and the ring leader got 30 days. A much happier ending then your affair but againk, these punks were jokes and whooping on them was nothing to boast about.

Glad you back to hitting on all cylinders. I hope no permannet damage was done?

That's pretty impressive well done and great result too! Nothing better than to see punks like that get their comeuppence (sp?).

All things considered I got really lucky. My face isn't fully healed yet but I was lucky because I had one of the top plastic surgeons in LA. I read this guy's bio and besides winning like a dozen awards he had supposedly worked on numerous celebrities as well. (Haha, I must have qualified as an internet political board poster celebrity!)
That's pretty impressive well done and great result too! Nothing better than to see punks like that get their comeuppence (sp?).

All things considered I got really lucky. My face isn't fully healed yet but I was lucky because I had one of the top plastic surgeons in LA. I read this guy's bio and besides winning like a dozen awards he had supposedly worked on numerous celebrities as well. (Haha, I must have qualified as an internet political board poster celebrity!)

What does (sp?) mean?