APP - Does anyone belive we should keep healthcare as it is?

What does (sp?) mean?

I could be wrong but I thought it meant spelling like either saying you're not sure if you spelled the word correctly or acknowledging that you know you spelled the word wrong. I wasn't sure if I spelled it right hence the '?' after sp.
We currently have one of the worst and expensive healthcare systems in the world.

I know plenty of people who go to Canada for healthcare. Many other nations have a much better system.

Regardless of your position on Obama's plan...

Does anyone belive we should keep the system how it currently is?

What are you talking about? Our doctors are the best in the world. We have state of the art equipment and more of them. We have the best cancer survival rate in the world, with the exception of maybe Sweden. The UK is way down the list. People from all over the world come here for treatment.

Yes, we have to reform our system, but not the Obama way.
What are you talking about? Our doctors are the best in the world. We have state of the art equipment and more of them. We have the best cancer survival rate in the world, with the exception of maybe Sweden. The UK is way down the list. People from all over the world come here for treatment.

Yes, we have to reform our system, but not the Obama way.

What are you talking about? 14% of Americans have gone out of country to seek treatment.
"Someone else" like society at large? The society that failed to prevent the beating in the first place? Why should you be responsible for the bill for healthcare for something that was nothing of your doing?
You're the one who failed to adequately defend themselves, or sue the perps. *shrug*
The wingnut publication Investor's Business Daily made a GREAT point when they speculated that physicist Stephen Hawking would probably be dead if he had to rely on the British NHS system.

For all we know, the socialist Death Panels in the NHS might have euthanized Hawking decades ago. Which would have been a tragedy for science and enlightened thought.

EDIT: Ooops. It turns out Stephen Hawking IS a british citizen, and he specifically credits the NHS for making his life possible.

Damn. Another ill informed Wingnut talking point shot to hell.
Yeah, Cy, that's got to be one of the funniest things to happen in this entire debate. They're making up such bullcrap, that they don't even see their bullcrap lies for what they are before they publish them and embarrass themselves.
Maybe you should buy insurance after you got your ass beat to have someone else pay to get it fixed?

In my entire life nobody has ever paid for my insurance or my family's other than myself or my company which also covered every full-time employee. You?

I repeat, after reading your comments, God help us, we'll need it.
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What are you talking about? Our doctors are the best in the world. We have state of the art equipment and more of them. We have the best cancer survival rate in the world, with the exception of maybe Sweden. The UK is way down the list. People from all over the world come here for treatment.

Yes, we have to reform our system, but not the Obama way.

Would you suggest in the same way as 1994? Why trust the people who prevailed then to respond differently now?
Please. Our system's been broken for decades and Hillary attempted a fix something like 16 years ago, but was shot down by the RW hacks.

Sorry but HillaryCare was rejected by a Democratic Congress. In fact it was a big reason for the Republican sweep later that year. It's an easy mistake though, since our "unbiased" Media continues to leave out that "inconvenient truth" whenever the subject comes up...

"In the 1992 US Presidential election, Democratic candidate Bill Clinton would defeat President Bush (who's image was damaged by economic woes)[59] and shift the balance of power in favor of the Democrats once again. The Republicans, however, finally returned to a majority position, in both houses of Congress, in the election of 1994, thanks in part to: 1) President Clinton's unpopular attempt to establish universal health care;[60]..."
In my entire life nobody has ever paid for my insurance or my family's other than myself or my company which also covered every full-time employee. You?

I repeat, after reading your comments, God help us, we'll need it.
You missed the point entirely. *shrug*
The wingnut publication Investor's Business Daily made a GREAT point when they speculated that physicist Stephen Hawking would probably be dead if he had to rely on the British NHS system.

For all we know, the socialist Death Panels in the NHS might have euthanized Hawking decades ago. Which would have been a tragedy for science and enlightened thought.
EDIT: Ooops. It turns out Stephen Hawking IS a british citizen, and he specifically credits the NHS for making his life possible.

Damn. Another ill informed Wingnut talking point shot to hell.

Did the NHS exist when he was born?
Did the NHS exist when he was born?

He was born in 1942 and the NHS came into existence in 1948.

Almost as soon as he arrived at Cambridge, he started developing symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (known colloquially in the USA as Lou Gehrig's disease), a type of motor neuron disease which would cost him almost all neuromuscular control. During his first two years at Cambridge, he did not distinguish himself, but, after the disease had stabilized and with the help of his doctoral tutor, Dennis William Sciama, he returned to working on his Ph.D.[8] He revealed that he did not see much point in obtaining a doctorate if he were to die soon. Hawking later said that the real turning point was his 1965 marriage to Jane Wilde, a language student.[8] After gaining his Ph.D., Stephen became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College.