APP - Does anyone belive we should keep healthcare as it is?

how is that our Health care all of sudden became BROKEN just in time for the Hugo Obama to fly in here and FIX IT..

yes there are some things that need to be done to bring our costs down, but we have some of the best health care in the world, that is why a lot of people come here for treatments they can't get in their countries..

the Hugo and Democrats are such a snaky keep hammering this kind of RETORIC..

Our healthcare system has been a growing problem for many years. The party holding most of the power for the last 30 years or so just liked it the way it was. It got them lots of campaign contributions and such.
And they do not really care about the little people suffering as long as they have theirs.
Does anyone belive we should keep healthcare as it is?

I don't like the idea of Obama's Death Panels, or a 12 month wait for an x-ray in a socialistic-ish-y Nationalized Goverment system.
The party holding most of the power for the last 30 years or so just liked it the way it was.

and here I thought you liked the Democrats.......
Nixon - Democrats controlled House 6 of 6 years and Senate 6 of 6 years
Ford - Democrats controlled House 2 of 2 years and Senate 2 of 2 years
Carter- Democrats controlled House 4 of 4 years, Senate 4 of 4 years, and White House 4 of 4 years - 4 years total control
Reagan -Democrats controlled House 8 of 8 years, Senate for 2 of 8 years
Bush 1 - Democrats controlled House 4 of 4 years and Senate 4 of 4 years
Clinton - Democrats controlled House 2 of 8 years, Senate 2 of 8 years and White House 8 of 8 years - 6 years of total control
Bush 2 - Democrats controlled House 2 of 8 years, Senate 4 of 8 years and White House 8 of 8 years - 4 years of total control

no matter how you look at it the party holding most of the power the last thirty years or so has been the Democrats....
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Again, in this thread, I am not debating the propsed plan, I am first trying to establish that the current system is broken.
Your premise is flawed, since the system isn't broken. Granted it could use improvement, like tort reform, deregulation of the insurance industry, and tax exemption for insurance and medical payments.
and here I thought you liked the Democrats.......

figure it out, the repubs have had most of the power for the last 30 years. Either thru majority control or thru presidential veto and veto override proof numbers.

I do not like either party. I just fear the damage the repubs do more.
And the moral legislation the right pushes as well.
how is that our Health care all of sudden became BROKEN just in time for the Hugo Obama to fly in here and FIX IT..


I know that this is old information for most of you guys, but meme your complete lack of American history knowledge on this subject is simply staggering.

Well done.
figure it out, the repubs have had most of the power for the last 30 years. Either thru majority control or thru presidential veto and veto override proof numbers.

pwned....see list above....and controlling the presidency doesn't mean much if the Congress won't pass what you want to sign....

I know that this is old information for most of you guys, but meme your complete lack of American history knowledge on this subject is simply staggering.

Well done.

okey dokey:rolleyes:
And this is the comment I was answering, which has nothing to do with the properties of either plan.

"how is that our Health care all of sudden became BROKEN just in time for the Hugo Obama to fly in here and FIX IT.."
Yet you said Hillarycare was "like this". It isn't. And health care isn't "broken" it is simply expensive.
Man, I love revisionism.

They had only 4 where they had control of the congress and he spent them trying to get illegal immigrants citizenship and revise Social security. Both of which will need to be done.

Do I wish they had the foresight to put in place a solid health care plan where the government wasn't the centralized player? Yeah, I do. But that doesn't make this plan any better, nor does pretending he had 8 years of congressional control.

All he said was that the Bush admin had 8 years to propose some sort of fix.

You really over-react at times, and then have a hard time admitting you were wrong when you're called on it.

He's right, too. Bush gave a lot of lip service to healthcare in the 2000 campaign, and did nothing.
All he said was that the Bush admin had 8 years to propose some sort of fix.

You really over-react at times, and then have a hard time admitting you were wrong when you're called on it.

He's right, too. Bush gave a lot of lip service to healthcare in the 2000 campaign, and did nothing.
Again, do I wish that he had the foresight to implement a system where government wasn't the central player? Yes.

But realistically, anything proposed by Bush would not pass while the Congress was in the hands of another party without a co-sponsor like Kennedy. While they seemed willing to do it with a swipe at education and with the pill bill I do not believe that there was any consensus on health care, and the last two years there would be no deals with his administration, except those with immigration.

I look at this realistically, he had 4 years to pass something that would have been better than this, and didn't have the foresight to do so. I think that was a mistake. But again, it does not make this one any better to say, "Bush didn't do it!"

Bush's lipservice that I remember was about that Pill Bill, and he certainly dropped that load along with Kennedy.
Man, I love revisionism.

They had only 4 where they had control of the congress and he spent them trying to get illegal immigrants citizenship and revise Social security. Both of which will need to be done.

Do I wish they had the foresight to put in place a solid health care plan where the government wasn't the centralized player? Yeah, I do. But that doesn't make this plan any better, nor does pretending he had 8 years of congressional control.

Do you believe bush and the GOP would have taken on their largest contributors and try to pass a healthcare bill that would benefit the US people? A FAIR plan would have had the support of the people and some Republicans and most Democrats.
Profits and insurance costs are the biggest wall between the most costly, unfair, and poorly distributed healthcare system in the world and one that is more fair, more efficient, and within the reach of everyone. Employer based insurance will be the ultimate death of prosperity.
It is unlikely the Republican party would take on the problem, merely because they don't see it as a problem and the cost to them was better spent on their phoney, poorly run war. $160 billion a year would buy a lot of healthcare.
Ive spent months trying to get someone to perform surgery on a client who had no money. The poor guy had medicaid, but noone in town would perform the operation. He was in severe pain, eventually I settled his case for about 10% of its value and he paid out of his pocket for the operation.

Had this guy not had a claim, he would have been SOL and in pain unable to work the rest of his life.

Jarod, there are some 'reforms' I think we'd all like to see, that fall far short of going the route of Medicaid/Medicare. I don't know about everyone else's experiences with Medicare, but I know my parents had a 'supplemental' insurance coverage that set them back over $8k per year and that was a few years back. Even then, some meds weren't covered.

Reforms/changes that I think should be addressed:

1. Tort reforms
2. Portability from job to job
3. Getting rid of 'pre-existing conditions' disqualifier
4. Allow people to buy a menu of coverages
All he said was that the Bush admin had 8 years to propose some sort of fix.

You really over-react at times, and then have a hard time admitting you were wrong when you're called on it.

He's right, too. Bush gave a lot of lip service to healthcare in the 2000 campaign, and did nothing.

^^ QFT ^^
All he said was that the Bush admin had 8 years to propose some sort of fix.

You really over-react at times, and then have a hard time admitting you were wrong when you're called on it.

He's right, too. Bush gave a lot of lip service to healthcare in the 2000 campaign, and did nothing.

He did Medicare Advantage - which was worse than nothing.
Again, do I wish that he had the foresight to implement a system where government wasn't the central player? Yes.

But realistically, anything proposed by Bush would not pass while the Congress was in the hands of another party without a co-sponsor like Kennedy. While they seemed willing to do it with a swipe at education and with the pill bill I do not believe that there was any consensus on health care, and the last two years there would be no deals with his administration, except those with immigration.

I look at this realistically, he had 4 years to pass something that would have been better than this, and didn't have the foresight to do so. I think that was a mistake. But again, it does not make this one any better to say, "Bush didn't do it!"

Bush's lipservice that I remember was about that Pill Bill, and he certainly dropped that load along with Kennedy.

Bush did nothing, Obama is trying to do something.

You can make all the excuses you want, but no republican leader has come up with any real initiative to tackle the problems that people have to contend with in the healthcare system:

- Failure to insure
- Insurance companies "rationing" healthcare
- Lack of insurance for people with pre-existing conditions


REpublicans have sat on their collective fat asses for over a decade.
Bush did nothing, Obama is trying to do something.

You can make all the excuses you want, but no republican leader has come up with any real initiative to tackle the problems that people have to contend with in the healthcare system:

- Failure to insure
- Insurance companies "rationing" healthcare
- Lack of insurance for people with pre-existing conditions


REpublicans have sat on their collective fat asses for over a decade.
Trying to do the wrong thing is worse than doing nothing.