Does everyone start out an atheist?

poor will you ever cope.....

he doesn't.....why shouldn't he expect us to communicate if we want something....
Again, you answer a direct question with another question rather than producing logic. Threedee is already kicking your behind in that arena.

Why would God find it necessary, it already knows, it is just redundancy so that you can practice your psychic communication?
I see, this is somewhat logical, but why would god care if you were "lazy" in worship? This continues back to why would god want you to worship him at all? Why would God need or want the constant affirmation? My faith "muscle" notwithstanding, why would god care if you believed at all?

Same principles apply to people. Couples get irritated when the partner gets cheap and distant, even if the neglectful partner still thinks they love they other deeply.

I'm one of those old fashioned Catholics who likes to downplay emotion and talk philosophy, but in truth, it really does just come down to love, which must be expressed and shown in good faith. Otherwise the whole experiment of creating life has no point.
Again, you answer a direct question with another question rather than producing logic. Threedee is already kicking your behind in that arena.

/sigh....then I'm going to quit....apparently you don't like the way I communicate.....I can't debate if I have to conform to your rules....
Same principles apply to people. Couples get irritated when the partner gets cheap and distant, even if the neglectful partner still thinks they love they other deeply.

I'm one of those old fashioned Catholics who likes to downplay emotion and talk philosophy, but in truth, it really does just come down to love, which must be expressed and shown in good faith. Otherwise the whole experiment of creating life has no point.
Now you are anthropomorphizing and assuming the God of the bible is the only possible Deity to include in this conversation and we must assume that all we are told about him is true, and because of this have lost the logic of the argument and crossed into faith.

You base your picture of the deity off of the Bible and assume therefore this Deity "loves" us, and I understand that, but "god loves you because the bible says so" is not an argument of logic. This has become an argument of faith rather than reason. Further extending this idea you then bring out analogies of family. There is nothing that tells me that the Deity would think of his creation as anything more than toys, or "things", maybe even a piece of art.
Of course this whole conversation began with my simple statement that it is my opinion that it is illogical for any all-powerful being to want worship and require belief.

This doesn't mean that it can't be true, it is a matter of Faith. I support your right and do not argue against your belief, I simply support and affirm my opinion.