Does the cosmos have a reason?

The Christian concept of an immaterial immortal soul, and a transcendental heaven beyond the material world comes from Plato.
that's a soul. a living thing.

not a mathematical form or conic sections of imaginary things you can do with construction paper and passing the concept of a plane through it.

and souls were known long before Plato.

nerds good at descriptive math don't get to dictate reality.
which science have i denied?

I have never done so and you cannot produce a link.

Lies from big pharma isn't science, it's satanic fascism.
I doubt you're a fucking moron, Fredo, but I do believe you have severe mental issues.

Anthropogenic Global Warming cranks are on the defensive, losing their cool and uttering desperate mantras such as “You can be sceptical, not denial.” Gee, thanks, guys. In fact we shall be whatever we want to be, without asking your permission.

At this rate, Copenhagen is going to turn into a comedy convention with the real world laughing at these liars. Now is the time to mount massive resistance to the petty tyrants and hit them where it hurts – in the wallet. Further down the line there may be, in many countries, a question of criminal prosecution of anybody who has falsified data to secure funds and impose potentially disastrous fiscal restraints on the world in deference to a massive hoax. It’s a new world out there, Al, and, as you may have noticed, the climate is very cold indeed. e-mails-sweep-america-may-scuttle-barack-obamas-cap-and-trade-laws/
environmentalism is mostly a ploy to justify mass murder.

good people reject it.
Flooding is real. the co2 reduction plans are a plot to murder humanity with food austerity.
Your post is saying that the laws of gravity and motion didn't exist before the Earth, planets, and sun established themselves in precise orbital dynamics.
No I didn’t say that. Sure they followed those laws which were later described. They organized themselves in very specific quantized patterns and designs in the absence of the later described mathematical laws of physics is what I meant.
I'm saying our solar system was dynamically organized as it is because of preexisting laws of motion and orbital mechanics.
Which were later described.
this platonic forms shit is why they separated western civilization from everything else in academia.

God forbid we teach the kids about Buddhism or the byzantine empire.
Our solar system didn't organize itself until five billion years ago.
The universe and the laws of gravity existed 13 billion years ago....
...I'm saying our solar system was dynamically organized as it is because of preexisting laws of motion and orbital mechanics.
Agreed. Like a cueball in the break, the results of the break are set the moment the cueball contacts the racked billiard balls due to the laws of physics established at the Big Bang.

Without the interference of life, the motions of the Universe would proceed in a predictable manner. Life is the great variable in the Universe.

Today, the consensus among scientists, astronomers and cosmologists is that the Universe as we know it was created in a massive explosion that not only created the majority of matter, but the physical laws that govern our ever-expanding cosmos.
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Agreed. Like a cueball in the break, the results of the break are set the moment the cueball contacts the racked billiard balls due to the laws of physics established at the Big Bang.

Without the interference of life, the motions of the Universe would proceed in a predictable manner. Life is the great variable in the Universe.

Today, the consensus among scientists, astronomers and cosmologists is that the Universe as we know it was created in a massive explosion that not only created the majority of matter, but the physical laws that govern our ever-expanding cosmos.

The grand unification theory, and theory of everything recognizes that all the fundamental forces were unified at the very beginning and preceded atomic matter.
that's a soul. a living thing.

and souls were known long before Plato.

It doesn't matter whether or not the ancient Japanese, Indians, or Polynesians believed in an immortal soul.

The Christians of late Antiquity did not know those people.

The Christians got their ideas of an immortal soul and a transcendental heaven from Plato.

It doesn't matter if that makes you angry. It is a historical fact.

The grand unification theory, and theory of everything recognizes that all the fundamental forces were unified at the very beginning and preceded atomic matter.
Not a physicist, but it all makes sense to me that's how it all came about. What caused the Big Bang, is unknown, but what came after seems pretty clear.

What fascinates me the most is how Life is the great variable in shaping the Universe. The X factor.

It doesn't matter whether or not the ancient Japanese, Indians, or Polynesians believed in an immortal soul.

The Christians of late Antiquity did not know those people.

The Christians got their ideas of an immortal soul and a transcendental heaven from Plato.

It doesn't matter if that makes you angry. It is a historical fact.
that's bullshit.

some truths are eventually discovered by everyone.

the christian concept is not significantly different.

you're just involved in a branding exercise.

Christian brand soul brought to by Plato. by mennen.

it;s the same old shit.

no offense.
Agreed. Like a cueball in the break, the results of the break are set the moment the cueball contacts the racked billiard balls due to the laws of physics established at the Big Bang.

Without the interference of life, the motions of the Universe would proceed in a predictable manner. Life is the great variable in the Universe.

Today, the consensus among scientists, astronomers and cosmologists is that the Universe as we know it was created in a massive explosion that not only created the majority of matter, but the physical laws that govern our ever-expanding cosmos.

the are actually small time intervals between impacts between balls.

anything could change the outcome of the break at any point.

you would know this if you HAD balls.

and what do you think of "mark to model" in stock pricing?
Not a physicist, but it all makes sense to me that's how it all came about. What caused the Big Bang, is unknown, but what came after seems pretty clear.

What fascinates me the most is how Life is the great variable in shaping the Universe. The X factor.
Yes, the 64 thousand dollar question.

Life as we would recognize it is either inevitable in the presence of liquid water, or life is an exceptionally rare fluke.

I lean towards life being very rare, but OTOH I wouldn't be totally shocked if we started finding microbial life on all the ocean moons of the solar system.
Yes, the 64 thousand dollar question.

Life as we would recognize it is either inevitable in the presence of liquid water, or life is an exceptionally rare fluke.

I lean towards life being very rare, but OTOH I wouldn't be totally shocked if we started finding microbial life on all the ocean moons of the solar system.
Agreed life appears to be very rare judging by the results. Why remains a mystery. Do other advanced civilizations kill themselves off before being able to move off world?

Again, not a physicist, but it seems that, without life, be it rare or common, the motions of the Universe were set at Big Bang in predictable ways. Life alters those motions in unpredictable ways.

Sure, we can predict that a bean sprouts roots will grow down, but exactly how it grows from there seems unpredictable. I'm not sure a math formula for that is achievable. If it was, then our entire lives could be reduced to a mathematical formula. A feat I strongly doubt it possible.

the are actually small time intervals between impacts between balls.

anything could change the outcome of the break at any point.

Newton's laws of motion are fixed and well known, and in principle if you know the momentum, acceleration, and mass of interacting macro-scale objects moving at less than relativistic speeds and the forces acting on them, you could predict their motion arbitrarily far into the future or the past.

That's why we know when there will be solar eclipses decades into the future.

That's why we know where Pluto will be in 15 years when we are designing exploratory space probes.

That's why ballistic analysis works for forensic criminal investigators - they know the laws of motion are fixed and well established.

That's why we know how to calculate the energy released by asteroid impacts.