Does this place suck more than ever or is it art imitating life?


Not even capable of posting on topic, yet others are morons.


The idiocy if others is not dependent on my capability to post on topic. I'd explain that in more detail but youve already shown us why that would be a waste of time.
This is because of dumb ass leftist snowflakes who are offended by EVERYTHING. If anyone thinks this is because of trump then they are dumber than I ever imagined and my imagination is vivid believe me. No one with a functiong brain can take you seriously.

No one with a functioning brain will take me seriously.
Old posters; suck
New posters; suck
anatta; dumber than ever
Irish, ILA; more racist than ever

Humor; all but gone.

Is this what a greater America is like?

Are you Trump supporters proud of yourselves yet?

This from the arsehole that keeps saying he's leaving but comes back to call everybody shitstains and then fucks off again. I imagine your business is totally dead in the water now, can we laugh about that?
Old posters; suck
New posters; suck
anatta; dumber than ever
Irish, ILA; more racist than ever

Humor; all but gone.

Is this what a greater America is like?

Are you Trump supporters proud of yourselves yet?

The Germanic migrations of AOL, Amazon, and DCJ have taken a toll on this site.
He's broke, his business was holed below the waterline and sank without trace. He's relying on Snarla to survive.

You fucking retard.
As a successful commercial artist my market is the 1%. No issues there, moron.
Suck another cock, for taste.
Old posters; suck
New posters; suck
anatta; dumber than ever
Irish, ILA; more racist than ever

Humor; all but gone.

Is this what a greater America is like?

Are you Trump supporters proud of yourselves yet?

im very proud of trump

as for jpp sucking, it hasn't sucked any more than when you've been around :)

as for humor, I am hilarious and I provide a great amount of levity, so I have no idea what you are talking about
I will piss on the gravesite of your page on 4 Nov.20 Trump will become a forgotten nightmare and if you live long enough you will deny you ever voted for him.

if you say this, you truly do not understand the conservative movement. it's a truly ignorant comment. There are many reasons conservatives stopped liking bush. For me, it was when he nominated harriet miers for supreme court. In case you forgot, the right raged hardcore over that and he actually had to withdraw her. How many times has that happened in history? Bush also was supremely soft on immigration, fucking us over bigtime.

Trump continues to have rockstar level of support among republicans and conservatives. He is a totally different animal from the sellout deepstate cuckservative that was bush. Trump will not be abandoned by conservatives (barring him selling out)