Does this place suck more than ever or is it art imitating life?

Old posters; suck
New posters; suck
anatta; dumber than ever
Irish, ILA; more racist than ever

Humor; all but gone.

Is this what a greater America is like?

Are you Trump supporters proud of yourselves yet?

With the spoiled brat effects of the Trump presidency, a lot of things are getting worse. You should see music reviews of bands that have always been political daring to make an album with a song of it in the era of the Trump Magnons. They have very simple stuff that shouldn't even be provoking. Still, they write reviews like the bands wrote a song called march of the incels, or the covfefe blues.
if you say this, you truly do not understand the conservative movement. it's a truly ignorant comment. There are many reasons conservatives stopped liking bush. For me, it was when he nominated harriet miers for supreme court. In case you forgot, the right raged hardcore over that and he actually had to withdraw her. How many times has that happened in history? Bush also was supremely soft on immigration, fucking us over bigtime.

Trump continues to have rockstar level of support among republicans and conservatives. He is a totally different animal from the sellout deepstate cuckservative that was bush. Trump will not be abandoned by conservatives (barring him selling out)

Where have you been? He sold you all down the river long ago.
Did you see his State of the Union speech when he cucked? WTF