Does Winterborn = Solitary?

Any problems with this analysis?

1. Population of posters on this site v population of US: 891/399.3 million = 1/448,000;
2. Population of Alabama v population of US: 1/65;
3. Posters obsessed with SM v all posters: 2/891 = 1/446;
4. Posters who continue threads for weeks 5-891 = 1/178;
5. Tide fans? Folks who watched 2009 NCAA finals who live in AL: 1/8 x 1/65 = 1/520.

Currently 1/ 1,200,000,000,000,000 possibility. Hmmmmm.....
1. Population of posters on this site v population of US: 891/399.3 million = 1/448,000;
2. Population of Alabama v population of US: 1/65;
3. Posters obsessed with SM v all posters: 2/891 = 1/446;
4. Posters who continue threads for weeks 5-891 = 1/178;
5. Tide fans? Folks who watched 2009 NCAA finals who live in AL: 1/8 x 1/65 = 1/520.

Currently 1/ 1,200,000,000,000,000 possibility. Hmmmmm.....

Wow. And you call me obsessed?

There is a simple cure. Step up and except my wager concerning anyone losing their job.

The worst thing that can happen is that you will be proven wrong about Solitary being fired and you won't be able to sling personal insults around.

Being proven wrong isn't new to you. And if all you have is personal insults, why are you on this website.

But rather than man-up, you want to go with this nonsense?
1. Population of posters on this site v population of US: 891/399.3 million = 1/448,000;
2. Population of Alabama v population of US: 1/65;
3. Posters obsessed with SM v all posters: 2/891 = 1/446;
4. Posters who continue threads for weeks 5-891 = 1/178;
5. Tide fans? Folks who watched 2009 NCAA finals who live in AL: 1/8 x 1/65 = 1/520.

Currently 1/ 1,200,000,000,000,000 possibility. Hmmmmm.....

You might want to rethink the Tide fans part. Your formula only works if the Alabama fans are evenly distributed throughout the country. Not quite accurate.

Yikes! That’s a hella lot of cyber sleuthing, Detective!

I’d stop stressing out about it, man.

Speculating, and stressing about anonymous message boarders; sleuthing their posts; and imagining that somehow it’s all relevant or important to you is just bad karma, semi-creepy, and presumably can end up with hilarious results. Don’t worry about it, man! Winterborne routinely owns you. Don’t take it personally, Detective!

Its common for SM to start the personal witch-hunt when he has been owned. Consequently, I see this entire thread as a comment on my debating ability.

"...imagining that somehow it’s all relevant or important to you is just bad karma, semi-creepy..." :clink:
Wow this must be distressing to Solitary: 3 posts in a row, within 7 minutes. :)

:rofl: You think so? SM, I have posted far more in less time on numerous debates, as you well know.

As I said, there is a simple way to solve this entire issue. You have posted all of this before, and still feel frustrated about it. All you have to do is except the wager, and we'll settle it.

If, of course, settling it is what you actually want. But if you do, what will you resort to when you get beaten in a debate?
:rofl: You think so? SM, I have posted far more in less time on numerous debates, as you well know.

As I said, there is a simple way to solve this entire issue. You have posted all of this before, and still feel frustrated about it. All you have to do is except the wager, and we'll settle it.

If, of course, settling it is what you actually want. But if you do, what will you resort to when you get beaten in a debate?

How about we just settle the whole thing by admitting that you lied about being solitary and accept that makes everything else you have had to say suspect...:gives:
How about we just settle the whole thing by admitting that you lied about being solitary and accept that makes everything else you have had to say suspect...:gives:

It would make everything I have said suspect? So when I post links in a debate, it would be suspect?

Interesting standards you have.

Ice Dancer, are you positive that Solitary and WinterBorn are the same person?
It would make everything I have said suspect? So when I post links in a debate, it would be suspect?

Interesting standards you have.

Ice Dancer, are you positive that Solitary and WinterBorn are the same person?

Links don't lie, but obviously you do~~~

I have always known you were solitary, you never fooled anyone.
Links don't lie, but obviously you do~~~

I have always known you were solitary, you never fooled anyone.

If you are so sure, it really doesn't matter what I say or confess. Now does it?

What people "think" is irrelevant to me. I don't come here for solicalizing. I come here for debate & discussion.
If you are so sure, it really doesn't matter what I say or confess. Now does it?

What people "think" is irrelevant to me. I don't come here for solicalizing. I come here for debate & discussion.

What a bunch of fricking hooey! You obviously care and that's why you lied about being obviously care as your constant responses and the silly attempts to justify prove...
What a bunch of fricking hooey! You obviously care and that's why you lied about being obviously care as your constant responses and the silly attempts to justify prove...

The thread is about me. Why should I avoid it?

And where did I attempt to justify anything? I made the point that the entire thread is irrelevant. I didn't say it wasn't entertaining.
Care to add a percent chance for any of these items?

98.738 percent.

Let me get this straight: Winterborne is allegedly obsessed with you, but yet you make a thread obviously based on some serious cyber-sleuthing detective work that you did on some dude whom you don’t even know??

Holy crap! What’s next?? You gonna leave your phone number in a shiny box under a bridge, and invite him to call you up for a fight? Yikes! Fright night! One thing my liberal brethren have learned, is that when a wingnut calls somebody obsessed, calls them a stalker, or calls them a hack, it’s always another hilarious example of rightwing projection.

Who cares if he’s solitary??! I'll take his word that he ain't. I don’t even know who the eff “solitary” is, though it sounds remotely like it might possibly be some dude who posted here years ago. Is this even remotely important to you? If so, I'd say get a life, bro'!

Who cares! Calm down, and don’t stress out about dudes you don’t even know. It’s semi-creepy…. And for God’s sake, I don’t think I can take another one of your “shiny metal box under the bridge” fisticuff stories! Just mellow out, and deal with Winterborne owning you on a frequent and routine basis. It ain’t the end of the world, Mr. Detective!
BTW, SM, you're pretty fucked up yourself, and you're stalking the hell out of WB right here!! I remember a lot of personal info about a lot of posters, but I don't recall the number of children, and their gender, ages, etc. of anyone on this board...
BTW, SM, you're pretty fucked up yourself, and you're stalking the hell out of WB right here!! I remember a lot of personal info about a lot of posters, but I don't recall the number of children, and their gender, ages, etc. of anyone on this board...

Ha! For real, it seems semi-creepy to me too. Apparently some get carried away with message boarding, sleuthing, or stressing about the details of the personal lives of dudes whom they don’t even know. Will Detective Southern Dude ever solve the mystery of Winterborn (aka, some-anonymous-dude-nobody-knows) as being the clever and devious sock puppet of Solitary? Only time will tell! We await your next report, Detective, on the number of cats Winterborne owns, and whether he prefers boxers or briefs!
98.738 percent.

Let me get this straight: Winterborne is allegedly obsessed with you, but yet you make a thread obviously based on some serious cyber-sleuthing detective work that you did on some dude whom you don’t even know??

Holy crap! What’s next?? You gonna leave your phone number in a shiny box under a bridge, and invite him to call you up for a fight? Yikes! Fright night! One thing my liberal brethren have learned, is that when a wingnut calls somebody obsessed, calls them a stalker, or calls them a hack, it’s always another hilarious example of rightwing projection.

Who cares if he’s solitary??! I'll take his word that he ain't. I don’t even know who the eff “solitary” is, though it sounds remotely like it might possibly be some dude who posted here years ago. Is this even remotely important to you? If so, I'd say get a life, bro'!

Who cares! Calm down, and don’t stress out about dudes you don’t even know. It’s semi-creepy…. And for God’s sake, I don’t think I can take another one of your “shiny metal box under the bridge” fisticuff stories! Just mellow out, and deal with Winterborne owning you on a frequent and routine basis. It ain’t the end of the world, Mr. Detective!

LOL you pussy. WB has never stated that he ain't Solitary.

Dealing with a stalker by shining the harsh light of reality on his sorry ass is not stalking. Its dealing with the situation.

Awesome that you've jumped on the "shiny box" bandwagon attempting to further misrepresent my challenge. It shows you're a pussy.
