Does Winterborn = Solitary?

That could describe me, as I defended him several times over the years, because I was unaware of what he was doing, and had only observed him in pretty good behavior, considering how much insanity I have seen in other posters.
Would you have defended him if you had known the real maineman? What's the chances that someone who came on board would read all or most of past posts in a week or so between me and maineman to understand the animosity between us?
BTW, SM, you're pretty fucked up yourself, and you're stalking the hell out of WB right here!! I remember a lot of personal info about a lot of posters, but I don't recall the number of children, and their gender, ages, etc. of anyone on this board...
I don't recall the exact ages at all. But when a guy posts a picture of two fat boys in their late teens and their rotund older sister and tells us how proud he is of them its an image that's hard to burn out of your memory. :lol:
I don't recall the exact ages at all. But when a guy posts a picture of two fat boys in their late teens and their rotund older sister and tells us how proud he is of them its an image that's hard to burn out of your memory. :lol:

Now you are claiming that WinterBorn posted pics of kids?

Link that or admit you are lying.
LOL you pussy. WB has never stated that he ain't Solitary.

Dealing with a stalker by shining the harsh light of reality on his sorry ass is not stalking. Its dealing with the situation.

Awesome that you've jumped on the "shiny box" bandwagon attempting to further misrepresent my challenge. It shows you're a pussy.

The problem with all of this is that you are not really being stalked. You are voluntarily coming onto a website that was created for the purpose of political debate and discussion. And then you whine when someone challenges you to debate and discuss issues.

I have not tried to turn debates into personal discussions, as you have. I have tried to keep them on topic, but you refuse.

If you cannot handle the political discussions on this site, you should seek your entertainment elsewhere. Who I am or am not is irrelevant. If you want to be somewhere that you only have discussions with people who agree with you, then create your own website. Otherwise, get used to people disagreeing, arguing, and pointing out the flaws in your arguments.
Would you have defended him if you had known the real maineman? What's the chances that someone who came on board would read all or most of past posts in a week or so between me and maineman to understand the animosity between us?

Granted, I would probably just laugh at MM if he had started stalking me and sending me PMs, and respond back with expert mockery, but I can see how it would get annoying. If necessary, I would forward the PMs to other posters and we'd all have a good laugh at him.
Granted, I would probably just laugh at MM if he had started stalking me and sending me PMs, and respond back with expert mockery, but I can see how it would get annoying. If necessary, I would forward the PMs to other posters and we'd all have a good laugh at him.
That's more or less what happened with MM. There were several of us involved, including Yurt who posts here now. You wouldn't have defended that creep.

Only a real oddball would defend that closet pedophile. Me thinks they may have been gay-Navy together. :cof1:
So SM, you have made the claim that WinterBorn and Solitary have the same number of kids and the same ages.

But I see you are not offering any info on when I posted the gender or ages of my kids.

I guess this is just another bit you made up to make it sound better?
You seem to have a fixation on the village people too.

Wouldn't it be easier for you to just come out of the closet?
I wasn't in the Navy. That would be you and maineman. Did you enjoy the seamen?

First it was "Solitary got fired!", and when you were too chicken to take the bet on that one.....

"Solitary and WinterBorn have the same number and gender of kids" was your next shot. But when you were unable to find any evidence of that one....

"Solitary and Maineman were both in the Navy, so they must have been gay lovers".

I guess you have no idea how ridiculous this makes you look?

You should have stuck with the "My friend the firearms manufacturing engineer said....". At least that didn't make you look desperate. It just made you look stupid and humiliated.
After seeing a picture of yours, I understand why you'd lust after my wife, but not why you'd do so in public.
After seeing a picture of yours, I understand why you'd lust after my wife, but not why you'd do so in public.

After reading your thoughts on sex, I can see why your wife would tell me I was the best she ever had.
You should be embarrassed for having such an ugly wife, fantasizing about mine to the point of publicly lying about her, but since your whole presence here is a lie, Solitary, you probably are not.
You should be embarrassed for having such an ugly wife, fantasizing about mine to the point of publicly lying about her, but since your whole presence here is a lie, Solitary, you probably are not.

I wouldn't brag too much about that skank you married, SM. She has a lot of enthusiasm, but she ain't worth much.

You are obsessed with whether or not I am lying about something that really has no bearing on the debates and discussions on this site. And yet, you have lied several times in the course of the debates or discussions. If you want to take the high road, you need to avoid being worse than the person you are accusing.
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