Does Winterborn = Solitary?

How ironic about "the high road" from a guy publicity fantasizing about sodomizing another man's wife. :palm:

Its funny, when you answer insults it is justified. But when someone else does it, its not?

Hypocrisy again, what a surprise.

Is it? Because part of your equationinvolved my being fired and some of the other stuff that has been shot down.

This is all very flattering. That you are obsessed with me and all. But its really a waste of time and bandwidth, wouldn't you say?
1. Population of posters on this site v population of US: 891/399.3 million = 1/448,000;
2. Population of Alabama v population of US: 1/65;
3. Posters obsessed with SM v all posters: 2/891 = 1/446;
4. Posters who continue threads for weeks 5-891 = 1/178;
5. Tide fans? Folks who watched 2009 NCAA finals who live in AL: 1/8 x 1/65 = 1/520.

Currently 1/ 1,200,000,000,000,000 possibility. Hmmmmm.....
You're being fired isn't in this equation.
I choose to bet on something that can be verified by an independent third party and without revealing personal information.
I choose to bet on something that can be verified by an independent third party and without revealing personal information.

I am perfectly willing to reveal certain personal information to select 3rd parties.

And you don't have to reveal a thing in the bet. All you have to do is honor the payment.