Does Winterborn = Solitary?

Only a faggot would think that being ignored in all other threads is being 'watched every move'.

You ignoring me in other threads shows your cowardice due to the fact I have whipped you in so many debates.

But you know where I live, that I am married, how many kids I have, that I (supposedly) lost my job, what team I root for, how long I have been on this website, who I thank for making funny posts, and more.

Only a closet faggot with an obsession for me would know as much about me as you do.
Actually those are all attributes that you have advertised, so of course I use against you to prove that you're Solitary.

Lots of people mention things like that in passing. Most of us don't remember all of someone's personal details. But then, most of us aren't obsessed with someone enough to create thread after thread about them.

Now there is your ZING!
What you see as an obsession is me pushing back from your stalking. The obsessed (you) sees it as obsession.
At the beginning of an obsession [Stage 1], the obsessed person believes they are in control of their desire to see, touch or be in proximity to the things or person they are obsessed with. They ‘toy’ with their enjoyment of the emotion and might even see rejection or their inability to have close contact with their obsession as something quite different[emp mine]. Further into an obsession [Stage 2], however, deeper feelings emerge which leave the obsessed person feeling they are no longer in control. At this stage, the person might remove themselves from the thing they are obsessed with [As "Solitary" did when he ran off this site in disgrace] and try to ‘turn their back’ on their need for close contact. Inevitably [Stage 3], this will fail and continue to fail until the obsessed admits the problem [Stage 4] and addresses a logical solution.

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You are now in Stage 3.
What you see as an obsession is me pushing back from your stalking. The obsessed (you) sees it as obsession.

Admit it and proceed to Stage 4.
What you see as an obsession is me pushing back from your stalking. The obsessed (you) sees it as obsession.

Admit it and proceed to Stage 4.

What I see is a relentless obsession with me and with my personal life. Its unhealthy, SM. Seek professional help.