Does Winterborn = Solitary?

the obsessed person believes they are in control of their desire to see, touch or be in proximity to the things or person they are obsessed with. They ‘toy’ with their enjoyment of the emotion and might even see rejection or their inability to have close contact with their obsession as something quite different
My wife and I went thru a separation years ago. My ring tone for her was Tubular Bells the theme from The Exorcist. It always got good laugh until at work. But when we were talking in the park getting things straightened out and she dialed my number by mistake (or so she claimed). I've never tried to get my phone to stop ringing so fast.

This was the same time frame that you began posting and named yourself: Solitary. :lol: How pitiful. How telling.
Once again, I just want to reiterate my statements about how incredibly gay this thread is. Seriously, Damn Southerner, WTF?!!?

So far the only thing he's challenged me on is losing his job. Eh, it was just a theory. But that's more evidence that everything else is true. :lol:
So far the only thing he's challenged me on is losing his job. Eh, it was just a theory. But that's more evidence that everything else is true. :lol:

I've challenged you on numerous topics, and you backed down every time.

The fact that you take my story about being separated years ago as anything resembling evidence of anything that happens on this board is a sign of your own obsession.
Hilarious that a man would sulk and call himself Solitary after his boyish wife left him. Now he's no longer Solitary; she felt sorry for you and came back. My guess is during the winter, thus: Winterborn. :)
Hilarious that a man would sulk and call himself Solitary after his boyish wife left him. Now he's no longer Solitary; she felt sorry for you and came back. My guess is during the winter, thus: Winterborn. :)

WTF? Dude, your obsession with my personal life is way out of hand here.

The separation between me and my beautiful wife was years ago. The fact that you somehow think it relates to names used on a political website shows that you are losing your mind. Try and get a grip on the difference between real life and internet debate sites, willya?
You've played out your life here, Sol. Its been a pitiful display.

I have played you. But your obsession with my life is disturbing. If I didn't know you to be a coward, I might be nervous about it.

As for pitiful, you have invented people to avoid admitting you lost an argument, used personal insults in place of debate, and created at least 3 threads aimed directly at me. Now THAT is pitiful.
You're a stalker because you can't face the humiliation that I delivered to you. It would be unwise for me to ignore one as obsessed as you are. So I've contained you here, in this thread. :)
You're a stalker because you can't face the humiliation that I delivered to you. It would be unwise for me to ignore one as obsessed as you are. So I've contained you here, in this thread. :)

Contained me? LMAO! I have busted you all over this site.

When did you deliver humiliation to me? It certainly has not been in any of our debates. In those you resorted to personal insults when your arguments were shot down.
Unless, of course, but "contained" you mean hiding from me and refusing to debate me directly, while sending me insults in messages and snide remarks in neg rep marks.

If that is what you mean by "contained", then yes, you have contained me.
You, the Solitary one, had nuts that were numb when your wife left you.

When you bring up new information that confirms your lie I'll post it here. Now shut the fuck up. :fu: