dogs are very smart creatures

of course dogs are smart.......not a single one is a registered demmycrat.......YET


I had a cat who understood some English. We had just moved into a new house. I left both cats locked up down in the basement and went to bed. When I woke up the one was sitting on the windowsill in the bedroom. I said "How did you get up here?" She jumped down, went to the door and stopped and looked at me. I got up and followed her down the hallway and into a half bathroom. She went under the sink and disappeared. When I looked under the sink all I saw was a vent cover leaning against the wall. When I looked underneath the vent cover there was a hole in the wall. I checked the closet on the other side of the wall and found it had a false floor. Under the false floor was a cavity with a hole in the wall on either side. The other side led into the basement. So then I went down to the room that I'd locked her into and looked around. Lo and behold, above a no-longer-used water heater (the house having originally been all-electric, and later converted to gas because of the electric bills) there was a hole in the wall. The second cat never noticed it. She was nice, but not too bright. Later, when we had babies, the first cat would watch them, and if they did anything that she didn't like, she'd be off like a shot to find my wife. Then she'd chatter at her (being 1/4 Siamese) until my wife would go check on the baby. Later on, she trained the children on how to treat cats. She was the smartest cat I've ever seen and I still miss her.

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I have converstations with my dogs

they will come up to me and talk ( certain ones)

I had one dog who was brilliant

she would come up to me and start rawling, tiny berfs and muewling

even had inflections

It was up to me to interpret her conversation

I would then ask her "do you want to this and that or whatever"

If I got it wrong she would just stare at me

If I got it right she would fake a sneeze

I think it sounded like yes to her

I had another guy who would come up to me and with barks and growls he would tell me something

his demeaner was MORE just demanding me to do something

he was the BOSS of the world in his mind

I would again try to interpret what he said

if I got it wrong he would bark at me

If I got it right he would turn arround and get ready for his demand to be met


he was a real bossy butt

but too cute for anyone to do anything but laugh at his majestic imaginations

they are amazing creatures and so full of personality and love

It's impossible for you to have a conversation with a dog. They're way smarter than you.
I had a cat who understood some English. We had just moved into a new house. I left both cats locked up down in the basement and went to bed. When I woke up the one was sitting on the windowsill in the bedroom. I said "How did you get up here?" She jumped down, went to the door and stopped and looked at me. I got up and followed her down the hallway and into a half bathroom. She went under the sink and disappeared. When I looked under the sink all I saw was a vent cover leaning against the wall. When I looked underneath the vent cover there was a hole in the wall. I checked the closet on the other side of the wall and found it had a false floor. Under the false floor was a cavity with a hole in the wall on either side. The other side led into the basement. So then I went down to the room that I'd locked her into and looked around. Lo and behold, above a no-longer-used water heater (the house having originally been all-electric, and later converted to gas because of the electric bills) there was a hole in the wall. The second cat never noticed it. She was nice, but not too bright. Later, when we had babies, the first cat would watch them, and if they did anything that she didn't like, she'd be off like a shot to find my wife. Then she'd chatter at her (being 1/4 Siamese) until my wife would go check on the baby. Later on, she trained the children on how to treat cats. She was the smartest cat I've ever seen and I still miss her.

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The only thing a cat is good for is to sell to a Chinese restaurant.
Foster, Adopt, rescue, advocate, donate.... Don't shop:) Looking for a new addition to your family? Check the shelters first. Or a rescue...You cannot change a dog's (or cat's) past but you can rewrite his or her future;)
Need help or have questions? PM me;) I will help if I can..:)
Yep, my daughter adopted the two we've got now when our other cats either died or ran away. She went down to the shelter and asked them which ones don't get adopted. They said the black ones. So she adopted two black kittens, half-sisters, and left them with us.

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oh I love kitties too

they are just different

dogs have owners

cats have staff
That's pretty much it. Dogs are pack animals and you're the alpha male of their pack. Cats are usually solitary predators, so their relationship with you is more equal.

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Cats have done more for humans than dogs ever will. Without cats, rodents would have eaten all of the grains that humans had to store for the cold months. Thanks, kitties.
Cats have done more for humans than dogs ever will. Without cats, rodents would have eaten all of the grains that humans had to store for the cold months. Thanks, kitties.
Cats are great for all kinds of pests. My wife and grandchild thought they saw a snake in the apartment. Hasn't been seen since. So probably left because of the cats.

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I have always known just how smart dogs are

I speak to mine in full sentences

and yes outside is one of their favorite words too

when I leave the house to go somewhere I tell my dogs that Im going to the store and will be back in a minute.

when Im going to be gone all day I tell them that I will be back to go night night

they LOVE knowing whats going to happen

it reassures them

doesn't everyone love to know whats going to happen.

I tell them whats going in their food dish

I top it with a little shredded chicken or chopped steak or whatever is a leftover from the family dinner meat wise

chop it and heat it in the microwave in a little bit of water

then they have meat and the juice to poor over their kibble

Or dog stew

It includes any meat in the freezer that is freezer burned cooked in a pot with veggies ( make sure they are OK for dogs) rice, oats, chopped apple, cranberries, tomatoes and the like





they are toxic to dogs

you can always check the internets to make sure your ingredients are safe

its a great why to use things like left over white rice and oatmeal and wilted veggies and fruit

but anyway

talk to your dogs like they understand

they do understand


its been studied and proven

they are sooo smart

Other things bad for them. Absolutely no cherries, macadamia nuts, apple seeds, uncooked yeast dough, avocado, chives, Xylitol, alcohol, tree nuts, chocolate, coffee, tea, caffeine, nutmeg, paprika, peaches, plums, persimmons, raw baking soda, or powder, corn still on the cobb, chili peppers, rhubarb, tomato leaves, hops, candy, fat trimmings, cooked bones, raw egg, undercooked meat, raw fish, cat food, marijuana or tobacco, wild mushrooms. You should limit salty or sugary things, liver, any dairy with lactose
That's pretty much it. Dogs are pack animals and you're the alpha male of their pack. Cats are usually solitary predators, so their relationship with you is more equal.

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you should have met a couple of my dogs

the one in my avatar was a self designated king of the world

that adorable little puppy you see grew into a nearly 100 lb dog built like a HUGE border collie.

the guy could have out run a horse IF he had not been born with bad hips

Long tall lean and BEAUTIFUL

His head was huge as he was part Bernese Mountian dog

because he was handicapped and very alpha we designated him the BIG DOG over the other dogs

an Australian cattle dog mix and an Australian Shepard mix who came to the family after him

so he was the baby of the family and then other dogs came into the mix

with that upbringing he had decided he was the KING OF THE WORLD

he told everyone what to do

he was like a giant teddy bear and LOVED everyone he met

but was JUST SURE the entire world was created for his amusement

everyone found him irresistable

soft, fluffy, loving and insistantant that you will JUST LOVE HIM

he told me what to do all day long

"come out side with me"

'give me some hugs"

"scratch my butt"

if I said no he would just stand there as his great big fluffy self and bark the bark only a huge dog can do

deep loud ruff ruff

It was just to easy to just do his bidding

yeap he was spoiled as hell

but a joy every minute

Im tearing up thinking of him right now

he lived 9 1/2 years

Pretty good for a broken Bernese Mountain dog mix

they typically live only six years

like great Danes

he got 9 1/2 years

Because KINGS are pampered and live longer

he went out with the earth shaking and the sky exploding with fire

he died the early morning of the 5th of july

there were earthquakes that day and fireworks in the sky when the KING died

I will always remember his Majesty

he was MY KING
Cats are great for all kinds of pests. My wife and grandchild thought they saw a snake in the apartment. Hasn't been seen since. So probably left because of the cats.

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Are you not man enough deal with the snake yourself? In other words, a pussy let a pussy take care of it for him.

you should have met a couple of my dogs

the one in my avatar was a self designated king of the world

that adorable little puppy you see grew into a nearly 100 lb dog built like a HUGE border collie.

the guy could have out run a horse IF he had not been born with bad hips

Long tall lean and BEAUTIFUL

His head was huge as he was part Bernese Mountian dog

because he was handicapped and very alpha we designated him the BIG DOG over the other dogs

an Australian cattle dog mix and an Australian Shepard mix who came to the family after him

so he was the baby of the family and then other dogs came into the mix

with that upbringing he had decided he was the KING OF THE WORLD

he told everyone what to do

he was like a giant teddy bear and LOVED everyone he met

but was JUST SURE the entire world was created for his amusement

everyone found him irresistable

soft, fluffy, loving and insistantant that you will JUST LOVE HIM

he told me what to do all day long

"come out side with me"

'give me some hugs"

"scratch my butt"

if I said no he would just stand there as his great big fluffy self and bark the bark only a huge dog can do

deep loud ruff ruff

It was just to easy to just do his bidding

yeap he was spoiled as hell

but a joy every minute

Im tearing up thinking of him right now

he lived 9 1/2 years

Pretty good for a broken Bernese Mountain dog mix

they typically live only six years

like great Danes

he got 9 1/2 years

Because KINGS are pampered and live longer

he went out with the earth shaking and the sky exploding with fire

he died the early morning of the 5th of july

there were earthquakes that day and fireworks in the sky when the KING died

I will always remember his Majesty

he was MY KING

Every dog you've owned has been smarter than you.
Every dog you've owned has been smarter than you.

you are one of the most hated humans on the planet

why did you chose to be soo hated

that was really fucking dumb

racists must also be among the stupidest people too to chose to be the most hated people on the planet
Cats have done more for humans than dogs ever will. Without cats, rodents would have eaten all of the grains that humans had to store for the cold months. Thanks, kitties.

I don't know if cats are more or less beneficial than dogs to humankind. Cats did play a role though in the black plague episodes in history:

"Interestingly, the fate of mankind was curiously linked to that of the common house cat. When the cat populations rose, the pandemic ebbed, and when the cat population plummeted, the black plague made a resurgence. Why?"
I don't know if cats are more or less beneficial than dogs to humankind. Cats did play a role though in the black plague episodes in history:

"Interestingly, the fate of mankind was curiously linked to that of the common house cat. When the cat populations rose, the pandemic ebbed, and when the cat population plummeted, the black plague made a resurgence. Why?"

cats normal lives (eating bugs and small creatures) have benefit to Humans

Dog came from animals that would have killed us and ate us and were the enemy

tiny wolf pups brought back after wolf hunts so the children could play with them ended up being loved and bonded to those children and their families

The interbreeding of the most bonded to the human crew produced a more and more human bonding breed

man created dogs who would fight and die for the human crew

they would attack and kill wolves who they came from to protect the family who showed them LOVE

Dogs were created out of LOVE

they read human emotions BETTER than humans can (studied and proven)

the average dog is a smart as a two year old human

I love cats

but I MUST have a dog in my life

all you need is love and a dog