dogs are very smart creatures

being a racist is NOT being a better person shit dribble
CFM thinking that it's right "100% of the time" is a testament to its disconnect from reality.

BTW, the last few times you've used it, it should have been "choose", not "chose".

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CFM thinking that it's right "100% of the time" is a testament to its disconnect from reality.

BTW, the last few times you've used it, it should have been "choose", not "chose".

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yeap I spell for shit and type for crap
Then you should stop being one, cunt. There may be hope for you. You've taken the first step in realizing that what you are isn't good.

why do you racist puddles of diarrhea hate being called racists

self hate?
Sailor and CFM have both been on my ignore list almost as long as I've been at JPP. Along with a few other scumsucking bots. A new one seems to pop up every couple of months.

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What a fucking pussy. I must have made it look stupid with its own information.

I have always known just how smart dogs are

I speak to mine in full sentences

and yes outside is one of their favorite words too

when I leave the house to go somewhere I tell my dogs that Im going to the store and will be back in a minute.

when Im going to be gone all day I tell them that I will be back to go night night

they LOVE knowing whats going to happen

it reassures them

doesn't everyone love to know whats going to happen.

I tell them whats going in their food dish

I top it with a little shredded chicken or chopped steak or whatever is a leftover from the family dinner meat wise

chop it and heat it in the microwave in a little bit of water

then they have meat and the juice to poor over their kibble

Or dog stew

It includes any meat in the freezer that is freezer burned cooked in a pot with veggies ( make sure they are OK for dogs) rice, oats, chopped apple, cranberries, tomatoes and the like





they are toxic to dogs

you can always check the internets to make sure your ingredients are safe

its a great why to use things like left over white rice and oatmeal and wilted veggies and fruit

but anyway

talk to your dogs like they understand

they do understand


its been studied and proven

they are sooo smart

Do they read your JPP posts?
I have converstations with my dogs

they will come up to me and talk ( certain ones)

I had one dog who was brilliant

she would come up to me and start rawling, tiny berfs and muewling

even had inflections

It was up to me to interpret her conversation

I would then ask her "do you want to this and that or whatever"

If I got it wrong she would just stare at me

If I got it right she would fake a sneeze

I think it sounded like yes to her

I had another guy who would come up to me and with barks and growls he would tell me something

his demeaner was MORE just demanding me to do something

he was the BOSS of the world in his mind

I would again try to interpret what he said

if I got it wrong he would bark at me

If I got it right he would turn arround and get ready for his demand to be met


he was a real bossy butt

but too cute for anyone to do anything but laugh at his majestic imaginations

they are amazing creatures and so full of personality and love


What, specifically, did your doggo say about Bill Clinton and a certain dress?
I had a cat who understood some English. We had just moved into a new house. I left both cats locked up down in the basement and went to bed. When I woke up the one was sitting on the windowsill in the bedroom. I said "How did you get up here?" She jumped down, went to the door and stopped and looked at me. I got up and followed her down the hallway and into a half bathroom. She went under the sink and disappeared. When I looked under the sink all I saw was a vent cover leaning against the wall. When I looked underneath the vent cover there was a hole in the wall. I checked the closet on the other side of the wall and found it had a false floor. Under the false floor was a cavity with a hole in the wall on either side. The other side led into the basement. So then I went down to the room that I'd locked her into and looked around. Lo and behold, above a no-longer-used water heater (the house having originally been all-electric, and later converted to gas because of the electric bills) there was a hole in the wall. The second cat never noticed it. She was nice, but not too bright. Later, when we had babies, the first cat would watch them, and if they did anything that she didn't like, she'd be off like a shot to find my wife. Then she'd chatter at her (being 1/4 Siamese) until my wife would go check on the baby. Later on, she trained the children on how to treat cats. She was the smartest cat I've ever seen and I still miss her.

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I did not read your tl/dr post.

One of the best posts I've ever read btw
Do they read your JPP posts?

its science so you wont like it

they have done studied

and YES dogs read human emotion better than humans do

they cant read you

You are not human

its why dogs are used to comfort and aid humans with special needs

you cant grok these things as you are merely a shittily written Russian GRU program