Dominion files $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell

And he knows stuff. It isn't just the stupidity and the ignorance. It's the arrogance with which they present their retarded arguments. It's over the top. Like a six year old being brought in to coach the Lakers. He'll explain how little they know about basketball.

Lakers torched Golden state by like 30. And no Davis. They look stout.
"I want Dominion to put up their lawsuit because we have 100% evidence that China and other countries used their machines to steal the election."

Would love to see this proof. Only...where is it?
So, he brings in some professional hackers and they hack the machines showing it could be done. What's Dominion's response to that? After all, any reasonable person knows that's possible, as these pros have repeatedly shown.

Said it before. Arizona did a forensic analysis of the election including Dominion machines and said the election and machines were fair and honest, They can take that to court and argue against Lindell who just spouts conspiracy beliefs. I suspect Lindell will lose.
That's where Dominion has to prove it wasn't.

Nope that is where the one making the claim that is was hacked proves that it was. You really don't know how this works do ya. Look anyone can make a claim, it is not up to everyone else to prove their claim is wrong, it is up to them to prove it is right, and so far that has never happened.

But not to worry, there Will be investigations into the election, and those that actually tried to interfere and influence the outcome are going to be held accountable if they broke the law, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.....
Said it before. Arizona did a forensic analysis of the election including Dominion machines and said the election and machines were fair and honest, They can take that to court and argue against Lindell who just spouts conspiracy beliefs. I suspect Lindell will lose.

Thinking he is going to lose his shirt, or is that pillow....they should leave him enough to pay for the years of deprogramming and therapy it is going to require to bring him back to earth, if that is even possible.
So, he brings in some professional hackers and they hack the machines showing it could be done. What's Dominion's response to that? After all, any reasonable person knows that's possible, as these pros have repeatedly shown.

No, because that's not his claim. His claim is it WAS done and that Dominion participated in it. Get the difference? Not to worry, a judge does. So does any lawyer worth his salt.
I mean, I could punch you in the face to prove it could be done...but because it could be done doesn't mean it was done.

Much more succinct. I'll stretch it out. Plaintiff bears the burden of proving the elements of the tort. In this case we are proving that
when the defendant(s) claimed there was some unspecified shenanigans baked into the software of some machines used in our
elections, it was stated with no basis. So where are we? At that moment the plaintiff needs to demonstrate what defendant knew,
not what plaintiff knew. So after plaintiff has demonstrated that defendant had absolutely no basis whatsoever in concluding these
machines were gamed like a lake Tahoe off street slot machine in a seedy motel, the case shifts to defendant to prove its
"absolute defense" of truth. In a fishing expedition it demands all proprietary and trade secret docs of the manufacturer(s).
The plaintiff seeks and gets a protective order. Granted.