Not true! All of the Obama sanctions were never held up or removed and Trump has added new sanctions. Trump has sold arms to Russia’s enemies, scolded Germany’s Prime Minister for building a natural gas pipeline to Russia to buy Russian natural gas when Trump has offered to sell Germany American natural gas. America’s armed forces have killed many Russians in Syria under Trump. Trump has ordered 2 air strikes on Syrian targets, a Russian ally. Putin has absolutely no reason to like Trump, as good as he loved Obama who told Putin to “stop it” when it became known he was meddling in our elections, and he, (Obama) told a Russian minister on an open mike, he, (Obama was unaware was open, that he, (Obama), “would have more latitude to treat Russia better after his, (Obama’s), reelection and he ask the minister to tell Vlad.”
The same intell that told Bush that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and the same intell who’s heads were Clapper and Brennan the guys that were trying to frame him for a factitious crime.
t source of fake news.
Actually good buddy, I think so, because the facts prove so!!!!!!! Stop watching CNN & MASNBC friend, watch Fox and see the real news.