Don’t be surprised when people disbelieve what the media says

You avoid the debate by ginning up bullshit excuses.

None of the fallacies you claim are actually the fallacies you claim them to be.

What you do, because you're a coward, is you lend yourself authority and then lean on that artificial authority to avoid answering for yourself in a debate you already lost.

Void argument fallacies. Denial of logic. Denial of history. Psychoquackery. Fallacy fallacy. Attempt to reassign authority.
How Covid's Toll Compares With Other Things That Kill Us

Stacking up the Chinese disease's impact on young and old against other causes of death in the U.S., including influenza, heart disease, car accidents and drownings.

Leaping to conclusion fallacy. Argument from randU fallacies. Void argument fallacies. Conclusion based on void. Buzzword fallacies. Define 'mitigation efforts'. Attempted proof by randU. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).

All of this was written to avoid engaging in debate because you are a coward.

Prove me wrong.
Argument from randU fallacy. Attempted proof by randU. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).

You're just making stuff up now because you can't hang in this debate.

This debate is totally out of your league, and you're not helping Legion either.
Legion said:
Is that so?
Yes I am, and you helped me prove that I am 100% correct.
Non-sequitur fallacy. Attempted proof by void.
You done fucked up, bitch.
Void argument fallacy.
In your sloppy, hurried, compulsive rush to get the last word in,
Last word in on what?? Void argument fallacy.
you inadvertently made the case that lockdowns and restrictions work to flatten the curve,
Attempted proof by denial. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
despite you saying for all of 2020 that they wouldn't.
He didn't present this data until now. None of it was presented in 2020. Conclusion by void extension. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
Void argument fallacies. Denial of logic. Denial of history. Psychoquackery. Fallacy fallacy. Attempt to reassign authority.

The reason you lost the debate here is because you're just not that smart a person.

And the reason Trump lost was because you lack self-control.

You cost Trump the Presidency because you couldn't stop lying.


You continued to say lockdowns and mask mandates wouldn't work all year long.

Then, you posted a graph of NY showing that lockdowns and mask mandates work to flatten the curve.

So you've done more for my argument on this thread than I have.

Thanks for the own goal.
Texans will no longer be required to wear a face mask in public and all businesses can open at full capacity starting next week, Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday.

The Republican made the sweeping move on Texas Independence Day.

Excellent news! Glad to see yet another State break out of Democrat induced Covid Prison! My hat's off to Gov Abbott!

Yes, Trump...the guy you lied for all last year. The guy whose election you cost because you couldn't stop lying.

Trump didn't lose because of Biden or voter fraud...Trump lost because you and he both lack self-control.
Here’s a buzzword for dummies like you ..


Let me guess, you still think you have an argument. :)
Non-sequitur fallacy. Attempted proof by void.

Void argument fallacy.

Last word in on what?? Void argument fallacy.

Attempted proof by denial. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).

He didn't present this data until now. None of it was presented in 2020. Conclusion by void extension. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).

See what I mean? You absolutely abhor debate because you know you can never win one. So you come up with false excuses to avoid debate, but that has the unfortunate effect of letting my points go unaddressed, and makes them the final word.

So thanks for the assist. I always love it when Conservatives punch themselves in the dick.
Right, over the past year...the part you're leaving out is that most of NY's deaths happened in the first couple months, and then once they implemented the COVID restrictions, the death rate stayed flat while FL, TX, and CA's all went up.

You were saying, at the time, that NY's restrictions and lockdowns wouldn't work...but then you posted the graph showing that they did.

So what argument do you think you're making?

Argument from randU fallacies. Special pleading fallacy. RQAA. Attempted proof by redefinition. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
So what I see there is a bunch of deaths early on, and then not many deaths for almost 9 months.

Now show Florida, California, and Texas against that...if you have the courage.

Their graphs don't look like that one, do they? Their graphs show continuing and consistent increases, never flattening, right?

So how come you posted NY's graph, but didn't post FL, TX, or CA?

How would CA not flatten they had even more restrictive closedowns.
Argument from randU fallacies. Special pleading fallacy. RQAA. Attempted proof by redefinition. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).

Thanks for conceding that you and Legion have no valid arguments to make, so you just fall back on repetition because that's how you were trained.

Do you sit, play fetch, and roll over too? Or is that all too much for you and I should lower my expectations again?