Don't Fuck With Old People

good thing the old man didn't come back the young guy would have killed him. But then again he was supposed to put his foot up the old man's ass. Guess the old guy's fist got in the way of the thug's plans. Nice vid.
Happened in California...

NBC -- Another verbal fight that turned into fisticuffs was posted on YouTube Tuesday. The incident happened Monday in Oakland.

In the video, a man who announces himself as a 67 year old gets into it with a much younger fellow passenger. While it happened in the East Bay, the tiff is reminiscent of not one but two YouTubed fights on Muni lines in San Francisco which took place last year.

It started as an argument that seemed to be a simple misunderstanding over a comment made while taking a seat.

The two separated with one moving to the front of the bus for a time. But that time out did not last long.

More words are exchanged. Then the younger man walks up front for some more yelling followed by fists flying.

Note: the older gentlemen is wearing a light blue t-shirt that reads, "I am a mother*#**r.

After the fight, the older guy gets off the bus while the younger guy deals with his injuries, including a fairly bloody face.


Note: the older gentlemen is wearing a light blue t-shirt that reads, "I am a mother*#**r.

good thing the old man didn't come back the young guy would have killed him. But then again he was supposed to put his foot up the old man's ass. Guess the old guy's fist got in the way of the thug's plans. Nice vid.

The only way the young guy would have killed him is with agun.

The old guy whipped the young guys ass. The young guy thought he was bad until he ran into somebody who showed him different.
the old dude may have made a comment about black guys shining shoe's to which the young buck took exception. Young buck lost any sympathy when he announced he'd put his foot up the old dudes but, and then went and struck him.
Old dude was either an x marine or boxer as he threw some very quality straight hard punches that landed big time. You can her the woman in the back laughing saying that brother is leaking.
Old dude my ass. He was 67 years young and built like a brick shit house. I could have whooped that punks as and that big white guy could have triped and fallen on me and it would have been all over with. The homeboy was one seriously stupid mofo to pick that fight!

Kinda reminds me of the old story of Andrew Jackson making the mistake of slaping Simon Kenton.

Old Hickory was a young man leading a crew of surveyors through Kentucky and into Tennesee. He was drunk at an inn bragging that no man had ever whooped him. He then walked up to the old frontiersman Kenton and made the mistake of slapping him. They say it took less then a minute for Kenton to put old Hickory on the floor with his face a bloody mess and that it took 3 other men to stop Kenton from tomahawking Jackson. Jackson later said it was the only time in his life he was truely afraid he was going to die.
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:lol: The young guy instigated, throws the race card, the old guy walked away, the young guy goes after him again, throws a punch that the old man blocks then gets his ass kicked. Classic. :good4u:
good thing the old man didn't come back the young guy would have killed him. But then again he was supposed to put his foot up the old man's ass. Guess the old guy's fist got in the way of the thug's plans. Nice vid.
Please, that kid got his butt kicked by the old dude, and if he had followed him out of the bus he'd have gotten it even worse and he knew it... Standing there and waiting until the old guy walked away before he started saying he'd "kick his a$$"... It's like watching a little brother talking smack after his brother left the room...

He came up and struck at the old guy who answered in kind (hand to hand combat) and that kid was seriously out of his fricking league. The old man didn't even escalate by pulling a weapon.
:lol: The young guy instigated, throws the race card, the old guy walked away, the young guy goes after him again, throws a punch that the old man blocks then gets his ass kicked. Classic. :good4u:

Southern Coward the sofa warrior gives us the benefit of his accumulated knowledge of fisticuffs.

Which is exactly zero.
He was a biker. Arm tattoo looked like a Harley 74, beard and mannerisms fit, and so did his fighting style.
Happened in California...

NBC -- Another verbal fight that turned into fisticuffs was posted on YouTube Tuesday. The incident happened Monday in Oakland.

In the video, a man who announces himself as a 67 year old gets into it with a much younger fellow passenger. While it happened in the East Bay, the tiff is reminiscent of not one but two YouTubed fights on Muni lines in San Francisco which took place last year.

It started as an argument that seemed to be a simple misunderstanding over a comment made while taking a seat.

The two separated with one moving to the front of the bus for a time. But that time out did not last long.

More words are exchanged. Then the younger man walks up front for some more yelling followed by fists flying.

Note: the older gentlemen is wearing a light blue t-shirt that reads, "I am a mother*#**r.

After the fight, the older guy gets off the bus while the younger guy deals with his injuries, including a fairly bloody face.


Note: the older gentlemen is wearing a light blue t-shirt that reads, "I am a mother*#**r.


Maybe the younger dude couldn't read!! :palm:
Please, that kid got his butt kicked by the old dude, and if he had followed him out of the bus he'd have gotten it even worse and he knew it... Standing there and waiting until the old guy walked away before he started saying he'd "kick his a$$"... It's like watching a little brother talking smack after his brother left the room...

He came up and struck at the old guy who answered in kind (hand to hand combat) and that kid was seriously out of his fricking league. The old man didn't even escalate by pulling a weapon.

That old dude didn't even work up a fucking sweat, kicking that ass.
He was a biker. Arm tattoo looked like a Harley 74, beard and mannerisms fit, and so did his fighting style.

Kid kept talking shit, after the guy left, and he should have been thankfull that the old dude didn't decide to stomp a mud hole in him.

Kid shouldn't have been listening to those girls that were egging him on.