Don't Fuck With Old People

It's at this time I'd like to point out they're not gangs. They're clubs. Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. Pagans Motorcycle Club. Outlaws Motorcycle Club. Four Horsemen Motorcycle Club. That's what the MC stands for on all their patches.
If you belong to one their a club. If their stomping your head in while raping your wife, they're a gang.
If you belong to one their a club. If their stomping your head in while raping your wife, they're a gang.
Not really, since no club I've ever hung with has seriously advocated such actions. I won't deny that there are members, possibly even whole chapters that might, but as a whole, the clubs are about bikes and biker life. Nothing more.
I find it amusing that groups that form because the members want to be non-conformists and rugged individuals all end up looking alike. :cof1:
Not really, since no club I've ever hung with has seriously advocated such actions. I won't deny that there are members, possibly even whole chapters that might, but as a whole, the clubs are about bikes and biker life. Nothing more.

I have never understood those clubs. You join and most make you sign your bike over to the club.

Screw that.