Don't Fuck With Old People

How bout war stories of chicks picked up in bars.

I picked up a friend of our clubs DJ and had to exit a rear window as to not have to discuss with him at work the next day. Kinda lame but it's a start.
My best "Chick picked up in a bar" was the time I picked up a chick with one leg. I didn't know it at the time and she wasn't a bad looking gal and I couldn't tell she was wearing a Prosthetic leg. I met her up in a bar in the small town my parents live in and since it was to far to go to my place in Columbus we went to my parents house. At first we had some fun in the back yard (it was summer time) and then we took in inside. Next morning she asked me to get her smokes out of her pants and I started rummaging around the floor and thats when I came up with her leg! Freaked me out! I'd been with her the whole night and hadn't noticed.

Made the mistake of telling the story to my sister. So she then proceeds to tell my mother. Mom just looks at me, shakes her head and say's "Do you always have to try and be like your father?".
Right after I take you on my 7 mile power walk, hike, and run I do 4-5 times a week.

Lets go on a real bike ride, nothing better than hearing the rumble of a Harley with straight pipes going threw the Mountains, Helen GA is a nice place to ride, Hell you could get your power walk in while I sit at the little bar in town and watch people taking pics of my bike as I enjoy a cold beverage :cool:
My best "Chick picked up in a bar" was the time I picked up a chick with one leg. I didn't know it at the time and she wasn't a bad looking gal and I couldn't tell she was wearing a Prosthetic leg. I met her up in a bar in the small town my parents live in and since it was to far to go to my place in Columbus we went to my parents house. At first we had some fun in the back yard (it was summer time) and then we took in inside. Next morning she asked me to get her smokes out of her pants and I started rummaging around the floor and thats when I came up with her leg! Freaked me out! I'd been with her the whole night and hadn't noticed.

Made the mistake of telling the story to my sister. So she then proceeds to tell my mother. Mom just looks at me, shakes her head and say's "Do you always have to try and be like your father?".

LOL, that is a funny story

If I couldn't remember the night before to well before I looked at my newest fling I braced myself, LOL, more than once I tried to slide out of bed and get gone before she woke up, LOL
Naaa I cleaned up my act long before I met her. I quit the partying thing back when I was in my late 20's. I was getting to carried away, getting into things I shouldn't of and hanging with people I shouldn't of. I freind of mine who is a Biker (the Harley kind....I won't mention his colors) grabed hold of me at some low life party I was at and literally bounced me off a wall. Told me I was from a good family and was better then that and that I need to get my head straight or he'd do it for me and my father. That made me think real hard and I made some real life style changes after that.

My change came, when I met my wife.
She already had 3 little girls and I decided that this wasn't something that I wanted to bring around them.
I still rode and partied; but I kept my thinking right and didn't want to cause them any problems.
The stories I've posted, have been from after when I got married.
I don't tell the stories from before my marriage.
Lets go on a real bike ride, nothing better than hearing the rumble of a Harley with straight pipes going threw the Mountains, Helen GA is a nice place to ride, Hell you could get your power walk in while I sit at the little bar in town and watch people taking pics of my bike as I enjoy a cold beverage :cool:

I was able, about a year ago, to talk the wife of one of the guys I work with, to let him have a bike.
Now, she's got her own.
Now, I'm the one that needs one. :palm:

Riding kind of melts all your problems away and the wind just strips them from you.

Must be why you don't see Harley's parked in the customer lot of a Psych's office.
I worked as a bouncer in a bar that catered to Hispanic gang members. It was at once one of the most stressful and one of the most fun jobs I ever had.

I do not share much of the stories from that, but suffice it to say it was much like working in a jail where you don't have the power to put them in solitary if they f* up too much, and the prisoners can leave and come back if you screw it up.
Right after I take you on my 7 mile power walk, hike, and run I do 4-5 times a week.
Don't get me talking on cycling. I got some crazy war stories about that too. What's your proudest athletic accompishment? I have three in cycling.

I once did a 100 mile time trial in under 5 hours.

I also did a double century (200 miles in one day) in a hair under 13 hours. (I bonked on the last was bitch).

I came in 4th over all in the Columbus Fall Challenge, 214 miles with 12,000 feet of elevation climb in two days. Did both days in under 6 hours.

This year I'm training to ride TOSRV (Tour of the Scioto River Valley) again. It's 210 miles in two days of mostly flat riding with the damnedest pace lines you ever saw. It's like Mardi Gras on a bicycle and I'm stoked. Can't wait till May! :)

Oh...If you ask me nicely I'll show you a picture of my bike. Schwinn Paramount....SWEET!! Steel is real!
I was able, about a year ago, to talk the wife of one of the guys I work with, to let him have a bike.
Now, she's got her own.
Now, I'm the one that needs one. :palm:

Riding kind of melts all your problems away and the wind just strips them from you.

Must be why you don't see Harley's parked in the customer lot of a Psych's office.

Riding relaxes me, I haven't got high in years due to my job and the fact the D.O.T. can piss test me anytime, but I get on the bike and before I am 5 miles from the house I am calm and relaxed, if something is really bothering me I twist the wick and become one with the rumble, excuse me I need to go shine, LOL
Riding relaxes me, I haven't got high in years due to my job and the fact the D.O.T. can piss test me anytime, but I get on the bike and before I am 5 miles from the house I am calm and relaxed, if something is really bothering me I twist the wick and become one with the rumble, excuse me I need to go shine, LOL

Cracking that carb wide open, tends to make one forget all the BS they have to go through.
Don't get me talking on cycling. I got some crazy war stories about that too. What's your proudest athletic accompishment? I have three in cycling.

I once did a 100 mile time trial in under 5 hours.

I also did a double century (200 miles in one day) in a hair under 13 hours. (I bonked on the last was bitch).

I came in 4th over all in the Columbus Fall Challenge, 214 miles with 12,000 feet of elevation climb in two days. Did both days in under 6 hours.

This year I'm training to ride TOSRV (Tour of the Scioto River Valley) again. It's 210 miles in two days of mostly flat riding with the damnedest pace lines you ever saw. It's like Mardi Gras on a bicycle and I'm stoked. Can't wait till May! :)

Oh...If you ask me nicely I'll show you a picture of my bike. Schwinn Paramount....SWEET!! Steel is real!

I do it to stay in shape. My proudest moment is that I still consider it fun and do it because it makes me look and feel great.

I am purchasing the Insanity Work-out dvd that I have been seeing on the infomercials. I like the idea of pushing your body to the limit for the optimum results.

We have a ride called the Death Ride out here in which several people I know participate. Bike riding competitively is not my thing. Here's the website for it.

It looks pretty gruesome and I've camped in an area on one of the passes they ride on and these guys are in stellar shape. The altitude can kill you.

The camp site has a natural mineral hot springs, so a lot of the riders stay there.
Lets go on a real bike ride, nothing better than hearing the rumble of a Harley with straight pipes going threw the Mountains, Helen GA is a nice place to ride, Hell you could get your power walk in while I sit at the little bar in town and watch people taking pics of my bike as I enjoy a cold beverage :cool:
Real bikers don't need a motor! They are the motor! ;)
Riding relaxes me, I haven't got high in years due to my job and the fact the D.O.T. can piss test me anytime, but I get on the bike and before I am 5 miles from the house I am calm and relaxed, if something is really bothering me I twist the wick and become one with the rumble, excuse me I need to go shine, LOL
Yup. I can relate. That's a big part of why I'm into cycling. I also get the fitness advantage and the endorphin buzz.
I do it to stay in shape. My proudest moment is that I still consider it fun and do it because it makes me look and feel great.

I am purchasing the Insanity Work-out dvd that I have been seeing on the infomercials. I like the idea of pushing your body to the limit for the optimum results.

We have a ride called the Death Ride out here in which several people I know participate. Bike riding competitively is not my thing. Here's the website for it.

It looks pretty gruesome and I've camped in an area on one of the passes they ride on and these guys are in stellar shape. The altitude can kill you.

The camp site has a natural mineral hot springs, so a lot of the riders stay there.
That's just plain insane. 10 years ago I would have considered now......I don't think I can. Over 12,000 ft of elevation climb in 105 miles at elevations well above 5,000 ft. You'd have to live at altitude to be able to do the training so even though I can go do the mountains in WV to do the can't simulate altitude.

I often fantasize about taking a month off of work and riding across the country. That's about 120 miles a day for 30 days straight. Most touring agencies do it in about 6 weeks doing about 75 to 80 mile per day and taking a few days off. Probably will always be a fantasy. The only one of my cycling friends who've done it have all been school teachers.