Don't Fuck With Old People

My last bad ass story didn't end so well. I was at the small country bar where I hit the big farmer with the pool ball. That night I was monkey drunk and there was a bunch of big local farm boys and a bunch of big bikers and they all ended up out in the parking lot fighting each other. I don't know what possessed me but I just started walking around and were ever two of them was wrestling on the ground I break a half empty beer bottle over the head of the guy who was on top. Did that about 4 times before they caught on to me. Got my ass seriously kicked that night! I can remember laying on the ground curled up in a ball with several guy kicking the shit out of me. My cousin pulled me out and probably saved my life. I was so drunk I just kept laughing. I wasn't laughing the next morning.

I had a bit of a crazy streak in my younger days when I was drinking. That liquid courage thing.
Mott that was the stupidest thing I've ever read anyone do. No wonder you're a Democrat.
You sound like my mother. I once showed her a draft of a paper I wrote that was eventually published as a peer reviewed paper in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society and her only comment was about my poor penmanship.
Well write better. :D

And there is reason to be skeptical of peer review nowadays. Everybody touted how magnificent it was before Jones started talking about how he can't even recreate his data... All his stuff was "peer reviewed" but simple requests for data have been rebuffed and now are met with "well, I can't"...

Yeah. There's ample reason to be skeptical of such "consensus" science and "peer review"...

Jones hurt y'all. All y'all... ;)
Just remembered something that I hadn't thought of, in a long time.
Back in the early or mid 80's; a friend that I was working with used to tend bar on the weekends, for a guy he knew.
I walk in there one Saturday morning and the place is empty, except for two old guys (40 or 50) sitting in a booth.
I order a beer and go to use the john.
As I'm getting ready to walk into the john, I see the damn floor in front of the door is wet; so I start giving my buddy shit.
I asked him if he got clumsy and spilled a drink, AGAIN.
He tells me to fuck off, hands me the mop, and asks me to clean it up.
I mop the floor, give him the mop back, and go to take a leak.

So I'm standing at the urnial, in this little bitty fucking restroom, and all of a sudden some one is pushing (repeatedly) on the back of my head, with a finger.
My first thought is "Fuck, now what" and I turn just enough so I can see behind me, using my really good perphiral vision.
AND LO AND BEHOLD; one of the old farts is standing about 2 feet behind me and he's got his right arm cocked back, ready to nail me.
I make the quick decision that I need some time; because I'm not going to try and fight this idiot, with my dick in my hand, so I start stalling.
I ask him what's the problem and he starts telling me that he's the one that spilled the drink and do I have a problem.
Still buying time, I start telling him that I know the bartender and was just giving him shit; because he's always maknig a mess.
While I'm talking, I zip up, and swing my right elbow right into the right side of his face.
Now, this bathroom is really small. It's about 4 foot by 3 foot and there's not enough room to swing a dead cat, let alone fight; so the next thing I do is grab this mother fuckers throat with my left hand, because this pretty much stops him from swinging at me with his right fist.
He starts yelling something about him finally getting one and I thought he meant starting a ruckus with a long hair; because at that time I was riding and had my hair was 3/4 of the way down my back.
Anyway; we begin to struggle and the whole time I've got this grip on his throat, with my left hand.
He ends up standing on the toilet, the urinal, back on the toilet, on the sink, back on the toilet, and then I plant his ass in the sink. He tries to grab the towel bar and knocks it to the floor.
I pick up the towel bar; because I'm not going to let him have a second grab at it; when my buddy comes flying into the john.
He tells me to get out of the john and I let go of the fool and leave.
So; I'm sitting at the bar, enjoying my beer, when my buddy and the fool come out of the john.
The fool gets his buddy and they both leave.
I ask my buddy what the fuck all that was about and he tells me that the idiot was the one that had spilled the drink and that he had been trying to pick a fight with his drinking partner, all morning.

I sit there looking at him, trying to decide if I should laugh or kick his ass for not warning me.
He puts a shot of Jack on the bar and says that I don't have to pay for any drinks.
I start laughing and stayed until about 9 that night.
I payed him back though.
I saw him the next day and he was cussing me out.
Come to find out that when he started to close up the night before, that the floor of the john was all wet.
Seems like the toilet got broke when the earlier idiot was standing on it and it started leaking.
He didn't get the toilet replaced until midnight.

He's still my best bud.

Now I've started thinking about more situations, from my past.
LOL, I've always wanted to own a bar since my twenties. this will make me think long and hared before doing it.
Mott that was the stupidest thing I've ever read anyone do. No wonder you're a Democrat.
LOL I was a registered Republican back then and was stupid. I mean REALLY STUPID. I really thought so the next day. I never hurt so bad in my life! God that was dumb! My cousin still kids me about that to this day.
LOL I was a registered Republican back then and was stupid. I mean REALLY STUPID. I really thought so the next day. I never hurt so bad in my life! God that was dumb! My cousin still kids me about that to this day.
In other words, you got you brains based in and got even more stupid, becoming a Democrat. :)
Thanks for the compliment Topper but I have done some really stupid things when drinking. Guess I"m not a good drinker either. Could be why I stopped and started riding my bike :)
I just assumed that the little woman grabbed your balls and asked if you wanted to keep them or not...
Well write better. :D

And there is reason to be skeptical of peer review nowadays. Everybody touted how magnificent it was before Jones started talking about how he can't even recreate his data... All his stuff was "peer reviewed" but simple requests for data have been rebuffed and now are met with "well, I can't"...

Yeah. There's ample reason to be skeptical of such "consensus" science and "peer review"...

Jones hurt y'all. All y'all... ;)
I know your just yankin my chaine but being skeptical is hardly the point Damo. It's not exactly easy to get something published via peer review ya know? ;)