Don't Fuck With Old People

You ever have a homeboy walk up to you and take a swing at you or have to whoop somones ass in self defense or defense of others? Let's see what your like when you have testosterone poisoning.

USL, you kind lack the frame of reference to understand what this guy is feeling. I've been through shit like this and it takes about 30 minutes to an hour to come down from the combination of adrenaline and testosterone and that's one rush you will never feel.

Ever had a homeboy swing at HER??? #1 she looks to be in good enough shape to kick any punks ass that would swing at a lady

#2 I certainly hope for Homeboys sake there isn't someone like me standing around when he decides to swing at a woman, he may not wake up :cool:
Ever had a homeboy swing at HER??? #1 she looks to be in good enough shape to kick any punks ass that would swing at a lady

#2 I certainly hope for Homeboys sake there isn't someone like me standing around when he decides to swing at a woman, he may not wake up :cool:

You and me both, brother.
You ever have a homeboy walk up to you and take a swing at you or have to whoop somones ass in self defense or defense of others? Let's see what your like when you have testosterone poisoning.

USL, you kind lack the frame of reference to understand what this guy is feeling. I've been through shit like this and it takes about 30 minutes to an hour to come down from the combination of adrenaline and testosterone and that's one rush you will never feel.

If you're asking me have I ever become agitated to the point of finding it necessary to take a time out before the desire to rip someone's head off their neck passes, then of course, yes I have. This isn't intrinsic to the male population.

What I said earlier in the thread is the older fella supposedly was off his meds, as has been suggested and reported in local news. Local meaning it's in my neck of the woods where this occurred.

I also pointed out to take note of how the crowd, specifically the video taker, egged him on.
I had just gotten out of the Navy, I was in the best shape of my life. 4% body fat, six pack and all. I may not be tall, but I am trained.

I had a dude got all mad when I was looking for my sunglasses at a turn light. I missed when it turned green, he honked, I hit my head on the dash because it made me jump, of course I got a bit upset at him so I waited a bit before proceeding...

So I went through the light and pulled into McDonald's to find the glasses. He followed me, jumped out of his huge truck and started shouting at me. I stepped out of the car, he kept coming after me... I saw his kid in the car and I said only, "Dude... Do you really want your daughter to watch you get your a$$ kicked right here at McDonald's?"

He slowed down, stopped. Pointed at me and yelled something unintelligible, got back into his over sized truck and left posthaste.

I'd say in all that lasted maybe 40 seconds tops. It was bizarre.
I agree with all the guys maning up here. Bullies don't really want to fight. they want to push on the weak as far as they can and are shocked when someone stands up for themselves.
Real men finish fights, they don't start them.

That said I have a less than positive story, since nothing like this ever happened to me. My son stops on Bourbon street to help a guy getting his asswhopped by two guys. He winds up getting arrested. So I wasn't such a great teacher. That shit was good on the playground but in the French Quarter with criminals at every corner I'd have preferred he kept walking and forget Dad saying take up for people.
That said, honestly if I could whupp ass half as good as my son I'd have prob not tried as hard to avoid situations as much.
Road rage does odd things to people.

I was bringing the wife's car back from Winston the one day on a four lane undivided road. The speed limit is 50 and some guy is doing 45 in the left lane, so I buzz by him with the cruise control on doing my usual "4 over" then he catches up to me and stays in my blind spot for about three miles. We stop at a traffic light and the road ahead loses a lane and the guy jumps on the gas, gets ahead of me then slows down to 20, speeds up and I accelerate normally then he slows down again. This shit got repeated about 5 or 6 times down the road until it got back up to four lanes and I got next to him again. He again gets on the gas to get in front of me and I toyed with him a bit by keeping up for a hundred yards or so but I turned into a parking lot to pick up some groceries, find a parking spot and turned the car off.

I get out of the car and the guy had done a 180 on the road to find me in the parking lot. He stops his car behind mine and yells something like "what do you think you are some race car driver" and so I walked over and its some little guy about 70 years old. He's driving a nice little Mercedes two seater and I bend down, put my hands on the door for support, peer in through the open passenger window and I told him "look old man, get home before the old lady finds out you're off your meds".

Then the little fucker gets out of his car and around it to the passenger side, looks at the door, points to a scratch and tell me that I did it and he's going to call a cop. I told him to right ahead, my car's right there, take the plate number, meanwhile I've got bread and eggs to buy.

When I got back I discovered a 4' long key scratch on my wife's car.

About two weeks later I was at the same market and I see the guy in there buying vegetables. I stood next to him and whispered in his ear "thanks for the scratch on my car, I just got lots more on yours" and he looks at me, drops his shit and walks right out the door.

I haven't seen the little bastard since. :D
I tried a couple of variations, Mr. Fudd, and came up with NADA, ZIP, ZILCH, NUTTIN'!!

For the record? It's spelled: s-e-n-e-s-c-e-n-t

You sound like my mother. I once showed her a draft of a paper I wrote that was eventually published as a peer reviewed paper in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society and her only comment was about my poor penmanship.
I used to drive faster and once in a while get into stupid slowing down on asshwoles etc.
A while back my best friend who carries a gun in his truck tells me some dude gets pissed trying to merge into his lane. they get into a pissing contenst with windows down yelling at each other. The other dude pulls out a gun, my buddy pulls his out and say's yeah I got one too. No shots were fired and I forgot the ending but I'm asking my buddy if it was worth it if some moron shot him for a nano second of slowing down to let the tool in. He has kids a wife. It's crazy cause he can fight as good as anybody I know but he's a big gun guy and hunter and all.
I had already slowed down as a driver, now I'm that old dude in the right lane not going 5mph over the speed limit and not blocking the rushers from getting in. And my buddy is deer hunting in BAMA so he's not shot YET.
If you're asking me have I ever become agitated to the point of finding it necessary to take a time out before the desire to rip someone's head off their neck passes, then of course, yes I have. This isn't intrinsic to the male population.

What I said earlier in the thread is the older fella supposedly was off his meds, as has been suggested and reported in local news. Local meaning it's in my neck of the woods where this occurred.

I also pointed out to take note of how the crowd, specifically the video taker, egged him on.
He may have been off his meds and the crowd did egg him on....but you missed my point. His behavior isn't to differant then most men suffering from testosterone poisoning. You should try it sometime.
He may have been off his meds and the crowd did egg him on....but you missed my point. His behavior isn't to differant then most men suffering from testosterone poisoning. You should try it sometime.

that's why I said I agree with you, maybe USAL has been in a lot of fights and it's no big deal. I haven't been in one since high school and I guarantee I'd look like I was off my meds after a fight win or lose too.
I had just gotten out of the Navy, I was in the best shape of my life. 4% body fat, six pack and all. I may not be tall, but I am trained.

I had a dude got all mad when I was looking for my sunglasses at a turn light. I missed when it turned green, he honked, I hit my head on the dash because it made me jump, of course I got a bit upset at him so I waited a bit before proceeding...

So I went through the light and pulled into McDonald's to find the glasses. He followed me, jumped out of his huge truck and started shouting at me. I stepped out of the car, he kept coming after me... I saw his kid in the car and I said only, "Dude... Do you really want your daughter to watch you get your a$$ kicked right here at McDonald's?"

He slowed down, stopped. Pointed at me and yelled something unintelligible, got back into his over sized truck and left posthaste.

I'd say in all that lasted maybe 40 seconds tops. It was bizarre.
I have a cute bad ass story. This one is hillareous. I was about 20 (this was before they changed the drinking age to 21) and I was at a bar after work having a beer minding my own business and not paying attention. When all of a sudden out of no where this big dude built like a fire hydrant hit me with a forearm smash from behind that sent me flying from the bar stool. I hit the floor and got up. Saw how big he was (I was about 150 lbs at the time) and said "Dude, I don't want no trouble with you!". He lauged and turned around and ignored me. A big mistake. I went to the back of the bar where I started playing pool. In the middle of the third game I was playing, catching him completely by surprise I swung the pool cue in an arc and broke the thick end of it over his head.

The big galloot went face down on the bar, got up, shook the cob webs off....looked at me and said "That's it! Now I"m pissed." I dropped what was left of the pool cue, said "Oh Shit!"and ran for dear life! LOL I barely excaped.
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Ever had a homeboy swing at HER??? #1 she looks to be in good enough shape to kick any punks ass that would swing at a lady

#2 I certainly hope for Homeboys sake there isn't someone like me standing around when he decides to swing at a woman, he may not wake up :cool:
Agreed....but completely besides the point. She's never, ever had a testosterone rush in her life and thus lacks the basic frame of reference to understand the elderly gentlemans frame of mind.

It's kinda like me telling her what morning sickness feels like.
Crazy shit testosterone, isn't it? :clink:

the guy you hit deserved it.

I bartended in my twenties on weekends at a top nightclub, I never once got in a fight. But my buddies bartending would hop the bar and break up and get into fights every weekend. I boxed at 15 and was maybe middle of the team. Got my ass kicked plenty there and plenty wrestling at LSU. I saw guys get beer mugs smashed on their heads. Saw an old ex professional boxer drunk as shit beat somebody sensless who thought he was an easy target. I've been around Martial Artis all my life, never seen anything close to this ex boxer dude had to be 40.
the guy you hit deserved it.

I bartended in my twenties on weekends at a top nightclub, I never once got in a fight. But my buddies bartending would hop the bar and break up and get into fights every weekend. I boxed at 15 and was maybe middle of the team. Got my ass kicked plenty there and plenty wrestling at LSU. I saw guys get beer mugs smashed on their heads. Saw an old ex professional boxer drunk as shit beat somebody sensless who thought he was an easy target. I've been around Martial Artis all my life, never seen anything close to this ex boxer dude had to be 40.
My dad always told me it's not the guys you know who are bad asses you have to watch out for. It's the guys who think their bad asses....cause there out to prove it. The guys who know they are bad asses got nothing to prove.

One time in a bar (and I was considerably older and larger by then) some big 300 lb farm boy came in and started slaping around a buddy of mine who was passed out at the bar. I calmly walked in his direction and palmed a ball of the pool table, walked up behind the big plough boy and taped him on the shoulder. When he turned around I let him have it with the pool ball with everything I had. Knocked his ass out cold. Everybody fell about the place laughing, I helped my buddy up and dragged him out to the car and got the hell out of there before the big SOB woke up and killed me!
My last bad ass story didn't end so well. I was at the small country bar where I hit the big farmer with the pool ball. That night I was monkey drunk and there was a bunch of big local farm boys and a bunch of big bikers and they all ended up out in the parking lot fighting each other. I don't know what possessed me but I just started walking around and were ever two of them was wrestling on the ground I break a half empty beer bottle over the head of the guy who was on top. Did that about 4 times before they caught on to me. Got my ass seriously kicked that night! I can remember laying on the ground curled up in a ball with several guy kicking the shit out of me. My cousin pulled me out and probably saved my life. I was so drunk I just kept laughing. I wasn't laughing the next morning.

I had a bit of a crazy streak in my younger days when I was drinking. That liquid courage thing.
You ever have a homeboy walk up to you and take a swing at you or have to whoop somones ass in self defense or defense of others? Let's see what your like when you have testosterone poisoning.

USL, you kind lack the frame of reference to understand what this guy is feeling. I've been through shit like this and it takes about 30 minutes to an hour to come down from the combination of adrenaline and testosterone and that's one rush you will never feel.

Har! You guys try to act so macho on the internet. It isn't working.