Don't Fuck With Old People

I was referring to like biker gangs

Top some of those that ride with a club are just as you think, but there is a thing called 1 percenters among the biker world, it doesn't matter if they ride solo or in a club , they are not going to take shit from no one, I had a buddy that fit in that category, he went from NJ to Philly to pick up, he was wearing his colors, a couple guys from another club were on the train and he thought they were pretty cool, they invited him to there club house to party, as he walked in he was knocked to the floor and had a knife put to his throat, and was told colors or your life, he replied with let me smoke a joint before I die, they cut the skin on his neck and again repeated colors or your life, he again replied let me smoke a J before I die, the club prez in Philly said take this sick SOB to the hospital to get stitched up, my buddy told them he would rather die then go anywhere in Philly, he came back to NJ to get stitched up, he now has a scar about 4 inched wide across his neck, that is a 1 percenter
No shit just goes to show don't mess with someone you don't know because they could turn out to be really fucked up and enjoy killing you.

The black girl taking video was loaded and ready to shoot from the get go.

Word up. Watch your every move. The likelihood of it being aired on You Tube and you being tried, convicted and hung by the jury of public opinion is great.

No wonder people don't want to talk.
Top some of those that ride with a club are just as you think, but there is a thing called 1 percenters among the biker world, it doesn't matter if they ride solo or in a club , they are not going to take shit from no one, I had a buddy that fit in that category, he went from NJ to Philly to pick up, he was wearing his colors, a couple guys from another club were on the train and he thought they were pretty cool, they invited him to there club house to party, as he walked in he was knocked to the floor and had a knife put to his throat, and was told colors or your life, he replied with let me smoke a joint before I die, they cut the skin on his neck and again repeated colors or your life, he again replied let me smoke a J before I die, the club prez in Philly said take this sick SOB to the hospital to get stitched up, my buddy told them he would rather die then go anywhere in Philly, he came back to NJ to get stitched up, he now has a scar about 4 inched wide across his neck, that is a 1 percenter

I never said a biker dude/gang member wouldn't fight. I implied they wouldn't fight like a champ. I'll take an experienced martial artist, boxer , wrestler in a fight vs biker dude any day.
Ya'll are making to much an issue of this guys age. It's not like he was a senisent 95 year old drooling on his shoes. That was one big, muscle bound, fit looking fella there and homeboy was completely out of his league. He had to have been 6'4' and around 250+ and looked to be in a hell of lot better shape then they younger, dumber guy.

I'm 20 years younger, work out regularly and wouldn't have been the least bit afraid of homeboy. I wouldn't even want to tangle with that big mofo though. He'd whoop my ass too.

The thing is though; is what seems to be a mindset, with a lot of the "younger crowd", and that is "I"m younger, he's old; therefore I can whup his ass with ease".

Hopefully that young man learned a life lesson and all it cost him, was some bruises, some blood, and some dignity; rather then him losing his life.
But since he kept talking shit, after his beat down; I doubt it.
The thing is though; is what seems to be a mindset, with a lot of the "younger crowd", and that is "I"m younger, he's old; therefore I can whup his ass with ease".

Hopefully that young man learned a life lesson and all it cost him, was some bruises, some blood, and some dignity; rather then him losing his life.
But since he kept talking shit, after his beat down; I doubt it.

It shouldn't but It might add a little spunk in a lot of older guys steps. I know a lot of younger people have never worked a hard day in their lives which is not nearly as common with previous generations. People today don't know shit about things really being tough.
The thing is though; is what seems to be a mindset, with a lot of the "younger crowd", and that is "I"m younger, he's old; therefore I can whup his ass with ease".

Hopefully that young man learned a life lesson and all it cost him, was some bruises, some blood, and some dignity; rather then him losing his life.
But since he kept talking shit, after his beat down; I doubt it.

Moral to this story. DON'T MESS WITH A BIKER.
I see you aren't to educated about Bikers, LOL, I have been riding for years, Have never walked away from a challenge and have never joined a club, in fact I got into it with a couple brothers a few weeks ago, the wife said no there are 2, LOL, I think you have the crew thing backwards, I told her unless there are 8 or so it is no problem, ya hit the first as hard as ya can he screams the others run, LOL, for some reason I got out of the car and they started apologizing :cool:

Reminds me of an incident of mine, that happened aboiut 13 years ago or so.

I was working for a sub branch of the Dept of Agriculture and every friday, we took our trucks to the carwash, and got them ready for the next week.
This one friday, I was tired. It had been a "long" week and I was glad it was done.
At the edge of town, two lanes merged into one and there was no sign that designated which lane had the right of way.
So I'm driving, I'm in the left lane, and there's a full size pickup in the right lane.
It was obvious, as we approached the stop sign, that he wanted to change lanes, so I slowed down and let him in.
Now it starts.
For some reason, this guy is upset , starts staring at me in his rearview mirror, and then flips me off.
Like I said; I was tired and for some reason this made me laugh and when he sees me smiling, he gets more upset.
He starts yelling at me, in his rearview mirror, and now, I'm LOL.
So he pulls through the stop sign and pulls over. Then when I go through the stop sign, he starts following me.
I drive about 1 mile, pull into the office's parking lot, pull into a parking space, and he pulls his truck across the back of the parking space.
As I'm getting my log book out, and my carry all bag, I can see him getting out of his truck.
This is where it gets even funnier.
I'm 6 foot tall and at that time I was around 230 lbs. I had my hair a little long, I had a beard that was about 1 foot long, land I always wear black.
Now I was driving this little Chevy S-10 and because I was tired; I was slumped down in the sear, as far as I could.
Anyhoo; as I'm unwinding myself from the cab of the S-10, he's barreling out of the seat of his truck. He finally looks at me and it was like his hand was superglued to the window frame of the truck door.
He came to such an abrupt halt, that I actually thought he hurt himself.
I asked him if there was something that I could help him with, being the diplomat that I am, and he starts ranting and raving about what, I don't know.
I'm just standing there looking at him, trying not to burst out laughing, and finally he starts moving back into his truck (he still hasn't let go of the window frame) and in parting he says "I'll remember you", while he's shaking his finger at me.
I kept looking at him and said "Thank you. I't's always nice to be remembered".

He then drives off, in a cloud of dust and a hearthy "HI-HO SILVER" (jsut kidding).
I go into the office and tell my boss and the other guy that I worked with and as I'm telling them what just happened, they're laughing so hard that my boss fell off his chair.

I never saw that young man again; but I think of him fondly, for the amusing memory he has given me. :cof1:
I never said a biker dude/gang member wouldn't fight. I implied they wouldn't fight like a champ. I'll take an experienced martial artist, boxer , wrestler in a fight vs biker dude any day.

You are so full of shit; that if you ever have a severe case of the runs, that you're going to end up only being 2 foot tall.

You've got to be a teenager; because of all the BS you post.
LIke most teenagers, you think you have all the answers and you don't even know what half the questions are yet.

Thankfully, there's hope for you; because if you live to your 30's, you'll look back and realize how stupid you were.
It shouldn't but It might add a little spunk in a lot of older guys steps. I know a lot of younger people have never worked a hard day in their lives which is not nearly as common with previous generations. People today don't know shit about things really being tough.

I agree.
Plus while the "younger crowd" is thinking about just kicking some guys ass; there are older people out there that are thinking about what the fastest way to end the conflict.
Break some guys leg and he's going to stop fighting.
Same with snapping a finger, breaking an arm, a short jab to the throat, etc.

I had someone give me a little information, years ago, and I might not be accurate with some of the figures; but the human hand can exert 32 lbs of preassure per square inch. It only takes 8 lbs of preassure to rip a human ear off. Peels off, just like paper.
All the bikers I know are good people and I'd rather have them on my side than not.

I see you aren't to educated about Bikers, LOL, I have been riding for years, Have never walked away from a challenge and have never joined a club, in fact I got into it with a couple brothers a few weeks ago, the wife said no there are 2, LOL, I think you have the crew thing backwards, I told her unless there are 8 or so it is no problem, ya hit the first as hard as ya can he screams the others run, LOL, for some reason I got out of the car and they started apologizing :cool:
You are so full of shit; that if you ever have a severe case of the runs, that you're going to end up only being 2 foot tall.

You've got to be a teenager; because of all the BS you post.
LIke most teenagers, you think you have all the answers and you don't even know what half the questions are yet.

Thankfully, there's hope for you; because if you live to your 30's, you'll look back and realize how stupid you were.

1. I thought you were a chick, my fuckup I'm sure
2. How am I full of shit
3. I'd give the million I saved to be 30 agian, I just hit 50
1. I thought you were a chick, my fuckup I'm sure
2. How am I full of shit
3. I'd give the million I saved to be 30 agian, I just hit 50
My bad, I thought you were a dude.
The reason you're full of shit, is because you're always gong on about issues that you think you are the only one with the answer for everyone.
Reminds me of an incident of mine, that happened aboiut 13 years ago or so.

I was working for a sub branch of the Dept of Agriculture and every friday, we took our trucks to the carwash, and got them ready for the next week.
This one friday, I was tired. It had been a "long" week and I was glad it was done.
At the edge of town, two lanes merged into one and there was no sign that designated which lane had the right of way.
So I'm driving, I'm in the left lane, and there's a full size pickup in the right lane.
It was obvious, as we approached the stop sign, that he wanted to change lanes, so I slowed down and let him in.
Now it starts.
For some reason, this guy is upset , starts staring at me in his rearview mirror, and then flips me off.
Like I said; I was tired and for some reason this made me laugh and when he sees me smiling, he gets more upset.
He starts yelling at me, in his rearview mirror, and now, I'm LOL.
So he pulls through the stop sign and pulls over. Then when I go through the stop sign, he starts following me.
I drive about 1 mile, pull into the office's parking lot, pull into a parking space, and he pulls his truck across the back of the parking space.
As I'm getting my log book out, and my carry all bag, I can see him getting out of his truck.
This is where it gets even funnier.
I'm 6 foot tall and at that time I was around 230 lbs. I had my hair a little long, I had a beard that was about 1 foot long, land I always wear black.
Now I was driving this little Chevy S-10 and because I was tired; I was slumped down in the sear, as far as I could.
Anyhoo; as I'm unwinding myself from the cab of the S-10, he's barreling out of the seat of his truck. He finally looks at me and it was like his hand was superglued to the window frame of the truck door.
He came to such an abrupt halt, that I actually thought he hurt himself.
I asked him if there was something that I could help him with, being the diplomat that I am, and he starts ranting and raving about what, I don't know.
I'm just standing there looking at him, trying not to burst out laughing, and finally he starts moving back into his truck (he still hasn't let go of the window frame) and in parting he says "I'll remember you", while he's shaking his finger at me.
I kept looking at him and said "Thank you. I't's always nice to be remembered".

He then drives off, in a cloud of dust and a hearthy "HI-HO SILVER" (jsut kidding).
I go into the office and tell my boss and the other guy that I worked with and as I'm telling them what just happened, they're laughing so hard that my boss fell off his chair.

I never saw that young man again; but I think of him fondly, for the amusing memory he has given me. :cof1:

Funny story.

Back when I was in HS my friends and I were hell raisers on the streets of metro Boston. My friend Dan was driving his beat-up Buick through a rotary in Cambridge- and in a Massachusetts rotary the guy with the worst looking car and the best poker face gets the right of way- but this guy in an MG is trying to creep, creep, creep into traffic. As Dan goes by about 25 miles per hour just for giggles he turned his wheel ever so slightly, and his rear bumper hooked the front bumper of the MG and rips it right off. Dan didn't even slow down and kept going past the intersection and pulls over onto the shoulder. The MG guy races up to catch him, stops his car and gets out screaming and cussing: he's going to kick some ass, blah, blah, blah.

So just like you described Dan slowly "unwinds" himself out of the Buick, except he's 6'4 and 210 and just looks down at the guy, then asks him what the problem is. His reply: 'nothing'. :lol: