Don't Piss Off Israel!

Boys and Girls, Israel is giving us a lesson in how to fight a war in the middle east. They are demonstrating how we should be waging the war on Islamofascism, with the intensity and fervor of people on a mission.

This enemy does not understand diplomacy. It is a sign of weakness. The calls for cease-fire are laughable. Simply translated, they mean, "please hold up and let us re-organize, so we can try to kill you again."

This is the time the world should step to the plate and stop the Islamofascists, but just as it was in WWII, the Doves will make everyone wait. Unbelievably, some people still think we could have sat down at a table with OBL before 9/11, and made all our problems vanish. They foolishly believe, if we just fed their poor and helped them, they would like us and everything would be great again.

This problem can be traced back to Biblical times, but the current manifestation came about during the Carter Administration, when the Doves allowed the Shea to fall, and the Ayatollahs began their religious reign in Iran. Fanatics began to conjure up new meaning to Islamic belief, and it has perpetuated and spread across the middle east for the past quarter-century. This is a modern-day Nazism, and we are in the early days of WWIII.
I agree. Good for Israel, they are strong, the can stand on their own two feet. Lets let them be, lets let them fight their own wars, and from now on, lets let them make their own weapons and fund it from their own economy.

Israel is strong, they have fortitude, lets let them fight their own wars, with their own money, with their own weapons, and with their own fortitude. Its their war, lets stay out of it.
Dixie said:
Boys and Girls, Israel is giving us a lesson in how to fight a war in the middle east. They are demonstrating how we should be waging the war on Islamofascism, with the intensity and fervor of people on a mission.

This enemy does not understand diplomacy. It is a sign of weakness. The calls for cease-fire are laughable. Simply translated, they mean, "please hold up and let us re-organize, so we can try to kill you again."

This is the time the world should step to the plate and stop the Islamofascists, but just as it was in WWII, the Doves will make everyone wait. Unbelievably, some people still think we could have sat down at a table with OBL before 9/11, and made all our problems vanish. They foolishly believe, if we just fed their poor and helped them, they would like us and everything would be great again.

This problem can be traced back to Biblical times, but the current manifestation came about during the Carter Administration, when the Doves allowed the Shea to fall, and the Ayatollahs began their religious reign in Iran. Fanatics began to conjure up new meaning to Islamic belief, and it has perpetuated and spread across the middle east for the past quarter-century. This is a modern-day Nazism, and we are in the early days of WWIII.

You're a fucking moron.
Are you two failing to understand who we are at war with? They don't intend to stop fighting it, regardless of how much you try to pretend we are Jesus, and believe the damned Jews can take care of themselves. You do understand, they seek to destroy anyone who doesn't subscribe to their 5th Century Muhammad law? ...and that means US!

I don't like war, and I understand this is a religious war, and that we will never change the fanatical Muslim religious beliefs, they will forever be a problem because they are ingrained into a gigantic segment of people through religious faith. The message that should be made clear, is we will no longer believe in diplomacy when you start blowing our shit up and killing innocent people. As civilized society, we have an obligation to demand the barbaric and fascist tactics of terrorism in the name of religious dogma, be stopped.

I don't know if it's what Jesus would do, but I am not Jesus!
Dixie said:
You're a fucking moron.

Wow Waterhead, that was a great counter-point!
You must have studied at the ib1 School of Pinhead Retort.

Choosing to couter his point is equally as telling.
Dixie said:
Are you two failing to understand who we are at war with? They don't intend to stop fighting it, regardless of how much you try to pretend we are Jesus, and believe the damned Jews can take care of themselves. You do understand, they seek to destroy anyone who doesn't subscribe to their 5th Century Muhammad law? ...and that means US!

I don't like war, and I understand this is a religious war, and that we will never change the fanatical Muslim religious beliefs, they will forever be a problem because they are ingrained into a gigantic segment of people through religious faith. The message that should be made clear, is we will no longer believe in diplomacy when you start blowing our shit up and killing innocent people. As civilized society, we have an obligation to demand the barbaric and fascist tactics of terrorism in the name of religious dogma, be stopped.

I don't know if it's what Jesus would do, but I am not Jesus!

Let me just understand you here. They arbitrarily hate Israel and us, the just want to kill jews and Americans. There is nothing else, not one iota of anything else to this nightmare. They're bad, they hate Jews and Americans, and that's all we need to know right?
Yes, MBL, they sit in their evil lairs all day and laugh maniacally with their plans to rule the world and cover it in EVILE. Isn't that obvious? Human beings aren't complicated! They're just automations that magically fit into Dixie's distorted black and white view of life.
Jamaat-i-Islami - founder, Maulana Maududi, wrote:
"The objective of Islamic 'jihad' is to eliminate the rule of an un-Islamic system and establish in its stead an Islamic system of state rule. Islam does not intend to confine this revolution to a single state or a few countries; the aim of Islam is to bring about a universal revolution.'"

The goal is not confined to the US and Israel ....

What is Jihad?

From Wikipedia:

Jihad, sometimes spelled Jahad, Jehad Jihaad or Djehad, (Arabic: جهاد‎ ǧihād) is an Islamic term, from the Arabic root ǧhd ("to exert utmost effort, to strive, struggle"), which connotes a wide range of meanings: anything from an inward spiritual struggle to attain perfect faith to a political or military struggle to further the Islamic cause. Individuals involved in the political or military forms of jihad are often labeled with the neologism "jihadist".

This does not translate to wiping out Islam.. we still need to defend ourselves but we also need to negotiate. There was a time when Christians went on a Crusade as well .. albeit between the 11th and 13th Centuries ...
The message that needs to go out to the Islamic People is the goal of Peace.. the World must help them overcome their facist leadership and demand it.
Beefy said:
Let me just understand you here. They arbitrarily hate Israel and us, the just want to kill jews and Americans. There is nothing else, not one iota of anything else to this nightmare. They're bad, they hate Jews and Americans, and that's all we need to know right?

well said, beefy.... well said.

the world is a complicated place...and the variety and complexity of human emotion and motivation cannot be successfully addressed by people who live in a black and white world.
Beefy said:
Let me just understand you here. They arbitrarily hate Israel and us, the just want to kill jews and Americans. There is nothing else, not one iota of anything else to this nightmare. They're bad, they hate Jews and Americans, and that's all we need to know right?

Nothing arbitrary about it. They don't just want to kills Jews and Americans, it's anyone who doesn't want to capitulate to their warped view of Islam. I encourage you to "know" everything you can about these people, go read what they have to say in their Fatwah's, don't just accept the propaganda from those who wish to use your stupidity against you. They will most certainly allow us to believe we can negotiate with them, or that we can do something to reach a diplomatic solution. That is merely a strategy, and one they've continually used in the past.
Dixie said:
Boys and Girls, Israel is giving us a lesson in how to fight a war in the middle east. They are demonstrating how we should be waging the war on Islamofascism, with the intensity and fervor of people on a mission.

This enemy does not understand diplomacy. It is a sign of weakness. The calls for cease-fire are laughable. Simply translated, they mean, "please hold up and let us re-organize, so we can try to kill you again."

This is the time the world should step to the plate and stop the Islamofascists, but just as it was in WWII, the Doves will make everyone wait. Unbelievably, some people still think we could have sat down at a table with OBL before 9/11, and made all our problems vanish. They foolishly believe, if we just fed their poor and helped them, they would like us and everything would be great again.

This problem can be traced back to Biblical times, but the current manifestation came about during the Carter Administration, when the Doves allowed the Shea to fall, and the Ayatollahs began their religious reign in Iran. Fanatics began to conjure up new meaning to Islamic belief, and it has perpetuated and spread across the middle east for the past quarter-century. This is a modern-day Nazism, and we are in the early days of WWIII.

I agree and disagree with you Dixie. First, let's say when it REALLY started when the western world tried to colonize the middle east and make deals with tribes that never came through....and when we became involved in staking our claim to their oil for our needs.....imo.

We dealt with these people of Islam that could supply us our oil and manipulated the region, creating countries that never were and taking away countries that had been there forever...putting and taking people from power....

You must be able to recognize this...not because you have to be a DOVE, but because MISTAKES WEE MADE BY US, and we must learn from them.

We supported these Royal Families that we let rise to power, solely for our own purposes, and turned a BLIND EYE to the atrocities that were occurring to the everyday people that lived there.....this is what caused the hatred towards the western world....Israel, wasn't even created yet and we were harming the muslims and arabs that were living there in poverty and dying in poverty, while the royal families sucked in the dough we gave them so READILY....

now you can try to rewrite history, and you can try to justify the UNJUST WAR actions that Israel has taken and that we have taken in Iraq, till the cows come home....and your ilke can scream WAR, WAR, WAR.....because they just hate us for no reason at all, just because we are Jews or Americans till the cows come home too, but anyone with any kind of brain knows that this simple minded thinking or yours will do nothing but MAKE FURTHER WARS HAPPEN.....YOU SUPPORT the movement of the Antichrist that the Bible Prophesies about and NOT the words that Jesus Himself gave us of LOVING YOUR ENEMY, treating him as you would want to be treated.

I think that Israel had a right to attack back and with a fury, for the deaths and the kidnapping of the two soldiers.

But I do NOT think they had the right to continue with this bombing and continue to kill HUNDREDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE that had NOTHING to do with the attacks on israel other than live in Lebanon....


IS THAT WHAT YOU are saying Dixie?

Care, I am not saying the US hasn't made mistakes in the region, as well as other European countries, and all nations, for that matter. These mistakes merely act as a catalyst, an excuse, a justification for the Jihadists. Their motives and intent, have nothing to do with our past mistakes and everything to do with the perversion of Islam.

Simply put, they believe they are doing God's work by eliminating the Jews and Infidels. They believe this is not only mandated in the Qaran, but a necessary requirement for the return of Allah. They believe their deaths are martyrdom for this cause, and they will be rewarded in heaven for killing Jews and Infidels. There is no negotiating with this view, and there is absolutely nothing we can do to appease them.

Yes, we've made mistakes, but if we allow ourselves to start questioning the past and second guessing what is happening in the present, they will prevail in this battle. The spread of Islamofascism is not going to stop until we stand up and stop it. It's not our fault, and we are not to blame, for the perversion of Islam into this fanatical fascist barbarism we know today.
Dixie's belief that the past actions of Europe and the west have "nothing to do" with motivating Islamic extremism is frightening in its inaccuracy. The thought that simpletons like him are anywhere near the seat of decision making for American foreign policy is cause for great alarm.
Israel and Omert are just big fakes. If they were serious they would have attacked Syria and bombed Damascus. Instead they are playing a silly game. The ...I am an tough guy and am being held back by my friends, otherwise I would kick your ass...........LOL But Bush is not playing along.........yet.
Why the now are stopping a a mile into Lebanon? LOL Hold them back??? Guess we don't need to after all.
toby2 said:
Why the now are stopping a a mile into Lebanon? LOL Hold them back??? Guess we don't need to after all.

They've run out of Hezbollah shit to bomb! Israel has no beef with the Lebanese people, they have no desire to occupy the country. The mission is to disarm, disable, and destroy Hezbollah. I think they have done more in 2 weeks than Diplomacy has done in total, to that regard. Don't you?
No Dixie, I think they backed down. Did you not understand my post? They are asking to be held back. They don't want to go into Lebanon now that they found it will not be as easy as they thought it would be.