DOW futures down 360

You don't think the Dow will bring down international markets? That's naive and dumb isn't it? ;)

The Dow could. It won't, at least not to the same depths as the dow will go. It is all rather academic. It will be over 3 decades before I get that money. I am sure it will recover in that time.
The U.S. has lost the ability to control the stock market. Trump has forced China's hand to take the wheel.

Another painfully stupid claim. Do you know who really controls the Chinese market? The US. They hold a large amount of our debt in order to prop up their currency. They allow the exploitation of their people and environment to prop up their factories that produce the cheap crap Western markets demand.

Without us, they will collapse. Europe would collapse. Those who stupidly cheer when our markets drop or correct are partisan morons who don't have the slightest clue how the real world operates.
Another painfully stupid claim. Do you know who really controls the Chinese market? The US. They hold a large amount of our debt in order to prop up their currency. They allow the exploitation of their people and environment to prop up their factories that produce the cheap crap Western markets demand.

Without us, they will collapse. Europe would collapse. Those who stupidly cheer when our markets drop or correct are partisan morons who don't have the slightest clue how the real world operates.

You've read a lot more into what I said than what it actually meant. I'm not cheering the collapse of the Dow at all. Nor do I see any collapse coming. I just see it adjusting down to realistic levels because of the U.S's loss of control.

You're right about the US having a lot of control over China's market, but I think you're failing to understand that the reverse is just as true. So pay attention for a change: China's black market goods has grown to the point at which it's become close to equal US markets in many commodities. Compalints are regulary lodged with China to get it under control and China responds positively to those complaints. And then does nothing. For example, it's now estimated that China's forgeries of Microsoft at least equals Microsoft itself. And that's just one example.

Trump's sanctions against China are totally ineffective. China Inc. written by Fishman in 06 is a little out of date but still applicable. There may be something newer but that book may be the last truthful analysis. Then get back to me when you know what you're talking about and it's not all biased US flagwaving bullshit to make yourselves feel good.

Or if you don't want to learn, just continue to shoot your ignorant mouth off. I'm all for the conversation.
You've read a lot more into what I said than what it actually meant. I'm not cheering the collapse of the Dow at all. Nor do I see any collapse coming. I just see it adjusting down to realistic levels because of the U.S's loss of control.

You're right about the US having a lot of control over China's market, but I think you're failing to understand that the reverse is just as true. So pay attention for a change: China's black market goods has grown to the point at which it's become close to equal US markets in many commodities. Compalints are regulary lodged with China to get it under control and China responds positively to those complaints. And then does nothing. For example, it's now estimated that China's forgeries of Microsoft at least equals Microsoft itself. And that's just one example.

Once again; your claim: "The U.S. has lost the ability to control the stock market. Trump has forced China's hand to take the wheel."

My response is that WE, the USA, dictate the Chinese markets. The Government doesn't control our markets. It merely sets rules to ensure that markets are fair and not rife with criminal enterprise and fraud.

Trump's sanctions against China are totally ineffective. China Inc. written by Fishman in 06 is a little out of date but still applicable. There may be something newer but that book may be the last truthful analysis. Then get back to me when you know what you're talking about and it's not all biased US flagwaving bullshit to make yourselves feel good.

How do I make this simple? The US economy would do just fine without cheap Chinese goods. How would the Chinese economy do without US buyers?

Or if you don't want to learn, just continue to shoot your ignorant mouth off. I'm all for the conversation.

Silly me; why didn't you say you just wanted to hear yourself bloviate? Dunce.
How do I make this simple? The US economy would do just fine without cheap Chinese goods. How would the Chinese economy do without US buyers?

Thanks for stating your position. Now I know I've got you figured right for sure. And that's not meant as an insult.

I'll just say that China's economy will be able to absorb the loss of US buyers and the reason why is because the Chinese people have no control over their government's actions. Not to suggest it's going to happen because the current sanctions are already insignificant to China. China's government has maintained that precaution and therein lies the reason why a democracy, no matter how corrupt as is the case with the US, can't compete with China's ruling elite.

You've become boring and the reason is because you are only trying to make yourself feel better with your patriotism and flagwaving.
Thanks for stating your position. Now I know I've got you figured right for sure. And that's not meant as an insult.

I'll just say that China's economy will be able to absorb the loss of US buyers and the reason why is because the Chinese people have no control over their government's actions. Not to suggest it's going to happen because the current sanctions are already insignificant to China. China's government has maintained that precaution and therein lies the reason why a democracy, no matter how corrupt as is the case with the US, can't compete with China's ruling elite.

You've become boring and the reason is because you are only trying to make yourself feel better with your patriotism and flagwaving.

Gringo jingoism is built upon a massive foundation of denial and willfull ignorance.
Thanks for stating your position. Now I know I've got you figured right for sure. And that's not meant as an insult.

You couldn't "figure" your way out of a wet paper sack. You couldn't insult me if you tried snowflake; I would have to care first.

I'll just say that China's economy will be able to absorb the loss of US buyers and the reason why is because the Chinese people have no control over their government's actions. Not to suggest it's going to happen because the current sanctions are already insignificant to China. China's government has maintained that precaution and therein lies the reason why a democracy, no matter how corrupt as is the case with the US, can't compete with China's ruling elite.

Let me summarize your bloviation above; blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah

You've become boring and the reason is because you are only trying to make yourself feel better with your patriotism and flagwaving.

Fascinating; you think your boorish predictably stupid claims are new and refreshing?

Yeah dumbfuck; I'm just waving the flag. STFU, seriously. :laugh:
You couldn't "figure" your way out of a wet paper sack. You couldn't insult me if you tried snowflake; I would have to care first.

Let me summarize your bloviation above; blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah

Fascinating; you think your boorish predictably stupid claims are new and refreshing?

Yeah dumbfuck; I'm just waving the flag. STFU, seriously. :laugh:

And you think someone cares about your tripe? That's funny.
You couldn't "figure" your way out of a wet paper sack. You couldn't insult me if you tried snowflake; I would have to care first.

Let me summarize your bloviation above; blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah

Fascinating; you think your boorish predictably stupid claims are new and refreshing?

Yeah dumbfuck; I'm just waving the flag. STFU, seriously. :laugh:

We are now at a point where all market gains for 2018 have evaporated. The market now seems to be working to eliminate 2017 gains. One less think for trump to brag about.