DOW futures down 360

We are now at a point where all market gains for 2018 have evaporated. The market now seems to be working to eliminate 2017 gains. One less think for trump to brag about.

So will that make you happy if the 2017 gains are eliminated snowflake? This is a statement for the sad and pathetic state the leftist ideology and Democratic Party of the Jackass find themselves in; hoping for misery and economic collapse just so they can get back into power again. Thank you for illustrating it so clearly and consistently. ;)
So will that make you happy if the 2017 gains are eliminated snowflake? This is a statement for the sad and pathetic state the leftist ideology and Democratic Party of the Jackass find themselves in; hoping for misery and economic collapse just so they can get back into power again. Thank you for illustrating it so clearly and consistently. ;)

You spent 8 years hopeing, praying, for an Obama economic collapse. You have fucking balls to post that bull shit. Now what will trump have left to crow about, and who will he blame the market collapse on? The Fed comes to mind, as Trump, like you, has never taken personal responsibility for anything in your miserable lives.
Gringo jingoism is built upon a massive foundation of denial and willfull ignorance.

Yeah but the obvious facts will cause a little bit to sink in. There is obviously no way the US is going to get away with fukking with China. The reason why we don't hear any US hate being expressed by China or the Chinese people is simply because they don't. They have no reason to hate Americans because they know the US is part of their future and that's locked in now.

China refuses to recognise US copyright, etc. because the Chinese people can't pay that price. China has been reproducing US technology for years for not much more than the price of the medium on which it's printed. No US markets stand a chance in the global economy.

Trump will have been informed by his own economists by now that the sanctions against China have failed. But there's no way the US is going to be able to publicly admit that defeat. What the fuk was he thinking??
You spent 8 years hopeing, praying, for an Obama economic collapse.

Another lie; you seem to be quite full of them snowflake. But I get it, when you are pathological and delusional, you actually believe lies to be facts. In truth, I merely predicted that Obamunism would fail and we suffered trough 8 years of malaise proving that I was right.

Why not answer the question and stop being a prolific liar and coward? Will you be happy if the 2017 gains are eliminated snowflake?

You have fucking balls to post that bull shit.

I wish you had a pair and some brains. :laugh:

Now what will trump have left to crow about, and who will he blame the market collapse on? The Fed comes to mind, as Trump, like you, has never taken personal responsibility for anything in your miserable lives.

I am pretty sure based on all the moronic bullshit you post, you will be the one eating crow. But you're such a brain dead, low IQ dumbfuck, you'll still think you're winning. :laugh:

Why not grow some balls and stop being such a whiny vagina and answer the questio? Will you be happy if the 2017 gains are eliminated snowflake?
Yeah but the obvious facts will cause a little bit to sink in. There is obviously no way the US is going to get away with fukking with China. The reason why we don't hear any US hate being expressed by China or the Chinese people is simply because they don't. They have no reason to hate Americans because they know the US is part of their future and that's locked in now.

China refuses to recognise US copyright, etc. because the Chinese people can't pay that price. China has been reproducing US technology for years for not much more than the price of the medium on which it's printed. No US markets stand a chance in the global economy.

Trump will have been informed by his own economists by now that the sanctions against China have failed. But there's no way the US is going to be able to publicly admit that defeat. What the fuk was he thinking??

Saved for a future time. ;)
Russia Tax Cut strikes again.

DJIA down since the start of the tax cut.

Obama grew the market more over the same period of time.

Obama did it better.
You've become boring and the reason is because you are only trying to make yourself feel better with your patriotism and flagwaving.

Universally true among all Conservative posters here. Their policies and beliefs have no merits or successes, so they are devolving into the fascist losers with daddy issues they've always been deep down.
No you did not. We should have cranked up fed rate earlier and higher. In another crash, we don't have tools to fight it now.

We have plenty of tools. The most important one is just let shit happen. Recessions are an important part of the business cycle whether they make investors happy or not.
We have plenty of tools. The most important one is just let shit happen. Recessions are an important part of the business cycle whether they make investors happy or not.

Fan of laisse fair huh? Very Libertarian a,Greenspandish and Ryanish. It does not work in the real world.
Russia Tax Cut strikes again.

DJIA down since the start of the tax cut.

Obama grew the market more over the same period of time.

Obama did it better.

Yeah I don't know. Not gonna argue that, but at some point this thing is unsustainable long term and all dems ever do if they do anything is bend the trajectory temporally. Incrementalism. Nasty. Insidious. The public is very malleable, pliable. They’ve/we've been desensitized to mass shootings on a regular basis. They’ve/we've been desensitized to endless wars of occupation that economically cannibalize society at home. They’ve/we've been desensitized to the power of the state to murder unarmed citizens in the streets, and now in their/our homes and on the job, with impunity. They’ve/we've been desensitized to the incarceration and separation of nonviolent families into for profit holding pens and corporate for profit prisons with corporate convict labor leasing. They’ve/we've been desensitized to their government supporting three quarters of the world’s military dictatorships. They’ve/we've been desensitized to partnering in genocide with a nation who butchers and liquefies a critical journalist. They’ve/we've been desensitized to twenty two veterans per day committing suicide from “serving” in seven hot active generational shooting wars in Muslim majority countries with no plan other than to occupy. So now we should be ready to take the next step and desensitize them/us to deploying the military out into society and constructing holding facilities on american soil.

Mission creep coupled with increasing economic instability for the majority of the population. And we all see the tensions already. I'm a tad skeptical the system is going to manage this any differently than it has managed populations it found bothersome before. It just wasn't “us” before. There won't be any real inflection point without a demand.

Sustained protracted demand.
Oh, hell, I wasn't, but now I see a silver lining.

Feeling some pain is going to be good for Americans. Two years is about right for the good effects of Obama to be erased and the Trump pain which he's brought to start having an effect. Oh and it closed down 551.80.
Feeling some pain is going to be good for Americans. Two years is about right for the good effects of Obama to be erased and the Trump pain which he's brought to start having an effect. Oh and it closed down 551.80.

Just got a letter today from my financial advisor. He claims the midterms and their outcomes often reflect changes in the market and notes that the S&P 500 index has slipped into "correction territory" (defined as a 10% decline from a recent high) three separate occasions this year. Historically, midterm election years are the most volatile of the 4-year presidential cycle because investors are awaiting the outcome.
Sometimes, market participants conclude that the potential for "political gridlock" (a divided congress) is a favorable outcome as that suggests extreme political or economic measures are unlikely.
Either way, since 1950, the U.S. stock market has displayed a sort of "relief rally" after the midterms, so if history repeats itself, we may see a strong performance through the rest of 2018 and into the first half of 2019. He also notes that a infrastructure spending deal and progress on trade could provide further support for the markets, but warns of any debt ceiling debate or a roll back in the tax cuts could create renewed uncertainty, as can increased (if there can be any more) scrutiny of the current administration.

So, since my investments have done quite well over the last 2 years, I must stay aware of any stupid proposals/decisions the Dems make in the house and invest accordingly.
Bottom line is I haven't felt any "pain" in my investments since Obama left office despite the "correction territory" mentioned above.
Of course I could sell a few of my firearms too, since Dems have a history of increasing their value (as does time). All is good :smile:
Just got a letter today from my financial advisor. He claims the midterms and their outcomes often reflect changes in the market and notes that the S&P 500 index has slipped into "correction territory" (defined as a 10% decline from a recent high) three separate occasions this year. Historically, midterm election years are the most volatile of the 4-year presidential cycle because investors are awaiting the outcome.
Sometimes, market participants conclude that the potential for "political gridlock" (a divided congress) is a favorable outcome as that suggests extreme political or economic measures are unlikely.
Either way, since 1950, the U.S. stock market has displayed a sort of "relief rally" after the midterms, so if history repeats itself, we may see a strong performance through the rest of 2018 and into the first half of 2019. He also notes that a infrastructure spending deal and progress on trade could provide further support for the markets, but warns of any debt ceiling debate or a roll back in the tax cuts could create renewed uncertainty, as can increased (if there can be any more) scrutiny of the current administration.

So, since my investments have done quite well over the last 2 years, I must stay aware of any stupid proposals/decisions the Dems make in the house and invest accordingly.
Bottom line is I haven't felt any "pain" in my investments since Obama left office despite the "correction territory" mentioned above.
Of course I could sell a few of my firearms too, since Dems have a history of increasing their value (as does time). All is good :smile:

Just maintain your confidence level and don't panic if the market dives again. Many millions of Americans were financially destroyed the last time. You're playing with crooked dice, as you likely know, and that means you always need to be cautious of not getting in over your head. Depend on another crash coming eventually. The big money boys depend on lots of little guys like you in order to build their wealth. They will decide when to pull the rug out and all you need to do is be able to foresee it before it happens.

I say that assuming that you're telling the truth that you're heavily into it and you were smart enough to not get badly burnt the last time. Even though it's more likely you're just making up a story to impress people.

Oh, and I'm not a Dem, I'm a Canadian, and a pretty wealthy one at that! As to US standars for the ordinary people that is, because I'm only half way through working on my second million in assets.

Your guns? I couldn't care less if you sell some of them. I'm much more interested in when you'll start to use them on the lefties, blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, or whatever minority?
We have plenty of tools. The most important one is just let shit happen. Recessions are an important part of the business cycle whether they make investors happy or not.

why don't you go study the history of recession in the USA

go see how well "just let it happened" worked out in reality

If you did that you would know just how stupid and failed the Austrian school ( the short bus school) ideas are